Tuesday, July 9, 2013

In total, the 500 largest global corporations reported $30.3 trillion in 2012 revenue, nearly a 3 percent increase from the year before. Yet profits fell 5.5 percent to $1.5 trillion. " -- In circumspect, Judas 00-bama's reckless spending of adding $7 Trillion dollars of debt to our country's world obligation in the last 4 years have basically outspent the earnings of the best 500 companies in the world. The world has basically dug a deeper hole for the last 5 years.

Online story: "In total, the 500 largest global corporations reported $30.3 trillion in 2012 revenue, nearly a 3 percent increase from the year before. Yet profits fell 5.5 percent to $1.5 trillion. " -- In circumspect, Judas 00-bama's reckless spending of adding $7 Trillion dollars of debt to our country's world obligation in the last 4 years have basically outspent the earnings of the best 500 companies in the world. The world has basically dug a deeper hole for the last 5 years.


Online headline: "Study Finds Another Reason To Raise The Minimum Wage" -- Ooops, my bad. Thought the bought DUMBERat voters were threatening a 'walk out' for the 2014 elections.


Online headline: "Law Firm Representing State Department Whistleblower Burglarized" -- Hmmm... deja vu Watergate... Ah! Now we know what the NSA really stands for.. Nixon's Still Alive!


CRAPital ONE is still running (_°_) B*ldwin ads. In fact there was a new one on last night. It's pathic a gay bashing , child abuser still maintains his party "A-list" ranking. Either that or the Vikings no longer want to associate with him.


I could stop the eating strike at Gitmo in one day. Just give them an option... either eat the food given them daily or have pork chops pureed and fed to them via tubes.


If Judas 00-bama thinks the military taking over for Morsi is OK because the people want it, what is our military waiting for?


Remember when CSU built its new Student Spa Center? I remember a CSU spokesperson saying how charging all students a mere $125.00 per semester fee would pay for it. Guess what. that fee is now $265.00 a semester, and it's also charged to students taking nothing but online classes who can't park on campus to use it.


From the "only in California" department - On;line story: "SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California lawmakers approved a bill Wednesday that would require public K-12 schools to let transgender students choose which restrooms they use and which school teams they join based on their gender identity instead of their chromosomes." -- Doesn't this just discriminate against all students who don't consider themselves transgendered? Why not just make all the restrooms communal, and let the golf team all hit from the ladies' tees?


From a fellow BCer... as the Btitish media see Judas 00-bama:







I hate to admit it but we do have to thank FDR for something very important... the 22nd Amendment. If he did as good a job as the mainstream media and the DUMBERat mantra says, we might have to be looking at 00-bama running again in 2013


Of note is that of the first 10 states to ratify ( 2 states did so within 7 days after it was proposed), 9 voted for Obama.


I'm not sure why anyone is surprised that Judas 00-bama is going to trust those who voted for him to declare their proper income when applying for ObamaCare exchanges.


ObamaCare is imploding... but Judas 00-bama knows that the more Obamaphone owners who get enrolled on the insurance exchange programs the harder it will to be rolled back. Without having to provide info/data about personal coverage, they can sign up for such subsidized exchanges; thus his desire to delay his own bill. Stop him Congress!


I'm beginning to believe that people don't run red lights on purpose..it's more like they couldn't read so they missed the instructions in their driver's manual.


There are do many high priced ad programs claiming donations to 'them' will be the best way to help soldiers and their families that I find it hard to comprehend that most of the money is getting to the desired sources.


With Jimmy Carter, we got rid of the Shah but got the Ayatollah; with Hillary, we got Benghazi, with Judas 00-bama, we got Morsi. Let's hope we won't get Farrakhan.


From a fellow BCer: "Heard this on Redeye talk radio last night.  "It doesn't matter where he was born, it is where he is living that's the problem."-- Yep, you guessed it.. he was talking about Judas 00-bama.


Wanna take bets as to whether passengers on the Korean airplane due Korea or Boeing?


I am really curious... why do the mainstream media and Congressional DUMBERats feel the every student is entitled (there's that new "eN-word" again) to student loans? Sure, some banks may take a signature loans out on a student enrolled in a specialty professional-type job in medicine, but just enrolling in school for a liberal arts, or general business degree doesn't guarantee a job, much less one that may start at a high salary. Most businesses would rather hire someone who has worked his/her way through school, earned a degree, and starting out debt free.
Instant repeat from yesterday... this has to be circulated in order for it to take traction:
Ah... Eliot Spitzer has his eye on the New York Comptroller's office... well, I can see where his perspective of $5,000.00 a hour hookers would give him an edge of watching over pennies from being wasted.
Why does the MCSD insist on using a dog & pony show format for hiring a superintendent? Already, whoever is hired and 'us' know the this superintendent was not the first choice, and how many others withdrew their names from consideration, and we'll never know how many who didn't apply because of the current and past antics.
R.I.P CPD Captain Jack Long. You served well.
The L-E has hired a new writer to cover Auburn football. Yep, just what Auburn needed... coverage by a UGA alumnus.
Knew it was too good to be true... for the last several weeks, the L-E's "Foreclosure Section" had shrunk down to 8 pages... today it's rebounding back to 12.

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