Sunday, November 17, 2013

Online headline/story: "Joan Jett Kicked Off Thanksgiving Day Parade Float Because She's A Vegetarian * New York's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is seeing quite the squabble as Joan Jett has been ousted from the parade's South Dakota float due to her vegetarian lifestyle * According to the website, Jett's no-meat ways and involvement in the People for the Ethic Treatment of Animals group -- which "condemns factory farms and ranches" -- was enough for ranchers to protest her appearance on the float. Jett is also an outspoken PETA activist and has even recorded vegetarian testimonial PSAs for the group. * Instead of representing the state that is "so heavily reliant on agriculture and livestock production, Jett will be moved to a different float." -- Gimme a break... Macy's is going to be the real "turkey" for allowing a 'celeb' who puts drugs, but not turkey, in her to be the talk of the parade.
From the "proving my point" department - Online story: "WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — A bathroom fight Friday among football players from Winston-Salem State and Virginia State during a CIAA championship game luncheon left the WSSU quarterback beaten and charges filed against a player from the other team. * The conference announced that the title game set for Saturday in Winston-Salem has been canceled. * CIAA commissioner Jacqie Carpenter lamented the loss of the championship weekend. The conference consists of 12 historically black colleges and universities in Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Virginia." -- Like I said, the problem is not racism... it's culturism.
Ha Ha Clinton-Dix......Bama football player or insider Obama joke?
The NCAA football rules committee needs to grow a set. A Georgia linesman was rushing a punter and leaped up into the triad of blockers in front of the punter and got a personal foul called. BS! WHY Not just change the game to 'touch/flag', and require all players be required to keep one foot on the ground at all times.
When UGA blocked a field goal, I was waiting for a ref to call illegal contact with the ball by a lineman.
Hmmm, you know, if I wanted to kill someone and get away with it, having a plane would be a great start.. Just load an unconscious person on board, take off, climb to 2,000 - 3,000 ft, put on the auto-pilot, go back, open the door and push the body out over the ocean. Then fly for 30 or 45 minutes more, send out a "mayday" call, land the plane, tell the story about your passenger opening the door and falling out, and stick with your story.
You know..we can learn new things about old things at any time. One such time happened this week. A fellow Bcer sent a story about the son of one of the 6 soldiers mortalized in the Iwo Jima flag raising describing each of the six men to some school children. He talked mostly about the post-war pains of the six, but the one new thing I learned was that the artist put 13 hands raising the flag pole. 12, of course belonged to the six. The 13th .... Was the hand of God. Please don't tell Judas 00-bama... he might shut down the National Park.
Oregon's the first 3-time winner of the ugly uniform award.. Oregon must really try...either that or Nike designers are bored. I gave Northwestern a "pass" on its uniforms this week. The execution was aghast, but you have to give tolerance and credit when a liberal university makes any effort to demonstrate patriotism and concern for our soldiers.
I hear Judas 00-bama wants to make a dental plan a part of 00bamaCRAP... it's gonna be called 'Bite Me'
I tell you what... having been a "subscriber" of www.barackobama/ for the past couple of years, it's a wonder that we have a two party system at all. E-mails encourage 'subscibers' to make this their first, if not only, option for 'news' and 'The Truth'. Judas 00-bama's campaigm slogan has progressed from "Hope and Change" to "Dope and BS"
Super low info voter's L-E "soundoff": "When Obama makes a mistake he mans up and offers an apology. What a contrast to the proud and arrogant who consider an apology to be “beneath the dignity of their office.” - "Obama... mans up"? I never thought I would use this acronym in the Breakfast Club ramblings.. ROFLMAO... What we need is for Obamarat voters to "man up" and vote immoral miscreants out of office when they make mockery of personal responsibility and accountability.
