Saturday, April 5, 2014

Dueling online headlines: 1 - "North Korea's chilling remarks directed at US" -- Sorta like Duke not swatting Mercer in the first half of the game, and as the game progressed starts thinking it's "the little train that could".
2 - "US has a warning for China" -- Sorta like Goliath facing off with David but Goliath has bought up all the 'stones".
Online headline/story: "ATM Spits Out $37K To Homeless Man * The Maine man was using his own bank card to withdraw cash using the "cash advance" feature. According to WGME, he reportedly made more than 50 withdraws before police intervened. The ATM should have cut him off but apparently didn't because of a code error." -- Wanna take bets it was a government issued EBT ObamaCard... and sorta printed its own money?
HuffPost headline/story: "Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Obama Administration In Drone Strike Attacks *
A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Obama administration officials over the 2011 drone-strike killings of three U.S. citizens in Yemen, one of them an al-Qaida cleric." -- Liberals get excited for the wrong reasons. The HuffPost chalks this up as a win for Judas 00-Barnum, but in reality, a conservative Bush appointed judge dismissed it because she thinks the defense of the nation should be left to Congress and the executive branch, not judicial activism.
HuffPost follow-up story: "A grand jury in San Francisco has indicted a prominent Democratic California state senator on charges of corruption and conspiracy to traffic in firearms, according to court documents released on Friday. * The indictment adds to the troubles facing state Senator Leland Yee, who was arrested and criminally charged along with two dozen others in the same case last week. It details numerous examples of alleged corruption, and says that the onetime candidate for mayor of San Francisco accepted cash from an undercover FBI agent seeking to purchase illegal weapons" -- Yep, can't have rogue politicians trying to compete with "fast&Furious">
HuffPost headline: "Kerry: US Reconsidering Role In Mideast Peace Talks" -- Is this one he was for it before he was against it.. or vice-versa?
HuffPost headline: "US Creates 192,000 Jobs In March, Unemployment Rate Holds At 6.7%" -- I'm amazed at how optimistic the mainstream media can be over 192,000 jobs being created in a month, while 315,000 new 1st time unemployed file for benefits in one week.
Governing on the fly is a high speed train wreck. OObamaCRAP redefined the work week as 30 hours so businesses responded with the 29 hour week. Judas 00-Barnum raised minimum wages, so businesses stopped mercy and teen hiring. Judas 00-Barnum declares junior management must be paid overtime, so businesses revoked their titles, and shut down opportunity for junior management to work harder to get ahead. Looks like what the 192,000 "created" jobs last month are really 192,000 people taken on to fill the man-hours businesses created when frontline employees were cut to 29 hour jobs, and junior management was cut back to less than 40 hours.
Online story: "The Environmental Protection Agency proposed a rule changes in January that would dramatically tighten emissions requirements on new wood-powered heaters, though does not impact ones already in homes. * The EPA estimates that as much as 13 percent of all soot pollution in the U.S. is a result of inefficient wood-fired stoves and boilers." -- You know, wood stoves themselves are probably as efficient as they can get, so Judas 00-Barnum must be after God to grow more efficient trees.Hmmm, after basically shutting down the coal industry, sounds like Judas 00-Barnum is going after the forestry business.
Online headline: "Missouri gun company to sell 'New York-compliant' AR-15 rifle" -- Good grief.. why can't politicians just make a law that only non-felonious criminal cannot own or use guns rather than continually harass legal gun-owners? Oh... that sorta law has always existed.. just not enforced properly by the courts.
CNN story: "Until recently, scientists had only identified six basic human emotions: happy, sad, fearful, angry, surprised and disgusted.* In a new study published this week in the journal PNAS, Aleix Martinez, an associate professor at Ohio State and his colleagues have identified 15 additional "compound emotions." * These compound emotions are all distinguishable from one another, the researchers say. For instance, "happily surprised" is very different from "fearfully surprised" or "happily disgusted." -- Good grief, some junior professor and his "buddies" have parsed the basic emotions into 15 more... well, he ain't so smart.. I thought of another one.. "PO'd" that his/their salaries are paid for by tax dollars!
