Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I thought Obamageddon said he didn't have time for "photo ops"... then why did he meet with Prince William at the White House..to discuss both their executive housing welfare plans?
Online headline and another "photo-op": "President Obama takes over 'The Colbert Report'" -- Good grief..Obamageddon orders Holder to wage war on "profiling", then pulls off a cheap street scene that only begged of the question of where's his leash , donation cup, and organ grinder...
You know.. Obamageddon would fail at Stephen Colbert's job... too... Good humor is based on the truth, the actualities of life everyone can associate with, and Obamageddon knows not the truth.
From the "you can't make this stuff up: department - Online headline: "Attn! Kate and Will met Queen Bey and Jay Z" -- I saw where the roles of Michele and Barry..the movie.. have been cast. Guess Beyonce and Jay Z were not available, but were Kate and William trying for an intervention?
Did you see where Columbia Law School told its students they could reschedule their exams if they suffered trauma from disappointment of recent grand jury findings. Huh? Does Columbia teach that police officers are not entitled to due process?
Hey, Pric Holder...you gonna arrest those protestors who have profiled those Berkeley businesses as looting targets?
I just saw, if not the stupidest, then the most foretelling bumper sticker ...ever. It read, 'I am not a Republican". Good grief..liberals just will not say what they mean,,or admit they are Democrats.
The Belk Bowl....the BELK Bowl! There'll be no need to rush out to buy tickets .. next week they'll be 40% off regular price and the following week they'll be "buy one and get one free".
Talk about a living oxymoron, Senator Dianne Feinstein is the Democrat head of the current Senate Intelligence Committee. Fortunately, this will change in January.
Obamageddon has released 6 Gitmo "detainees" to Uruguay. Uruguay gladly took them. Have terrorist cells taken up root there?
Obamageddon campaigned on a platform of "Hope and Change" . How come he is so opposed to "Changing" his mind/direction now that the vast majority of Americans have rejected his plans?
I've maybe concentrated on alternative, better descriptive names to use to point out the failures of President Obama.. some examples are the current :Obamageddon", and ither throughout his 6 years such as 'NERO-bama, Ali-Bama and his 40 TSars, and several more. Now I must do the same for Al Sharpton... now he will be known as All Sharlatan.
Online headline: "Notre Dame to Teach White Students That They are Inherently Racist" -- Hmmm...Wonder if Notre Same will teach that the Pope is an infidel in Muslim cultures?
Online headline: "Mother of Tamir Rice, 12-year-old boy fatally shot in Cleveland by police, wants officer convicted" -- Here we go again.. making an issue out of a mother's grief.. legitimate grief for the loss of her 12 year old son....BUT.. like most, I saw the video.. I also noted that the 12 year old was big for his age, and that he was waving the "gun" at the officers. Let's be honest.. we hear of horror stories of street thugs of teen and even pre-teen age involved in gun deaths, so what werethe police officers suppose to do .. just think that this was just a prank and they would walk away laughing about the situation as they clocked off duty and headed home to their own families? Police are human, too.. police have families, too... policemen familiies have fears, too.
Jonathan Gruber Stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Republicans try to cut programs for those who need help most, i.e., welfare, food stamps, Social Security, etc., in order to fatten the coffers of those who need it least." -- Where do LIVs pick up these notions? Social Security is not funded by the government nor with tax revenues. It's savings paid for by the individual and/or his/her employer's matching contribution. Of course, even if you don't work, don't pay into your Social Security account, you will still get some of somebody else's labors. Stop voting for Democrats, and you will get more from Social Security when you retire.
Jonathan Gruber Stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "An executive order can’t be repealed; it has to run its course and expire. However, that will give time for the Democrats to retake Congress and pass sane laws." -- Good grief! The entire public school system should be scrapped! Even if this is the only public school system student who left the system not knowing how our government works, it's one too many.
Hmmm.. after complaining about how the Senate Republicans "wouldn't work" with him the last 6 years, do you really think Harry Reid will direct the Senate Democrats to work with Mitch McConnell?
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a letter-to-the-editor that ran in the Columbus L-E about how many buses the MCSD system has on hand and the disparity of the number of drivers to use them (500+ buses - 207 drivers). I also sent a copy to the MCSD board. Would you believe no one responded to refute or explain the numbers and/or offer plans being discussed to rein in future excesses? No one dispelled the "rumor" that buying 60 more buses would be on the next SPLOST proposal, either. 

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