Online story: "Last year, the Maryland NAACP released a report concluding that "the ready access to a lifetime of welfare and free social service programs is a major contributory factor to the crime problems we face today."(1) Their conclusion appears to be confirmed by academic research. For example, research by Dr. June O'Neill's and Anne Hill for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services showed that a 50 percent increase in the monthly value of combined AFDC and food stamp benefits led to a 117 percent increase in the crime rate among young black men" -- Well, well.. and what is Maryland's "favorite son, Mr "don't mess with Joe" Biden doing about it?
Remember the ABC's Wide World of Sports opening monologue as the ski jumper flew catawhompusly off the ski ramp... there's new footage available for a rebirth of that show... Auburn snatched Victory out of the Jaws of Defeat yesterday.
L-E headline:" Half a century later, JFK conspiracies still thrive" -- You know, I do not think there is a way for anyone to change my mind that LBJ was a part of Kennedy's assassination. As a Senator, LBJ was probably the most diabolically powerful Senator in our history, and the death of Kennedy was going to be the only way he could become president.
L-E story: " CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — NASA hopes its newest Mars spacecraft lives up to its know-it-all name. * The robotic explorer called Maven is due to blast off Monday on a 10-month journey to the red planet. There, it will orbit Mars and study the atmosphere to try to understand how the planet morphed from warm and wet to cold and dry. " -- "the planet morphed from warm and wet to cold and dry"? Hmmm, obviously Algore's assertions are baloney.. The facts demonstrate a cooling off of the sun which enabled Earth to cool to habitable and Mars to barrenness.
L-E headline: "Georgia Power seeks to raise earnings" -- Though a bit corny, "More POWER to them... NOT"! This is what happens when you have a unionized monopoly "quasi-business governed by a government bureaucracy..GA Power has learned that it can get rate increases without having to find ways to streamline and cut expenses, so it does this.What's even more maddening is that GA Power will run excessive ads telling "us" what good guys they are, then use that expense as a reason it needs a rate increase to cover the costs.
That Toronto Mayor... maybe he should seek asylum in Washington, DC.. heck, he probably could become a mayor again there.
With the wave of street deaths and shootings, even the L-E leaving out such details, everyone knows that the common denominator is drugs. Why does Mayor Obamalinson want to cut Public Safety's budget. What she needs to do is stop diverting the revenue from the Public Safety LOST to unmonitored and less than successful "programs" in a attempt to buy votes for re-election.
Karl Douglass, L-E columnist that the L-E refuses to identify as a paid working member of Congressman Bishop's re-election staff, wrote, "I believe that basic healthcare is a right, not a privilege" -- Excuse me...what Article of our Constitution states that? Speaking of this, when is the L-E going to offer equal editorial time to Congressman Bishop's next opponent?
Curiosity makes me wonder if the statue of Hank Aaron at Fulton County stadium will also be moved to Cobb County..
L-E story: " Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who played a central role in the government’s response to the financial crisis of 2008-2009, is joining private equity firm Warburg Pincus LLC." -- And who is investigating how much Warburg Pincus LLC benefited from the actions of Timothy Geithner? Even if nothing but indirect benefits were realized by Warburg Pincus LLC, Geithner should not be able to accept a job/compensation there.
L-E headline: "Obamas, Clintons to visit JFK gravesite" -- Hmmm sorta Biblical in nature, don't you think... a martyr between thieves/robbers.
L-E headline: "Bomber kills 6 in Kabul after tentative U.S. deal announced" -- Wow, those Afghanis really know how to celebrate.... NOT!
Auburn's Ricardo Lewis could commit out-and-out murder in Alabama any time in the future and no jury will convict him... such is the fortune of being in the right place at the right time...
Clemson is 9-1 this season so far, but that means nothing since FSU demolished them on national TV.
L-E commentator's headline: "Mr. President, you lied — repeatedly" -- Whoa! Contrary to your probable first reaction, this is not a commentary headline of Fox News or John Boehner or Newt Gingrich nor even Steven Colbert or Bob Mahr nor even a rerun of SC's Joe Wilson at a State of the Union speech... this is from Mr Leonard "Mr Tunnelvision" Pitts! What's sad is that Pitts would still vote for Judas 00-bama again (and if he had time, again and again) in another election.

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