Online story: "President Obama’s brain trust on Afghanistan does not know much the U.S. spends on the war each year or the American cost in lost lives on the battlefield" -- Three of Judas 00-Barnum's "experts" on Afghanistan (James F. Dobbins, State’s special representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan; Donald Sampler, assistant to the administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development, which provides civilian foreign aid; and Michael Dumont, deputy assistant secretary of defense for Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia) went before a Congressional committee, and could not/would not even estimate the total annual budget for the war in Afghanistan, nor knew even a ball-park figure on the number of American soldiers killed or wounded in the last 12 months. Not only is this pathetic, it's also prophetic.
Online headline: "Sharpton, Uninformed but Ready with Accusations Against NYC Cops" -- You know, if Sharpton were even concerned over the truth (or facts), there would be no Al Sharpton in front of a camera.
Online story: "The chairman of the Boulder Faculty Assembly at the University of Colorado said he feels a blog post written by Steven Hayward, the school's first-ever visiting scholar of conservative thought, borders on hate speech." -- You know, the fact that Steven Haywood can be identified as the University of Colorado's "first ever visiting scholar of conservative thought" condemns the agenda and curriculum of the entire University of Colorado. Colorado parents should revolt at what has been allowed to happen at their state's top tax supported educational institute.
The movie trailer said, " You've never seen a "Noah" as portrayed by Russell Crowe". I'll buy that... especially since Crowe played a "Noah" that no Bible has ever portrayed.
Received an e-mail from a Las Vegas group of lawyers offering cost free applications for Social Security benefits if you're between the ages of 30-65 and aren't/don't work: "Unable To Work? See If You Qualify
It's as easy as completing the form above! * If you need to apply for disability benefits, reapply, or appeal a decision - you are entitled to a free NO COST / NO OBLIGATION evaluation. * Disclaimer: THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT. Advertising is paid for by participating attorneys and advocates. The site is not an attorney referral service. This website is privately owned and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Social Security Administration or any other government agency. The promotion of this website is sponsored exclusively by professional Social Security Attorneys and Advocacy Groups, in effort to provide services to the public for Disability issues." -- And 1% of lawyers wonder why the general public has so little respect for lawyers as a group...Lawyers... heal thyselves!
Online headline/story: "Legal pot in Colorado hasn't stopped black market * DENVER (AP) — A 25-year-old is shot dead trying to sell marijuana the old-fashioned, illegal way. Two men from Texas set up a warehouse to grow more than they would ever need. And three people buying pot in a grocery store parking lot are robbed at gunpoint" -- Well, as Gomer Pyle might say... Surprise-Surprise-Surprise......NOT! Did Colorado voters believe just legalizing the sale of marijuana would make the street market go away? The truth is, the street market will "grow" as the populace is no longer under state supervision for possessing such. The reason is that buying it at licensed retail outlets has escalated the cost.. taxes, overhead, profit margins and such that have to be recorded and reported will make buyers seek lower cost outlets who aren't paying overhead and taxes.
For the Atlanta Archbishop to spend $2.2 Million on a house that can bring close to $4 Million when it's sold sorta flies into the face about what we non-catholics are taught about their oath of poverty. I guess it's all in how you "parse" poverty.
Interesting correlation: France has some of the highest tax rates, one of the highest entrepreneurial dispatriation rates, and one of the highest suicide rates. There are no coincidences... nor can Judas 00-Barnum spin this for anything but what it is.
Online quote source: "“There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” - Nelson Mandela" -- Hmmm, no wonder Judas 00-Barnum tried so hard to distract the world at Mandela's funeral.. his whole entitlement agenda could have been exposed!
