Friday, April 11, 2014

Judas 00-Barnum's spinmeisters are out praising 00-Barnum's decision to send American troops to Eastern Europe under UN command. That should tell you what a fiasco it's going to be.
HuffPost headline: "U.S. Warns Russia Of Tougher Sanctions Over Ukraine" -- You know... parking tickets are written for cars bearing diplomatic plates all the time in Washington and outside the UN building, but no country pays any attention to them because the US and NYC governments aren't going to win in a battle over them.
You know, when liberals clamor about the separation of "church and state" , they certainly don't consider church vans used to transport voters to one or more precincts or states a violation of their concern.
Hmmm.. so Judas 00-Barnum is so anxious to get equal pay for women. We already know he doesn't abide by his standards amongst the women on his staff, but what about Jill Biden? Does she have an entourage of 20+ staffers? Does she get to take Air Force 1 (or 2) jets on vacation or shopping trips? I guess we are finally seeing "the most transparent presidency in history". What's most transparent is that we can see right through him.
Online story: " Hackers could crack email systems, security firewalls and possibly mobile phones through the "Heartbleed" computer bug * The widespread bug surfaced late on Monday, when it was disclosed that a pernicious flaw in a widely used Web encryption program known as OpenSSL opened hundreds of thousands of websites to data theft.* "I am waiting for a patch," said Jeff Moss, a security adviser to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and founder of the Def Con hacking conference. Def Con's network uses an enterprise firewall from McAfee, which is owned by Intel Corp's security division. * He said he was frustrated because people had figured out that his email and Web traffic is vulnerable and posted about it on the Internet - but he can't take steps to remedy the problem until Intel releases a patch" -- ""I am waiting for a patch," said Jeff Moss, a security adviser to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security"? Good grief! Where does Judas 00-Barnum find these people? Why would the security advisor of any company, much less Homeland Security,publicly announce, publicly admit it was vulnerable to security attacks until somebody outside could stop the leak?
The countries of the world's top 10 for most murders was just released.. The Hollywood A-list and liberal anti-gun groups were disappointed.. America is not among them, but their favorite socialist/communist vacation and "project" destinations are. In no certain order: Columbia, Jamaica, Belize, Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Swaziland, South Africa, St. Kitts/Nevis, El Salvador, and Honduras.
HuffPost headline: "Woman In Federal Custody After Throwing Shoe At Hillary Clinton" -- Well, at least the video confirms it this time... she's got a history of claiming she was under sniper attack in Bosnia that didn't have an ounce of truth in it.
You know, when a Muslim threw his shoe at Bush43, mainstream media sorta apologized for the culprit, and probably offered to give the assailant "throwing lessons".
Online story: "After five years of service in Obama's cabinet., Kathleen Sebelius is resigning as secretary of Health and Human Services, Bloomberg News and The New York Times reported Thursday. * Sebelius is expected to announce her resignation on Friday * Obama will nominate Sylvia Mathews Burwell to replace Sebelius on Friday morning" -- You know, Sebelius is "damaged goods".. who's going to hire her in the private sector? You know that means.. Judas 00-Barnum will probably name her to repair the not-for-profit data base Lois Lerner was in charge of.
Hmmm, Sebelius id "expected to announce her resignation Friday".."Obama will nominate Sylvia Maxwell Burwell.. Friday morning"? Hmmm... wonder if Sebelius found this out this morning from reading the newspaper?
HuffPost headline: "Obama explains 'what the hell the presidency is for" -- Hmmm...Well, after 5 plus years of on job training, it's about time Judas 00-Barnum figured this out. Say, that's the same amount of time Sebelius had to learn about Healthcare. Maybe there's HOPE we will see personnel CHANGE in the White House, too!
L-E story: "A ruling is expected on bankrupt Detroit's plan to settle a bad multi-million dollar pension debt deal with two banks." -- You know.. my first question is why any judge would even consider the pension plan for people who worked on putting the city of Detroit in $18 Billion worth of debt. Why should anybody be protected who were destroying the city where taxpayers' property values were decimated? Any funds "earmarked for pensions should be paid out to the former property owners.
