Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Pope is a "big, no, the world's BIGGEST "twit"! Warning:This has no inference that God endorses my statement anymore than He endorses the Pope's "tweet" - Online story: "Pope Francis took a hard stance against inequality on Monday in a tweet sent from his official Twitter page: Inequality is the root of social evil. - Pope Francis (@Pontifex) April 28, 2014 * Could it be that the Pope is weighing in on the fervor sparked by French economist Thomas Piketty's current bestseller, Capital in the Twenty-First Century? * The Pontiff’s warning comes months after he called unfettered capitalism “a new tyranny” and urged global leaders to fight growing income inequality in his first major written work as pope. * He laid out the platform for his papacy in the 84-page document last November, attacking the “idolatry of money” and calling on politicians to guarantee all citizens “dignified work, education and healthcare.” -- This guy, lives in the seat of pomp and luxury, heads the world's wealthiest and best endowed institution, but casts aspersions on basically every God fearing Christian on Earth! The nerve of this guy.. yes "this guy"...( no more titular adoration or respect from my lips). He is endorsing politicians as the cure for political evil... Capitalism,.. individual free enterprise.. is not the root of evil.. the real root is those who want to accumulate other people's harvests of the efforts they've made, take more than their share and garner support by promising something, an inadequate something, for little or no effort.

Ironic note to above: The French author of what could be the 21st Century's rewrite of Marx's concept had his new book sell out on Amazon... AT GREAT PERSONAL PROFIT for the writer, the publisher and Amazon.. Ain't capitalism hell? Hmmm, wonder if the author is going to tithe to this pope?

HuffPost headline/story: "Amtrak Launches Pilot Program Allowing Dogs And Cats On Trains * WASHINGTON -- In a historic victory for the taxpaying pet owners of America, Amtrak announced on Monday that it would begin a pilot program allowing riders to bring their furry friends on board. * The program, launched in conjunction with the Illinois Department of Transportation, will begin next week and last for six months. For the price of $25, passengers traveling between Chicago and Quincy, Illinois, will be able to bring Fido or Princess along for the ride." -- Hmm.. somehow, you just had to know that Chicago politics were involved. With all the inner city street murders, and better computer documention/coordination with the election office, the Democrats need another source of importing extra voters in for future elections.

HuffPost headline: "Elgin Baylor's Lawyer: Donald Sterling Threw His Gum At Me" -- Today, CA Senators Feinstein & Boxer will introduce new tougher anti-gum legislation.

HuffPost headline: "Rutgers students protest Condoleezza Rice speech" -- Does this not sum up the decline of BOTH the education and Civil Rights movement? Where is the search for truth in the education system? Where is the protection of the rights of an accomplished black leader? Where is the protection of the exchange of ideas? Where is the impact of the 1st and 14th Amendments?

Rick Santorum... put a sweater in it! We've had a cardigan sweater lover in office..got the t-shirt.. we don't need a president who thinks a sweater vest defines leadership, either.

Isn't the furor of all races being offended by the rants of the Clipper's (_*_) owner wonderful? Everybody but mainstream media and Judas 00-Barnum get it that this is not really a racism problem, it's stupidity problem of an out of touch. Everybody id offended by his words, his thoughts and his stupidity. America should be celebrating that no one.. nada, zippo people defend anything but his right to rant as he has.

Online headline/story: "LERNER UNDER FIREContempt charge would be 'un-American,' lawyer says * Last May, Lerner refused to answer questions at a hearing about IRS agents singling out tea party applications for extra scrutiny. She again refused to answer questions in March, citing her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. * The Oversight Committee voted earlier this month to hold her in contempt. All Republicans voted in favor and all Democrats voted against" -- "all Democrats voted against"? Isn't the ill of this country staring you right in the face? Name one Democrat who voted against charging Lerner with contempt who will individually put in writing that he/she doesn't think..even feel, Lerner should be responsible and accountable to the people for her acts and knowledge.. ESPECIALLY since she outright VOWED that she was completely innocent. That said, what can she incriminate herself with?

Senator Kerry... Kerry just made Judas 00-Barnum transparent.. Apartheid.. how much longer can the Jewish population support the Democrat agenda?

WRBL3 headline: "Egypt sentences 683 to death in another mass trial" -- Oooops, thought we had found out where Judge Wapner newest gig was.

WRBL3 story: "OZARK, Ala. (AP) - Unionized civilian workers who provide maintenance and support for aircraft at Fort Rucker have voted to go on strike. * The Dothan Eagle reports about 2,900 workers were to begin striking Monday after union members Sunday rejected the latest contract offer by L3, the civilian contractor serving the Alabama Army post." -- Watch Judas 00-Barnum cave to the unions once again. You know.. here is probably the solution Judas 00-Barnum desperately needs to cure his legacy woes. It's a made-to-order (executive order?) Reagan moment.. FIRE 'em! Draw a "red line" and cross it! Wonder what the Las Vegas odds are that this will happen.

WRBL3 story: "ATLANTA (AP) - Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal says he's considering requiring applicants for unemployment benefits to undergo drug testing." -- Hmmm.. seems fair.. drug testing is required for state jobs, so why not for state assistance?

WRBL3 headline: "Michelle Obama announces jobs website for veterans" -- Good grief! OObamaCRAP hasn't even been fixed, and Kathleen Sebelius is out there. What are they thinking!