You know.. if the NCAA tournament started with only 32 teams, or even only 48 for that matter, there would probably be a contestant or two still in the running for the Buffet Billion Dollar Bracket Bash. Think of what that would have done for the ratings of the Final 4.
The DNC has a petition to sign to send to Paul Ryan about his budget. Not gonna sign it, but I actually agree with the DNC that Ryan needs to "zip it" on his personal agenda which gives the Democrats and mainstream media issue distracting fodder.
Online headline/story: "Moran: Members Can’t Afford to Live Decently in D.C. * Despite what constituents outside of Washington might think, members of Congress are underpaid, a House Legislative Branch appropriator suggested Thursday. * Virginia Democrat James P. Moran said he plans to highlight the injustice by introducing an amendment to the Legislative Branch bill during its full committee markup, and at floor consideration of the bill. Moran made the comments while the bill that funds members’ $174,000 salaries was being marked up in the Legislative Branch subcommittee. * “I think the American people should know that the members of Congress are underpaid,” Moran told CQ Roll Call. “I understand that it’s widely felt that they underperform, but the fact is that this is the board of directors for the largest economic entity in the world.” -- Good grief.. James P. Moran, D-VA doesn't even have it half as hard as most Representatives.. he doesn't NEED a second residence in Washington, DC as he's close enough to go home nightly, and doesn't have the expenses ordinary small business owners have such as to buy licenses, pay staff and assistants, pay for haircuts and shoe shines, have traffic ticket immunity, liability . Now, what would be enlightening would be for House and Senate members to have to live under the rules they impose on the rest of us.
L-E story: " In the race for Columbus Council District 9, incumbent Judy Thomas touted her experience Friday, while her challenger Felicia Hamilton said it’s time for new blood at a candidates forum on Macon Road." -- Hmmm, time for new blood... I agree.. unfortunately Ms Hamilton is not running against Mimi Woodson, Mayor Obamalinson, or Evelyn Turner Pugh. FTR, Judy Thomas has my full support... all Councilpersons need to adopt her passion and dedication.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " I doubt to the extreme that any campus in America has a police department more efficient than CSU. They can patrol my campus any day." -- Sadly, I agree.. never seen or been on a campus anywhere/any time that where the "Campus police" were fully qualified to secure one.
Another LIv's L-E "soundoff": " In descending order of intelligence: moron, imbecile, idiot, fundamentalist. Next subject, please." -- Hmmm, musta learned this in public school.. the list has been rewritten, and liberal & Democrat voter were left off the end of the list.
L-E story: "NEW DELHI — An Indian court on Friday sentenced to death three men who raped a photojournalist inside an abandoned textile mill last year in Mumbai, India’s biggest city. * A fourth defendant was sentenced to life in prison, prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam said. He said he asked for the death sentence under a strict anti-rape law introduced following public outrage over a fatal gang rape in New Delhi in 2012. * The three men were also found guilty last month of raping a call-center operator at the same abandoned mill in July 2013, a month before the attack on the photojournalist. Nikam described the three as habitual offenders." -- For sure, only defendant #4 will have a chance at additional recidivism and if he does, India will know not to let any of the (_*_)s off the next time.
It's sad when people turn to the natatorium and Whitewater as reasons to denounce Columbus' inclusion in the "10 Most Miserable Communities". Both venues were built at a cost basis that neither will ever return positive dollars to our economy.
L-E story: "Americans thinking about buying health insurance on their own later this year, or maybe switching to a different insurer, are probably out of luck. The policies are going off the market as a little-noticed consequence of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul. * With limited exceptions, insurance companies have stopped selling until next year the sorts of individual plans that used to be available year-round. That locks out many of the young and healthy as well as the sick and injured, even those who can afford to buy without government subsidies. * The health care law allows insurers to keep selling all year. But it also creates the conditions prompting them to stop." -- "little known consequence" of OObamaCRAP? Good grief, the known ones were bad enough, and now this...

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