Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Online headline: "Spitzer: Prostitution Is Exploitive But I Couldn't Control Myself" -- Yeah, right... what he couldn't control was his ego and wallet, and now he wants to be in control of New York's "ego' and wallet.


"Instant repeat from yesterday... this has to be circulated in order for it to take traction:

Ah... Eliot Spitzer has his eye on the New York Comptroller's office... well, I can see where his perspective of $5,000.00 a hour hookers would give him an edge of watching over pennies from being wasted.


Online story: "Target used a training document at one of its warehouses reminding managers that not all Hispanic employees eat tacos and burritos, dance to salsa or wear sombreros, the company said Tuesday." -- Oh... it's OK for Target to slur Hispanics, but it's also OK to "target" Paula Deen. Oh, the hypocrisy of being "holier-than-thou".


Online story: 'Last week, police in the Chicago suburb of Maywood arrested 18-year-old Alton L. Hayes III, after he and a juvenile accomplice allegedly attacked and robbed a man. Hayes has admitted to the crime and told police he committed the brutal assault because he was angry over the Trayvon Martin case" -- Chicago thugs will use any excuse fir a street riot. The Zimmerman trial isn't over, but Chicago blacks already recognize the truth of the matter. If Chicago thug responses to Bulls and Blackhawks championships are any indicator, I suggest you cancel any vacation plans to Chicago.


Remember Antonio Santiago? He was the 13 month old baby son of a Hispanic man and white woman who was shot in the face and killed by 17 year old and 14 year old black teens over in Brunswick, GA. Where is the mainstream media on this out-and-out hate crime?


How ironic, well, actually more like moronic, is it that Bleep Veep Biden will have words at the memorial service for the 19 firefighters who lost their lives in Arizona? A man who's words are more likely to fuel a fire than heal wounds is being allowed to say anything at a service for brave people who lived to put out fires.


Random thought: Found out something new this past weekend. There's another elevator maker other than Otis. Rode on a Schindler.


Online find:


Originally, the State Attorney declined to charge Zimmerman with a crime. Mainstream media and political babble pressured the governor to appoint a "special prosecutor". Just confirms the adage "the public is generally wrong".


The prosecutor is not the ringmaster of the Zimmerman trial circus... he's a clown. He has nothing to prove Zimmerman is guilty of 2nd degree anything, much less murder, so he's just trying to rattle the jury.


The Florida Supreme Court should order the Special Prosecutors to refund their pay received for prosecuting George Zimmerman on the basis of 'ineffective representation' of the facts.


Headline News coverage of the Zimmerman trial revealed their true bias. Constant "pauses" in the middle of defense witness testimony, and the constant display of the 12/13 year old picture of Trayvon Martin.


Am watching a panel of liberals on Headline News trying to decipher the testimony of probably the most influential forensic gunshot expert in the world. They are trying so hard to justify Zimmerman's guilt in spite of overwhelming testimony that Martin was on top, leaning forward.


When you think about the student loan debt now surpassing credit card debt, every retail business needs to rework their future sales plans. Huh, you're thinking. Well, with students graduating jobless and financially devastated, they won't be able to get credit cards, and they won't have any cash/disposable income.


When you look at what Judas 00-bama did illegally (delay parts) to give "Big Business/Oil" a break on starting ObamaCare, why didn't he include small business and the unemployed?


If the world was logical, you would think African-Americans would choose to be politically represented by an elephant than a jackass.


I've about concluded that spaghetti sauce makers have are not paying attention to the best use of their product. From my experiences, spaghetti sauce is the primo organic fabric dye. I think I'll just start rubbing spaghetti sauce on all the light colored shirts that have been victim to my eating habits.


Major H*s*n is about to go to trial. He ought to be at Gitmo. In fact, the military should send him there as long as he demands to grow a beard for his trial.


It's taken 4 years for Major N(_©_) H*s*n to come to trial. Now we hear it will take a month for the military to select a jury/panel of 6 to hear the testimony.  I sure hope it doesn't take another month to decide which form of death sentence he'll get. My favorite will be modeled after sharia law... Dismemberment ala sharia law, piece by piece... starting with toes & fingers.