Online headline/story: "David Ortiz Sets Record for Slowest Home Run Trot Around the Bases * Ortiz has regularly dominated the slowest home run trot list, having 7 of the 10 slowest times in Major League Baseball last season." -- Hmmm.. since Ortiz is obviously "dissin' "the pitchers, that should come under the Boston liberals' definition of "bullying". Perhaps the TV broadcasters should go right to a 30 second commercial while Otiz is 'involved in "excessive celebration". Hmmm.. better yet, the umps should throw a 15 yard penalty flag, and let the pitchers throw "high and inside" from 15'6" the next time Ortiz gets in the batter's box.
Online quote source: "“Friendship- my definition- is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don't have trust, the friendship will crumble.” - Stieg Larsson " -- Whoa! Larrson was a successful liberal Swedish author before his untimely death in 2004. Perhaps Larrson's words concerning "Respect and trust" are the foundtion blocks for the current libs who are questioning Judas 00-Barnum.
L-E headline: "Superintendent, chairman want to extend SPLOST in 2015" -- I imagine they do.. but I tell.. it probably won't pass. There are several reasons.. the last SPLOST was filled with unfillable promises that were scattered in to the mix so every district rep could crow about what they have done/were doing for their districts. In fact, promises "made" were for nearly $225 Million, yet no previous 1% tax had ever brought in $180 Million. The current one is going to come in under the $180 Million mark, too. Additionally, the School Board can no longer schedule a SPLOST election except on days when other elections are being held (primaries or general elections) so the heavy-weighted tax base of school system employees/spouse/families will not have such impact as they would give in those elections held on "off" dates. .Yes, the school system/board will actually have to honest and transparent again, something we have seen since the last appointed boards.
Online headline: "Thief who stole U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder's identity goes to prison " -- Well, it certainly is refreshing to learn that Pric Holder can move in a "fast & furious" manner, but I guess it has to be for his own benefit... but we already knew that ..
Latest from the Democratic Party: "Hal - Want a FREE trip to New York City? You could win: "FREE" Round trip airfare for you and a guest :FREE" Stay in a Great Hotel.. "FREE" Tickets to see Bryan Cranston in the new hit Broadway Show "ALL THE WAY" "FREE" Reception with Bryan Cranston AND Debbie Wasserman Schultz after the show... and all you have to do is "chip in $10 or more to be automatically entered.. DON"T WAIT.. Enter Today" -- Hmmm.. "free"? You know, if a private corporation held such a "contest" and required a purchase as the only way to enter, Schultz would be all over that company's acse with class action and discrimination lawsuits!
You know.. Debbie Wasserman Schultz must be really full of herself.. Why does she think we need to know her maiden name is Wasserman? Can it be that she doesn't think her husband's name and stature are not important enough for her? Surely she doesn't think "Wasserman" is a household name or one that anyone other than herself should know about...
L-E headline: "GM puts 2 engineers on paid leave in recall case" -- Isn't there any job that Judas 00-Barnum deems worthy enough to set an example of what's not acceptable performance? Millions of Americans have been driving in or next to potential time bombs for the last decade, and no one's head has rolled.
Online story: "Democrat Mayor Dana Outlaw of New Bern, North Carolina, has made his priorities very clear.
* In a shocking move that is sure to disgust those who value law and order and the sacrifices made by police officers across the country, Mayor Outlaw has opted to cancel the memorial held for slain police officer Alexander Thalmann and, instead, attend the funeral of the convicted felon who murdered the police officer." -- Obviously, it's a "Democratic thing", you, me (and all sane voters) wouldn't understand.
L-E story: "Burglary suspect Antonio Marquise Merritt added interference with government property to his charges when he headbutted a jail-bound patrol car's window, according to a report." Good grief.. I can remember a time that the patrol car would have won!
After digesting the sordid picture of how the "House of Cards" pretty much exposed the workings of Congress, I'm not going to be surprised that some sausage making company will think having a reality show on "MaKing Sausage.. from beginning to end" will be a show that Americans can "stomach" easier than the makings of a political deal.
Online headline: "President Obama’s call for increased government spending has failed miserably. With a vote of 413-2, the president’s 2015 budget that called for increased government spending fueled by tax increases was soundly rejected by the House of Representatives on Wednesday." -- Hmmm, Wow.. two Democratic Reps actually voted for it! Jim Moran of Virginia and Marcy Kaptur of Ohio were the two Democrats who backed Mr. Obama’s plan. (You probably remember Moran as the Rep who complains that his salary is not enough.) Of course, there were 20 more that just dodged the issue, and those should be exposed as well, and the Democrats that did vote "no" obviously are lying about who they really are.
