Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sometimes you see/find info you that is meaningless, other times, sometimes an inane piece of info sorta explains a lot. Did you know Kim Il Sung's birthday was/is April 15? We have a connection with the North Korean people. They have as much right to hate April 15th as the working citizens of America.
HuffPost headline: "Obama sends harsh warning to N. Korea" * Obama sends harsh warning to Putin" * Obama sends harsh warning to ASSad" * Obama sends harsh warning to Libya" -- Do you think a pattern is emerging? Do you think this could be the next ad series campaign for Verizon... "Is anybody listening?"
HuffPost headline: "Dolphins are smarter than previously thought" -- Well... smarter than the liberals studying them on a federal grant, and smarter than the American taxpayers who quietly foot the bill.
E-cigarettes...? What are they really about.. I can see them as a desperate crutch for people who at least recognize that they need to quit smoking, but what's the reason that some people start "smoking" with e-cigs?
My God.. how can Judas 00-Barnum... or more likely, Jay Carney, face any veteran, active soldier wounded in war, active soldier serving in a combat area, family member of a soldier,any press reporter, including mainstream media ones, and say "I care." after the story about what's been going on at one of VA hospitals?
Online quote source: "“These men ask for just the same thing, fairness, and fairness only. This, so far as in my power, they, and all others, shall have.” -Abraham Lincoln " -- Shouldn't this be emblazoned on every wall in every VA facility we have?
Online story: "Laborers’ International Union which represents a half-million construction workers is lambasting President Obama over the latest delay on the Keystone XL pipeline, six years after it was initially proposed, saying that the administration's announcement on Good Friday that it was putting off a decision, possibly until after the midterms, had politics written all over it." -- 'politics written all over it"? The Labor union better have that "stuff" it's "written with" analyzed... that's oil from the bus damage caused when Judas 00-Barnum threw them under it.
Online story: "Attorney General Eric Holder canceled a speech to a graduating class of police cadets in Oklahoma City on Thursday, after crowds of Oklahomans flocked to the ceremony to protest his appearance." -- How arrogant!.. A graduating class of police cadets being sloughed off because Pric Holder doesn't want to stand up in front of this body who have entered a job field laced with eminent dangers, and explain why he's not going to prosecute people arrested for laws the new police officers will be putting themselves in harm's way to protect everyday citizens.
I have a pertinent question about how the Mayor calculates the Public Service areas since the second LOST was approved. We were all told that 70% of this LOST would be supplemental support to our Public Safety needs, and fill in the Public Safety "wants". Does the current budget proposal give the Public Safety areas the same "weight", the same "percentage" of the main budget as Public Safety was receiving before the second LOST revenues started coming in? Let's review ALL of Mayor Obamalinson's budgets in this regard.
L-E story: "
A reader/responder of the L-E Online made a good point about excessive sales taxes effecting people's buying habits and capabilities, but LOST revenues combined only generate $60-$70 Million of the projected $263 Million of Mayor Obamalinson's "excessive spending plan" (it is not a "budget" when it's proposed with a planned revenue shortage). The MCSD SPLOST also currently takes another $30-$35 Million out of our pockets. Throw in Mayor Obamalinson's rampant spending patterns on projects that will never bring in a positive revenue flow, yet ongoing expense will rise, and you have a "perfect storm" for Columbus being the next Detroit.
WTVM9 headline: "Harris Co. teacher and son arrested on marijuana, firearm charges" -- Good grief! I imagine the teachers' union will demand she be put on "paid leave" or just be temporarily reassigned to another subject than she was originally assigned... hmmm, how about "Sex Ed" or Shooting Coach?
Minneapolis just eliminated "Columbus Day" as offensive to Native Americans to celebrate Columbus being credited with discovering America. It's going to be renamed "Indigenous People's Day". Hmmm, wonder if federal employees will lose it as a holiday.
A fellow BCer has passed along a 4-sentence summary.. well, no, explanation of the 2,700 page OObamaCRAP bill:
1. In order to insure the uninsured, we first have to un-insure the insured;
2. Next, we require the newly un-insured to be re-insured;
3. To re-insure the newly un-insured, they are required to pay extra charges to be re-insured;
4. The extra charges are required so that the original insured, who became un-insured, and then became re-insured, can pay enough extra so that the original un-insured can be insured, free of charge to them.
(This is called “redistribution of wealth” … or, by its more common name, SOCIALISM.) -- It really can't be expressed any more clear or succinct than this.
John Boehner ... Whatta joke.. cut from the same bolt as Trent Lott and Bob Dole, and just as childishly foolish in his leadership style. He should be uniting the party. We know Judas 00-Barnum "leads from behind", but Boehner all to often leads WITH his behind.
