Tuesday, August 13, 2013

HuffPost headline/story: "Governor Signs Controversial Voter ID Law * The bill will require voters to show photo identification -- a driver's license, passport, veteran's ID, tribal card -- beginning in the 2016 elections. Student IDs are not an acceptable form of identification. The bill also reduces early voting by a week, eliminates same-day registration, ends pre-registration for 16-and-17 year-olds and a student civics program" -- DOH! What's controversial about protecting the rights of the citizens and the sanctity of laws of the state and country? No wonder even Judas 00-bama says not to believe everything you read in the HuffPost.
Online headline: "Hillary Clinton Slams Contentious N.C. Voter ID Bill" -- DOH! A vote for her is a vote, whether or not the voter is legal.
Online story: "Potential 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton kicked off a series of speeches on Monday with a call to combat what she called an "assault on voting rights." * She spent most of her 45-minute talk to about 1,000 members of the American Bar Association assailing a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling striking down a significant part of the Voting Rights Act and discussing what she sees as "deep flaws in our electoral system" as it relates to racial discrimination at the polls." -- If Clinton were truly worthy of national leadership, she'd demonstrate some concern for everybody's right to know their votes are being compromised/off-set by illegal vote casters.
Mainstream media is outraged at a the Missouri rodeo where a clown dressed up like Judas 00-bama. Mainstream media called it a total embarrassment. Question: How do you embarrass a man who's already disgraced himself, his country, and Obamarats in general?
Online story: "WASHINGTON, Aug 12 (Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force will shut down its space surveillance system that tracks satellites and other orbiting objects by Oct. 1 due to budget constraints caused by automatic federal budget cuts known as the sequestration, it announced Monday. * Deactivating the system by Oct. 1 would save the Air Force Space Command $14 million annually starting in fiscal year 2014. * Commander of the Air Force Space Command, General William Shelton, said the system - which has been in operation since 1961 - was outmoded and that newer technology will provide more accurate observations." -- "was outmoded"? Hooray for Sequestration! Sequestration is actually a good thing... it's saving unnecessary expenditures, and  bringing to light outmoded programs that should have been ended decades before.
Online story: "A Siena College poll released Monday finds that 68 percent of New York State voters and 62 percent of New York City voters are embarrassed by the national attention Weiner and Spitzer are receiving for their candidacies. The poll reached out to 814 voters with a 3.4 percent margin of error." -- How embarrassing! 2/3rds of New Yorkers are embarrassed by the national attention Weiner and Spitzer have generated. It should be 100%.
In a BuzzFeed Brews interview on Monday, New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner (D) told BuzzFeed Editor Ben Smith that he knows what wife Huma Abedin's role in Hillary Clinton's potential 2016 presidential bid will be." -- Hmmm, Bill's intern?
Online story: "Attorney General Eric Holder's call for "sweeping" changes to the way the Justice Department handles drug offenses Monday drew praise from lawmakers and civil rights activists. " -- The only "sweeping" change that needs to be made is "sweeping" Holder out of office, past "GO" and "straight to Jail". Same for any lawmaker who agrees with him. It's Holder's job to uphold all laws, not pick & choose and editorialize about them.
Online story: "California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a groundbreaking bill which will allow transgender youth to use whatever bathroom and participate on whichever sports team they believe matches their gender identity. " -- Hmm, wonder how many "transgendered" healthy teenage boys (there are still some of those in California) will be signing up to be the towel/locker room  manager for the girl's swimming team?
Online headline: "You must now be 18 or older to buy nail polish remover from CVS" -- Hmmm, but not to buy "Plan B". Guess we can expect a civil rights suit by 'transgendered'  Little League boys who don't want to be seen wearing nail polish while on the field...
Condoleezza Rice missed it, and now even Bill O'Reilly has missed the point..he says Putin has insulted all Americans... Putin was only showing the disrespect Judas 00-bama  has earned.