L-E story: "Darren Gray, 24, now has a bond of $100,000 on the murder charge. He has bonds totaling $17,000 on other charges that include using a gun to commit a crime and lacking the licensing to work as an armed employee — though his attorney said he had a permit to carry a gun and had the proper identification to work in a nightclub * Gray is accused of killing Harry Short Jr., who reportedly caused a ruckus inside the 3433 N. Lump- kin Road nightclub before a Taser was used on him and he was thrown out. In the parking lot he and Gray had a confrontation, after which Short went to his car, got a gun and came back toward Gray, Gray told police" -- Hmmm and in a photo accompanying this story, Gary is charged with killing "a club patron"... Good grief.. how can even a liberal paper like the L-E describe a person ejected from a facility should be considered a "patron" of that facility?
Another L-E "picture" gaff - L-E story: "Murder suspect Derrick Harris’ days held unindicted in the Muscogee County Jail are nearing the 2,000 mark. He was jailed Dec. 13, 2008, charged with fatally stabbing his mother two days earlier." -- Good grief.. on one front page, the L-E has two picture gaffs. One was the item above this one, but the picture in this article calls the perpetrator by a different name... hmmmm.. maybe the L-E got both names from his multiple Photo ID voter cards?
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " I have and pay for health care because of Obamacare also known as the Affordable Care Act. Before it, I could not afford health care and you think I want to vote Republican?" -- Yeah, previously this LIV just showed up at the ER without an insurance card.. now he/she'll show up With an insurance card that has no record of a payment made.
L-E story: "The 2014 Atlantic hurricane season should be considerably slower than normal with nine named storms, including three hurricanes, Phil Klotzbach and William Gray said Thursday. * The two Colorado State University climatologists say they expect El Nino, the large-scale weather pattern that suppresses storm formation, to emerge by the heart of the season in August. They also note the tropical Atlantic has cooled in the past few months." -- Well! Obviously these two scientists will not be invited to Algore's birthday party or the next UN "climate change" social.
L-E story: "Obama administration lawyers have told the Supreme Court they will strongly defend the 29-foot-tall cross atop Mount Sole-dad in San Diego as a memorial to the nation’s war veterans and not an unconstitutional promotion of Christianity by the government" -- Whoa! Now we know the secret to Judas 00-Barnum's political rise.. he can speak out of both sides of his mouth at the same time! Now, who wants to send this article to Mayor Obamalinson so the stone cross at Heath Lake will get restored?
L-E story: "A Detroit teenager was charged Thursday with assault and a hate crime in the brutal mob beating of a suburban motorist who stopped to help a boy he accidentally struck with his pickup truck. * The 16-year-old boy is the only one of five people charged in the April 2 attack on Steve Utash to face an ethnic intimidation count. Utash, 54, is white. The teen and four adults charged in his beating are black." -- As Fred Sanford would probably respond.. "Elizabeth, I'm coming to see you.. this is the big one!" Will someone please tell Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton that you don't have to be white to be a racist hatemonger!
L-E story: "A Harvard University professor says scientific tests suggest a fragment of papyrus mentioning Jesus had a wife is more likely an ancient document than a forgery. * The text is written in Coptic and contains a dialogue in which Jesus refers to “my wife.” Karen King, a professor of divinity, writes in the Harvard Theological Review that the papyrus probably dates to eighth-century Egypt based on carbon dating and chemical tests on the ink. * Other researchers are still questioning the authenticity of the document." --Wow! Libs are jumping all over revisionist history written 700-to-800 years after Christ lived. Guess this is a prelude to how Bill Clinton will be given sainthood by liberal historians in 7 or 8 centuries. Who knows, by then some historian will claim Hillary was an internationally know Sports Illustrated bikini-clad cover girl.
You know.. it's not been a good day for the L-E and pictures.. two gaffs have already been pointed out, and now I find the L-E has printed the picture of that warped teen who went on a slashing spree.. Why give nuts the notoriety and exposure?
David Perdue, like Mitt Romney, is experiencing why hard working, honest business persons don't fare well in the political arena.. Like Romney talking about the 47% of voters receiving entitlements not going to be approachable to his campaign, Perdue said something everyone knows is true, but it's not politically correct to bring it up.. Sorta like Judas 00-Barnum's success at not being properly "vetted" by the Democratic Party or mainstream media.

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