When you really analyze the possibilities that the millions of GM vehicles
on the road with ignitions that shut off and steering mechanisms that freeze
make each of those vehicles a rolling IED for every other car on the road. Just
because you do not own one, doesn't protect you from them. Contact your
legislators to get GM to call all those vehicles into the repair shops and give
the owners a safe car to drive while their's are getting satisfactorily
Online headline: "Court rules on Sandusky's bid for appeal" -- Thankfully, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied his appeal. Hopefully, an appeal to Delaware Judge Jan Jurden, who gave probation to a m(_*_)n who raped his 3 year old daughter, won't volunteer to hear Sandusky's appeal of the PA Supreme Court decision.
Discouraging news: Delaware Superior Judge Jan Jurden was APPOINTED for a 12 year term in 2001. Even more discouraging news: Delaware Superior Court Judge Jurden was RE-APPOINTED in 2103 and will be serving until 2024 and she's only 72 now!
Online story: "A soldier opened fire Wednesday on fellow service members at the Fort Hood military base, killing three people and wounding 16 before committing suicide at the same post where more than a dozen people were slain in a 2009 attack, authorities said." -- Hmmm ... not quite "deja vu" of when Major Nidal Malik Hasan yelled "Allah Akbar" as he fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others in 2009 and the act of terror was watered down to "workplace violence.. guess this (_*_)'s act of terror will be referred to as 'going POST-al'. At least he save us money by offing himself and won't continue to draw his salary until a conviction.
Oh, I forgot to mention (well, not really "forgot" as I was headed out of town, and didn't want to publicize it too much) that as we left Columbus (back today) for a little fun time in Florida, we drove across the Dillingham Street Bridge.. the one that such a ballyhoo was made about draping a fabric art under the bridge as part of the "Art Beat" promotion. Well, it was in shreds and flapping in the wind. If it had been an United States Flag, protocol would have been to take it down and dispose of it with honors. Wonder if it'll still be flapping when we return today?
You know, if a person doesn't want to be working in a prisoner public works job, it's within his/her ability to avoid such. Simply rethinking what one is tempted to do illegally will do that.
Online story: "BERLIN (AP) — A new burial area for lesbians only is being inaugurated in a two-century-old cemetery in the German capital this weekend. * A 400-square-meter (-yard) area of the Lutheran Georgen Parochial cemetery, established in 1814 in central Berlin, will be reserved as a graveyard for up to 80 lesbians, Safia association spokeswoman Usah Zachau said Tuesday. * The association, a national group primarily for elderly lesbians, says it expects the burial area to be inaugurated Sunday, as a space "where the lesbian community can live together in the afterlife." -- Good grief! Because of the presentation, there will be lesbian activists heralding this as a wonderful acknowledgement and acceptance of the lesbian lifestyle... but in fact, what has happened is that the people in charge of the cemetery have become segregationists.
Online quote source: "“All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.” - Friedrich Nietzsche" -- This totally the mainstream media's ability to usurp the 1st Amendment.
HuffPost headline: "Bill Clinton believes in aliens?" -- Well, only if they know how to scam the voter registrars..
Online story: "The Washington Post wasn't surprised that Bill dodged Jimmy's questions about wife Hillary possibly running for President. He did strike down the idea of being her running mate, though. * He said, "I don't believe I could do that ... It would undermine the spirit of the Constitution." -- "undermine the SPIRIT of the Constitution"? There were very few Amendments he didn't try to undermine the actual wording when he was in office!
Online headline: "Almost 2/3 of the Top 1,000 of the 2012 election donors primarily support Republicans" -- Yeah, I can see that.. and probably half of those were liberals and independents who supported Judas 00-Barnum in 2008.
Online story: " The U.S. objected Wednesday to Iran's anticipated selection of a former hostage-taker at the American Embassy in Tehran as its newest ambassador to the United Nations. But the Obama administration stopped short of saying it would refuse him a visa to enter the United States." -- Just confirms that Iran considers Judas 00-Barnum even weaker than Carter, and knows he want draw a line he will cross.
Mainstream media and liberal wackos are chomping at the bit to label Hobby Lobby as hypocritical because Hobby Lobby's pension accounts have mutual funds with pharmaceutical companies in it that make birth and anti-birth control pills. Name me a money management company that doesn't have pharmaceutical companies in its portfolios, and I'll show you a failed money management company.
With the news of widespread voter fraud of voters voting in two or more states in the same election, Pric Holder will probably drop his assault on photo IDs being required and go for eliminating social security numbers being required to register.
L-E headline: "Columbus among most ‘miserable’ places to live * City receives 7th lowest grade in Gallup poll" -- Mainstream media.. especially the Columbus L-E and the Mayor Obamalinson press team, must hate the Internet.. Breakfast Club readers learned of this last week, and some from the L-E must have realized the rest of Columbus was already knowing about this so it finally had to run the story. Interestingly (yet predictable), Mayor Obamalinson's response was to parse "miserable" like Clinton did "is".
Online headline: "Court rules on Sandusky's bid for appeal" -- Thankfully, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied his appeal. Hopefully, an appeal to Delaware Judge Jan Jurden, who gave probation to a m(_*_)n who raped his 3 year old daughter, won't volunteer to hear Sandusky's appeal of the PA Supreme Court decision.