The ninth homicide victim of 2014 died on April 28 in the Midtown Medical Center, says the Muscogee County Coroner." -- Hmmm April is not even over and we're already at 9 homicides.. at minimum we're on a death watch of possibly 27 for 2014, amd the summer months haven't even kicked in.. Yes, Mayor Obamalinson.. you're right on top of the crime problem.. but you can't bury it under "averages"!

Online headline: "Ohio is increasing the dosage of the lethal-injection drugs it uses in executions." -- Yes! Let's make sure they aren't able to vote again in the future!

Online story: "At least 4 percent of those sent to death row in US are innocent, researchers say" -- What liberal BS! I don't care what the subject polled, the margin of error will be a minimum of +/- 4%.. What this means is that the surveyors will not go out on the line and suggest 8% is a figure consider, but that realistically, "0%" is a lot closer to the truth.

From the "suspicions confirmed" department - Online story: "NEW YORK — Republican Rep. Michael Grimm was indicted Monday on federal charges of tax evasion and perjury for allegedly hiding more than $1 million in revenue from a New York City restaurant he owned where, prosecutors said, he also hired undocumented immigrants. * Grimm, a former FBI agent who has been under federal investigation regarding campaign contributions, said he is the victim of a "political witch hunt" and said he would not resign his seat." -- I've always contended that a New York Republican is not a Republican at all. A true Republican would resign when faced with such distractions that have merit. What this is, like the L(_*_) Clipper owner's situation, is another diversionary opportunity to misdirect much needed focus on Judas 00-Barnum's scandals.

L-E story: "TORRANCE, CALIF. — After more than a half-century in Southern California, Toyota announced Monday that it is moving its U.S. headquarters from Torrance to Texas. * Mayor Frank Scotto said he's "saddened" by the decision, adding that officials did everything they could to keep the Japanese car giant in the city." -- Hmmm, "officials did everything they could to keep the Japanese car giant in the city"? Well, the mayor, California as well, should have thought about all that before they did everything they could to run Toyota off.

HuffPost headline: "Harvard College Faces Probe For Alleged Mishandling Of Sexual Assault Cases" -- Oooops, my bad.. thought they were finally going to investigate Ted Kennedy.

Minimum wage....you know while there is a federal minimum wage law, no employer is required to use it as a ceiling wage for new hires. To whit, no employee is obligated to take a job at minimum if they feel they can do better. So why the flap.. it's just a Democratic Party campaign issue to divert attention from real weak Democratic Party positions. In fact, it's a Democratic Party tool that they don't want to pass.

Like I say occasionally... I find things by accident.. this time as running errands for our upcoming wedding. Remember when Mayor Obamalinson bought the Liberty Apartments down on 9th Street for $1.7 Million? She basically bailed out a real estate group from a huge loss. The apartments will never, even with government rent assistance, have rental income to justify $1.7 Million in tax dollars being expended. She covered the butts of a political entity she needs the support of to get re-elected.. well, at least hopes she has the support. Speaking of "hope", we sure could use some "change" with that.

There's a "secret"... an unmentionable " secret" going on in the MCSD board. A previous board decision to strictly enforce out of county , out of state fees for students, whether children of teachers or not, is not being strictly enforced. The new candidates running for the board should demand all these records be produced by the Superintendent.. now!

Speaker Boehner should have gotten a wake up call this weekend when Juan Williams came out supporting his mocking Republicans on immigration.

Tornados at any time of day are scary, but when you can only hear the impending doom roaring in the darkness, it's mind terrorizing. Survived one myself in the 60s at college.

Put this in your "must see" list...."God's Not Dead". Fictional composite story but really great message without being a 'message' movie'.

Good grief! Now medical ads are trying to sell us stuff for dog ailments. One, Trifexus, a cocktail combination for multiple dog concerns, yet one of the contraindications is that the side effects could cause depression. What's it covered under "Bo"-bamaCRAP?

LIV's L-E "soundoff: " Tell me, Gov. Deal: Will faculty be required to pack heat when you speak at Columbus State’s graduation? If professors have never owned or fired a handgun, will the state cover their training?" -- Nah.. it's purely a volunteer option.. one guaranteed, already, by our Constitution. And it's important for college professors to know since they have a penchant for snuffing out students and guest speakers rights guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment.

Another LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Humans: The only species that kills animals for pleasure and trophies" -- Good grief! How insensitive of this liberal.. describing Muslims and terrorists groups as human since they get pleasure at killing and beheading other people.

L-E headline: "OBAMA LAYS OUT HIS FOREIGN POLICY DOCTRINE" -- Hmmm, and Putin will simply draw a "red line" in front of it and Judas 00-Barnum won'r dare cross it.

L-E headline: "Mayors to captain dragon boat teams" -- Well, Mayor Obamalinson should be a shoe-in to win.. she's a real dragon.

I hear another state has introduced new legislation to declare high school "cheerleading" as a sport. The sponsor says it will make hiring a qualified coach and supporting common sense safety issues mandatory. HUH! The sponsor of this legislation needs to be certified as whether he/she is "qualified" or in possession of ANY "common sense".
Extra prayers for cities in Mississippi please. Heard the names of several towns and cities where my former MSU b-ball teammates were from.
Oh! Saw a "Bing!" mapping car parked in the driveway entrance of Dunkin Donuts on Veterans yesterday.. Guess it was stopping for directions.

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