The number one book on Amazon is by a French Marxist economist suggesting an 80% tax rate on incomes above $500K... not to raise revenue for the government , but to penalize and eliminate the wealthy. Hmmm, makes him selling his book for a profit seem a bit, no, a lot hypocritical.
From the "huh?" department - Online story: "Cover Oregon on Friday became the first casualty of the state-run ObamaCare exchanges, as officials formally gave up the fight to offer residents a state health care portal. Instead, Oregon, which has been hemorrhaging millions of dollars on a barely functioning website that has failed to sign up a single person, is turning to the federal government for an out." -- Oregon "is turning to the federal government for an out"? Isn't the government WHY Oregon left? How do liberals determine who is electable among themselves?
Talk about prayers' being answered...a short while ago, I asked if anyone had knowledge of what kind of revenue has been generated by the super discriminating indoor tanning salon tax.. Well, Fox had the info available today..$114,000,000.00 SHORT or expectations. Unfortunately, Judas 00-Barnum is happy.. he's generated previously non-generated revenues (and even lower than wanted doesn't defuse the glee of getting millions of previously untapped revenues), and reduced the revenue and profit, and the likelihood of such businesses to stay 'ongoing'.
Online headline: "Watch as Jon Stewart COMPLETELY humiliates Nancy Pelosi – AWESOME!" -- Hey, you're gonna have to have something tougher to do than just this to get my attention. Pelosi humiliates herself daily.. Stewart should just let the Democratic elite just say what they wish and he can get paid for actually doing little or work... which is the Democratic goal.
Some woman from NC was hopping mad because 4 other people were wearing "bandit" version of her Boston Marathon bib. She foolishly posted an Instagram picture of it online, so she got what she deserves, and next year the Boston Marathon officials should ban her from participating, and all the security reviews should be scrapped and some sorta "bib" check should be incorporated before runners can line up.
Online story: " If it seemed as though some scenes of CNN's documentary series "Chicagoland" were coordinated by Mayor Rahm Emanuel's City Hall and the show's producers, that's because they were. More than 700 emails reviewed by the Tribune reveal that the production team worked hand in hand with the mayor's advisers to develop storylines, arrange specific camera shots and review news releases officially announcing the show." -- Hmmm.. sounds like the same way CNN handled Saddam Hussein so the staff could stay on Saddam's A-List of party invitees.
A fellow BCer sent me a Powerpoint show about "snow".. One of the quotes that jump out is "Life isn't fair, but it's still good". Think about it.. think about what that means to you, and how liberal elites miss the point. Their guilt over having a life drives them to pound what they perceive as "victims" of life to be angry at not having the life that liberal elites have. Wanting that for others in itself is not a bad thing, but to demand that the majority of Americans who don't have the life of an elite liberal, and are happy with being able to do things by and for themselves, pay for the liberal elites' guilt is just wrong.
Interesting question: In future custody case, especially in states where marijuana has been legalized ( minimally decriminalized), drug use of one parent had a pretty hefty impact in discussing a parent's rights to raise a child. Now that marijuana can be legal, are children of divorces, children of poverty going to be sacrificed because removing children from houses where marijuana is always present (but abuse of it cannot be shown/demonstrated) is no longer a valid reason to challenge 'custody' on?
Interesting thing you find by cruising: All 50 states treat animal abuse as a felony. Partial birth abortions are legal in all 50 states. What's with this picture ?? In a word..everything.
Good grief! There are Fox commentators still referring to a UCONN basketball star's claim of going to bed hungry as gospel. BS! If he ever has, it was because he read his schedule and thought "Gourmet Cooking" was a crip course he could skip and still get an "A".
What's different about Council District 7? Well, other contested districts do offer a viable alternative to the incumbent...Have you "googled" Xavier M. McCaskey ?
Isn't it strange that atheists' and agnostics' denial of God's existence don't target Muslims, Buddhists, Islamists, Jewish, Wiccan, for that matter, any other religious belief other than Christianity?
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Hearing that 46 percent of Columbus residents feel unsafe walking alone at night just makes me wonder why the remaining 54 percent are stupid." -- "stupid"? Nah.. just disappointed that the 46% they see as victims are smart enough to stay home.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Governor Deal refuses to expand Medicaid to the working poor. For three years the federal government pays 100 percent, and 90 percent after that. If you’re sick and die without insurance, your blood is on his hands." -- "working poor"? "federal government pays"? This has got to be a field worker from an entitlement office.. no compassionate person would ever belittle a person working to help themselves, and only a government employee would think, much less tell someone, that the government has money of its own to pay for things.

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