Discouraging news: Delaware Superior Judge Jan Jurden was APPOINTED for a 12 year term in 2001. Even more discouraging news: Delaware Superior Court Judge Jurden was RE-APPOINTED in 2103 and will be serving until 2024 and she's only 72 now!
Online story: "A soldier opened fire Wednesday on fellow service members at the Fort Hood military base, killing three people and wounding 16 before committing suicide at the same post where more than a dozen people were slain in a 2009 attack, authorities said." -- Hmmm ... not quite "deja vu" of when Major Nidal Malik Hasan yelled "Allah Akbar" as he fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others in 2009 and the act of terror was watered down to "workplace violence.. guess this (_*_)'s act of terror will be referred to as 'going POST-al'. At least he save us money by offing himself and won't continue to draw his salary until a conviction.
Oh, I forgot to mention (well, not really "forgot" as I was headed out of town, and didn't want to publicize it too much) that as we left Columbus (back today) for a little fun time in Florida, we drove across the Dillingham Street Bridge.. the one that such a ballyhoo was made about draping a fabric art under the bridge as part of the "Art Beat" promotion. Well, it was in shreds and flapping in the wind. If it had been an United States Flag, protocol would have been to take it down and dispose of it with honors. Wonder if it'll still be flapping when we return today?
You know, if a person doesn't want to be working in a prisoner public works job, it's within his/her ability to avoid such. Simply rethinking what one is tempted to do illegally will do that.
Online story: "BERLIN (AP) — A new burial area for lesbians only is being inaugurated in a two-century-old cemetery in the German capital this weekend. * A 400-square-meter (-yard) area of the Lutheran Georgen Parochial cemetery, established in 1814 in central Berlin, will be reserved as a graveyard for up to 80 lesbians, Safia association spokeswoman Usah Zachau said Tuesday. * The association, a national group primarily for elderly lesbians, says it expects the burial area to be inaugurated Sunday, as a space "where the lesbian community can live together in the afterlife." -- Good grief! Because of the presentation, there will be lesbian activists heralding this as a wonderful acknowledgement and acceptance of the lesbian lifestyle... but in fact, what has happened is that the people in charge of the cemetery have become segregationists.
Online quote source: "“All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.” - Friedrich Nietzsche" -- This totally the mainstream media's ability to usurp the 1st Amendment.
HuffPost headline: "Bill Clinton believes in aliens?" -- Well, only if they know how to scam the voter registrars..
Online story: "The Washington Post wasn't surprised that Bill dodged Jimmy's questions about wife Hillary possibly running for President. He did strike down the idea of being her running mate, though. * He said, "I don't believe I could do that ... It would undermine the spirit of the Constitution." -- "undermine the SPIRIT of the Constitution"? There were very few Amendments he didn't try to undermine the actual wording when he was in office!
Online headline: "Almost 2/3 of the Top 1,000 of the 2012 election donors primarily support Republicans" -- Yeah, I can see that.. and probably half of those were liberals and independents who supported Judas 00-Barnum in 2008.
Online story: " The U.S. objected Wednesday to Iran's anticipated selection of a former hostage-taker at the American Embassy in Tehran as its newest ambassador to the United Nations. But the Obama administration stopped short of saying it would refuse him a visa to enter the United States." -- Just confirms that Iran considers Judas 00-Barnum even weaker than Carter, and knows he want draw a line he will cross.
Mainstream media and liberal wackos are chomping at the bit to label Hobby Lobby as hypocritical because Hobby Lobby's pension accounts have mutual funds with pharmaceutical companies in it that make birth and anti-birth control pills. Name me a money management company that doesn't have pharmaceutical companies in its portfolios, and I'll show you a failed money management company.
With the news of widespread voter fraud of voters voting in two or more states in the same election, Pric Holder will probably drop his assault on photo IDs being required and go for eliminating social security numbers being required to register.
L-E headline: "Columbus among most ‘miserable’ places to live * City receives 7th lowest grade in Gallup poll" -- Mainstream media.. especially the Columbus L-E and the Mayor Obamalinson press team, must hate the Internet.. Breakfast Club readers learned of this last week, and some from the L-E must have realized the rest of Columbus was already knowing about this so it finally had to run the story. Interestingly (yet predictable), Mayor Obamalinson's response was to parse "miserable" like Clinton did "is".
L-E "headlie": "Army bans ethnic hairstyles * Fort Benning soldiers weigh
in on new regulations banning twists, dreadlocks" -- You know, it's not an
ethnic nor racial matter.. bans of certain hair stylings are banned for all in
the interest of safety for all soldiers.. male, female, black or white or any
other color. If there IS a confrontation with someone's preferences, it's
cultural, and that should not be an issue to attack military concerns for its
members' safety. Naturally, this story was composed by Hasn't Ever Ben
Good grief... according to an ad in the Columbus L-E, men's diapers are
covered by MediCare.
It's obvious that the Atlanta Archbishop did not.. or has maybe suffered a
oather's remorse moment.. take a vow of poverty oath.
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