Scary.... There are more people receiving food assistance (101 million) than there are people working full time (97 million).


How incredible is it that both of the escape chutes on the Korean jet that crashed opened up inside the jet rather than outside. Guess the union boys installed two left side chutes on the right side of the plane.


McClatchy headline: "California prison officials say 30,000 inmates refuse meals" -- Well, I hope the California prison officials are smart enough not to cook & waste 90,000 meals a day.


Online headline: "Tom Walsh: Will Detroit go bankrupt? Orr says the answer may already be in the cards" -- Well, it's certainly already on the financial books. Of course, Detroit has been morally bankrupt for years.


You know, liberals are always blasting Republicans for trying to force their moral judgements on everybody else. Of course in doing so, liberals are trying to force their moral judgements on everybody else. By the way, both sides should stop and let God do the judgements.


So the MCSD has finally decided on another choice for Superintendent. While we we wish him to be successful here, let it be known he tried for a similar job in his own system... unsuccessfully. Maybe Polk County is telling us something... either that he has problems, OR... OR, the Polk County School District has the same disease the MCSD board has.. it either doesn't recognize local resources or just has it against local resources.


One good thing is the MCSD looks like it can save some money from the git-go.. in salary for the new Superintendent. You don't make as much as a "Mr." as you do as a "Dr.".


L-E story on new City Service Building's Council Chamber: "“It’s very nice. It’s got everything you could want,” Mc-Daniel said, looking around the new chambers. “I just hope the taxpayers like it,   because they paid for it.” *  But McDaniel said there was one improvement he would have added to the place. *  “I just wish they’d let me bring my old chair over with me,” he said. " -- Red's right, we paid, but none of the Council should forget, we get to vote again. As to his chair, that would have been nice, but even more concerning is that his chair didn't make the cut for use in the Recycling Center.


Well, the new Council Chamber may be a multi-purpose room perk for employees with reserved parking. It looks like it's going to be the best equipped TV sports bar in town. Looks like every seat has a great view.


MSNBC and CNN news are wannabe Fox News competitors. They might have more success if they stopped living up to their reputations of "fair-to-middlin" and "mediocre at best".


L-e story: "WASHINGTON — In an initiative aimed at rooting out future leakers and other security violators, President Barack Obama has ordered federal employees to report suspicious actions of their colleagues based on behavioral profiling techniques that are not scientifically proven to work, according to experts and government documents." -- So now Judas 00-bama thinks he's a movie producer, and his first venture is "1984, the sequel".


Judas 00-bama just submitted James Comey to head the FBI. 00-bama says Comey once refused to sign a document authorizing an illegal search. Guess Judas 00-bama thinks not signing anything that can be traced back to you is a smart thing.


L-E story: "A glitch involving President Barack Obama’s health care law means smokers may get at least some relief next year from tobacco-use penalties that could have made their premiums unaffordable." -- Hmmm, either that or Judas 00-bama saw the recent report of the decline in smokers and realized that the tax revenues on tobacco sales to pay for healthcare initiatives could go to zero if smokers quit altogether to afford ObamaCare.


Random question: How will same sex married couples know which one is the nagging wife, and which will get the final say-so on decorating their home?


L-E story: "Last week’s constant rain has delayed work on repairing the entrance and exit ramps leading into the Columbus Convention & Trade Center’s parking deck, * The ramps needed to be replaced because a drain collapsed beneath them, dropping the surface about four inches, Bevans said * Workers removed the driveways, replaced the collapsed drains and are in the process of pouring new concrete ramps" -- Excuse me, but what is that definition of insanity? Why are the drain pipes being put back under the driveway ramps?


L-E story: " Former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez was “argumentative” and slammed the door on police during their first encounter following his friend’s death, according to court records." -- Huh? What;s wrong with Boston Police? No one is upset that the Bomber Brother #1 was buried in American soil, and now, the Police is upset that Hernandez was 'argumentative'? The man is being investigated on 3 murders or more!


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