Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Online story: " A man taken into custody near the Boston Marathon finish line late Tuesday, the anniversary of the deadly pressure cooker bombings, had a rice cooker in his backpack and was being charged with possession of a hoax device, police said. * The man was stopped by an officer who saw him acting suspiciously, including walking down the middle of a street barefoot in pouring rain, Police Superintendent Randall Halstead said. The man dropped the backpack and told the officer it contained a rice cooker, he said." -- Boston is getting what it deserves! The Bomber Brother #2 still being alive gives other wackos "courage" to pull copy-cat stunts to get their 15 minutes of fame. BB #2 should have been publicly hung or put in a steel box with an IED in it.
Remember all those baseball games when you felt the umpire needed glasses? You were probably right. It appears that MLB umps can't get some calls right with instant replay.
HuffPost headline: "Miley Cyrus Hospitalized for Severe Allergic Reaction" -- Yeah, her skin is allergic to being over exposed to flash photography.
HuffPost headline: "Jan Brewer Signs Bill Allowing Snap Inspections Of Arizona Abortion Clinics" -- The nerve of her.. Abortion Clinics have a right to be notified 2 weeks in advance so they have achance to be in compliance.... NOT!
Online story: "The Detroit Land Bank Authority's Building Detroit auction site initially lists several city-owned homes in East English Village, a residential neighborhood on Detroit's east side, with starting bids of $1,000 each. The auction for each property will last one day only, with staggered dates in May. * The catch? Unlike the thousands of properties in the county's foreclosure auction each summer, a winning bidder in the Building Detroit auction must agree to bring the home up to code within six months, and then actually live in it." -- Hmmm.. So Judas 00-Barnum's bailout of the unions at GM and Chrysler didn't really work at all, did they? Guess this could be called, "Clunkers for Cash - the Sequel", or "OObamaCRAP too"
Online headline: "NYC's Iconic Small Businesses Are Vanishing" DOH! Between Mayor Bloomberg banning soft drinks, sugar and fat, and Mayor deBlasio banning frisking of street thugs, and merchants getting mauled by City taxes.. what did NYC expect?
L-E story: "Since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 went missing, some lawyers have claimed they can get several millions of dollars in damages for each lost passenger by taking the cases to the United States. But past lawsuits show U.S. federal courts are more likely to throw such cases out if the crashes happened overseas." -- "past lawsuits show U.S. federal courts are more likely to throw such cases out"? "more likely"??? Good grief... just when you thought federal judges and lawyers had already reached the bottom of the scum bucket..
L-E story: " General Motors revealed in court filings late Tuesday that it will soon ask a federal bankruptcy judge to shield the company from legal claims for conduct that occurred before its 2009 bankruptcy." -- Good grief! We taxpayers have already been beaten out of over $10 BILLION that Judas 00-Barnum left on the table when he cashed out the stock "we" got for the bailout to begin with, and now GM wants to avoid responsibility of things it knew about but didn't try to fix when we bailed it out? NO WAY! How about letting us taxpayers decide on the federal judge who hears GM's plea.. we surely don't need a federal judge that is "more likely" to sympathize with GM.
Online "headlie": "Conservatives Lash Out At Rand Paul Over Foreign Policy" -- Wrong! Moderates, maybe, but not conservatives.
Online headline: "Jimmy Carter Hits Hillary Clinton, Obama On Foreign Policy" -- Hmmm, well, that pretty much that explains the "thrown shoe"... it also explains why the shoe missed its tr-arget.
What timing.. Studies at Harvard & Northwestern say even casual use of marijuana causes brain abnormalities. Guess that explains why Judas 00-Barnum & Holder think marijuana is OK... they've been using it too long.
On the other hand, maybe Harvard will do another study on the effects of porn, and rescind teaching its "Pornography Class".
L-E headline: "Obama has silent moment for Boston bombing" -- Now, if we could just get him to be silent on healthcare, racism claims, and foreign affairs.
I'm curious.. Since OObamaCRAP had ended open sign ups for this year, how can the 40 million of the 47 million who were uninsured get covered this year?
A new report says identity theft is most doable when social security numbers are accessible to many eyes. Your tax forms, and credit card apps were the biggest problems, but 00bamaCRAP expects to dwarf those in the near future.
You know, I understand a lawyer bring charged with doing the best he/she can in representing the best interests of Bomber Brother 2, but, BUT don't tell me the lawyer has a right, has an obligation to claim his client is innocent. Americans already have to endure, and are willing to endure the process out of respect for the freedoms our Founding Fathers fought for to prohibit government tyranny ( hmm. How come we have such in the situations in the IRS, in Nevada, with Elian Gonzales, Waco, and Ruby Ridge?).
Pric Holder claims Congress picking on him is racially motivated because no AG had ever been treated this way. Does the name Ed Meese come to mind? Holder also says Judas 00-Barnum is treated uncivilly because he's black..OK, then what's Holder's explanation why mainstream media and Judas 00-Barnum still blame Bush43 for 00-Barnum's policy failures?
As tough as it is to screen terror related aliens at major airports, wouldn't it make sense to expect our government to be more concerned about the unattended borders to our North and South?
Have you ever thought about WHY Judas 00-Barnum is making high paid corporate executives the target of his purge? Aren't high paid income earners' taxes funding his vote buying give-away programs?
We're approaching the first Boston Marathon since the Boston Bomber brothers terrorized Boston. I wish there were more organizations raising hell about Bomber Brother 2 still being alive rather than raising money to support fundraisers' salaries.
Judas 00-Barnum.. he draws lines for our enemies then wusses out, but let an American citizen challenge his Bureau of Land Management, and he sends in his troops. Who is Judas 00-Barnum?
Speaking of the Nevada situation.. who knew Judas 00-Barnum was so concerned over people paying their taxes.. it didn't seem to effect the people he appointed to his staff and Cabinet.
L-E headline: "SHERIFF: WOMAN SHOT, BEAT BOYFRIEND WITH DUMBBELL" -- Hmmm, how'd they tell the difference... sounds like there were more than one 'dumbbell' there.
L-E "fractured headline": "Sub searching for jet to make deeper dives" --- Hmmm, and why would anyone want a jet that could dive deeper?
You have to wonder, even hope, whether or not Kathleen Sebelius was enrolled in OObamaCRAP. She has a pre-existing condition caused by being thrown under the bus.
L-=E story: " Columbus Council Budget Review Chairman Skip Henderson doesn’t want council to make the same mistake it made last year, one that allowed a multi-million dollar health care deficit in fiscal 2014." -- Hmmm, more importantly, Columbus taxpayers don't won't to make the same mistake it made in the election in 2010 when Mayor Obamalinson won.
I hear there's talk of trying to re-establish minor league baseball here, again. You know, with the established quality of baseball we already have in Columbus/Phenix City, at all levels, there aren't many fans who will come out for a Low-A, even a top-A level of play.

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