Sunday, July 7, 2013

Online headline: "Soccer Referee Killed And Quartered By Fans In Brazil After Fatally Stabbing Player" -- Hmmm, maybe we should allow illegal Brazilians into the country to be jury members in Chicago street killing cases. There'd be no wimpy sentences which should clean up the streets.

Online headline: "Soccer Referee Killed And Quartered By Fans In Brazil After Fatally Stabbing Player" -- Hmmm, maybe we should allow illegal Brazilians into the country to be jury members in Chicago street killing cases. There'd be no wimpy sentences which should clean up the streets.


Online headline: "Bryan Brothers Win Wimbledon Men's Doubles Final, Hold All Four Grand Slam Titles At Same Time" -- This is jut neat... and it reminded me of the 1933 Southeastern Amateur Golf Championship match... my Dad, 16 at the time, beat his Dad in the 36 hole finals, 3 & 2. Family finals are special.


Former Congressman Gabby Giffords is out on a tour concerning gun control.. Gun control is not the answer she or anyone else thinks is the solution. We have laws, more laws, sub-laws, and even more than enough bad laws covering the purchases of guns; what we need are better convictions and more death sentences for felons who use guns in crimes.


Online headline: "Oregon unveils plan for tuition-free college" -- This is not what it seems.. it's not about tuition.. it's about ever increasing taxes and bottomless pit permanent  salaries and pensions for tenured state employees.


Online headline: "Annual bull-running festival kicks off in Spain" Oooops, my bad. Thought Judas 00-bama called for another G-8 meeting so he could take his family on another vacation.


Saw the window sticker/decal I have to get for my SUV. You've seen those round ones  with 26.2 or 13.1 to indicate a distance runner? I saw one that's perfect for me.....0.0.


L-E headline: "Two white teenagers wanted for questioning in connection with Historic District arson" -- Guess the L-E and Mayor Obamalinson wanted us to know that the two weren't black. It doesn't really matter, though, as most, if not all, of Columbusites want the same thing... criminals to be caught and dealt with in a manner that they will never want to or be able to commit another crime.


Did you know that the prosecutors of Zimmerman are "special prosecutors"? Does special mean the same at prosecutorial school as it does in Public School? Additionally, if this is what we get when a "special prosecutor" is appointed, do we want one branch of government appointing one to investigate another branch of government? How about the ABA putting up a website with good private sector attorneys, their records & political connections, and let "us" pick one as a "special prosecutor"?


GoAIR has announced it's going to replace all male attendants with smaller females to save weight. While GoAIR is at it, why not replace the pilots with jockeys?


Ever thought about how damaging the ObamaCare regulation is to exempting workers from being provided healthcare insurance? Now employers are rewarded for expecting workers to do full time work part time. It basically gives big employers incentive to basically reduce hourly employees' earnings by 25%.


Did you know that if you neuter your dog, you can then buy him a set of ' neuti-cals' so he won't feel emasculated. Well you can.. Wonder if they can give a set to the judge in the Zimmerman debacle?


L-E headline: "Atlanta schools getting full-time police officers " -- Hmmm, there are too many jokes in this to know where to start.


There is no way the public will get behind a new SPLOST for the MCSD at this time. The last one was filled with gluttonous demands that were not even thinkable in bringing in the needed revenue, and what has been brought in has not been spent prudently. In fact, now would be a good time for a open discussion on how short the revenues are, and what is being done to spend it fairly and smartly.


Random (and much needed) question: If there should be a total separation of church and state as advocated by liberals, why are liberals trying, demanding, that government dictate what churches and individuals believe is God's definition of what a marriage is?


From Council's Agenda in the L-E: "First readings - An ordinance requiring elected officials and all departments of the consolidated government to seek Council approval for expenditures exceeding budgeted appropriations; and for other purposes. (Councilor Berry “Skip” Henderson) " -- What! While it's a much needed tool for accountability, the question is how was Council allowing such activities to be unchecked until now! Heads should roll for department heads that didn't have their budgets in check.


Online story: "Egyptian Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit said he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, where the US President told him that He was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, the step son of Muslim stepfather, that his half brothers in Kenya are Muslims, and that he was sympathetic towards the Muslim agenda. * Aboul Gheit claimed Obama told the Arabs to show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic issues, like the Health care reform, he would show the Muslim World how to deal with Israel." -- Hmmm, this goes along nicely with Judas 00-bama being caught on video telling the Russian Prime Minister to tell his boss he would be "more flexible" after the election. We know this is a fact as 00-bama has worked out a deal to bring in Russian soldiers when we have a disaster here, and God knows 00-bama is a walking disaster area.


If you haven't read this L-E article, make it your goal today. Will Johnson and the youth and youth director of the First Baptist Church of Columbus, GA are my heroes and inspiration for life in the future: 


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