Online headline/story: "Judge Rules NYPD Stop-and-Frisk Practice Violates Rights  * Finding that New York City's so-called stop-and-frisk program amounted to "indirect racial profiling" by targeting blacks and Hispanics disproportionate to their populations" -- Hmmm, but is it disproportionate to the amount of CRIMES committed? The only crime would be if whites were frisked just to balance out the ratios.


With crime spiking in the last 6 months, the funds being dispersed by the Crime Prevention Office need to be scrutinized more closely. The first echelon of supervision demanded programs show measurable results before funds were given. Now funds go out with no accountability for results. One of the worst of these is the Jr Marshals program where the main distribution of funds go to politically appointed personnel. Council needs to revisit its guidelines.


L-E headlines: "Two men suspected of choking juvenile on Cusseta Road" and "Juvenile shot in foot on First Avenue" -- These kids were 14 and 16 , and were attacked in the wee hours prior to daybreak. What were they doing then... on their way home from Mid-Night basketball?


L-E story: "In a strongly worded ruling on Monday, a federal judge has divided the remaining money in Columbus real estate closing attorney Michael Eddings’ trust account between two lending institutions, two mortgage companies and two individuals. * It is the latest legal chapter in a nearly two-year saga that has resulted in the downfall of one of the city’s busiest real estate attorneys. * There have been more than $1.5 million in claims filed in federal court against Eddings. * The judge distributed $472,949.34 that was in the account the day it was frozen. * The matter is a civil proceeding, and no criminal charges have been filed against Eddings. He faces possible sanctions from the State Bar of Georgia." -- Huh! A million dollars is missing, no criminal charges have been filed, Eddings is still practicing, and it's considered a "civil matter"? Ain't nothing "civil" about out-and-out THEFT, so why is this man allowed in court other than as a defendant?


McClatchy headline: "Obama suggests next Fed chief should focus on jobs," -- DOH! And how does the next Fed chief do so... he/she won't be able to lower the interest rate as it's about 'zero' as we speak, and printing up more money just keeping filling the Wall Street 'balloon' to the nearly achieved bursting point.


McClatchy headline: "Scientist, FDA: Don't worry about radioactive fish" -- Hmmm, yeah, especially if you're a night fisherman.... the fish will be easier to spot because they will glow.


McClatchy headline: "Improved Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft is now part of president’s escort" -- Hmmm, yeah, we know... Judas 00-bama gave one to his dog, Bo, and Bo's personal $100K poop-picker-upper for their vacation travel. In your face Kanye!


One thing for sure, the economy on Martha's Vineyard sure is taking a shot in the arm... Judas 00-bama's vacation rental alone would jumpstart most local economies, but on Martha's Vinyard, the Secret Service agents are roomed in $345.00 per night rooms, and Bo, 00-bama's dog, and Bo's $100K-per-annum poop-picker-upper are flown over on a separate Osprey copter/plane.


How can the top Obamarat of the Senate make such a racist statement without Judas 00-bama denouncing him?  I guess because 00-bama probably told him to say it. Harry Reid is disgraceful.


On a personal note: "Lord, Give Chuck Williams the power to hold his breath until his daughter Carmen leaves Detroit, and at least one good night's sleep in the mean time.


A better informed voter's L-E "soundoff": "Not one citizen voted for Obamacare. A Democratic congress voted it in without even reading it. You don’t buy a Rolls Royce when your budget covers a used Yugo. " --  A lot of truth here, but not absolute. Congresspersons are citizens (though they most got lost in a politics moment) The Senate did 'Reid" it; Pelosi just ran it through the House unread on the floor. Regardless, the Obamarat Congress abandoned its charge of protecting the citizens and Constitution.


L-E headline: "Cabinet members urge state lawmakers to act on Obama agenda *
  Sebelius and Foxx say Republican opposition hurts middle class " -- The Republican Party supporters ARE the middle class! How does mainstream media keep printing this propaganda.
Oooops... mainstream media has missed it again... the economic indicators that defy the drivel that the Judas 00-bama spinmeisters spew out... the L-E Foreclosure Section has grown back.

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