Saturday, December 27, 2014

Online headline: "Jeb Bush Quits Firm That Profited From Obamacare" -- Good grief...mainstream media blistered Republicans for trying to derail OObamaCRAP, and now that Jeb Bush is probably running for 2016, mainstream media is going to blister Bush for profiting from investments/work in a company that profited from OObamaCRAP. Talk about "eating ones cake and tossing it back up"....
There was a bowl game...Rutgers vs UNC, played in Detroit yesterday..From all the empty blue seats, you'd think Carolina would be motivated, but Rutgers won. Now..why would the NCAA think a Southern team meeting an Eastern team would bring a bus load of fans to Detroit..of all places, on the day after Christmas?
Soapbox moment: The Black Caucus... where is it when it could be helping solve/resolve civility and unity in our country? With the exception of an occasional Charlie Rangel race baiting gaffe, we do not see any kind of leadership - good or bad, coming from the Black Caucus... sitting on the sideline silently cheering/condoning ignorance is not leadership.. and indifference is not an excuse or acceptable.
Obamageddon says we are safer now than we were 13 years would he know...when was the last time he gave up a tee-time to attend a National Security briefing?
Online story: "An airplane hauling a banner insulting New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (dih BLAH'-zee-oh) has been spotted flying above New York City. * The banner Friday read: "De Blasio, our backs have turned to you." * A de Blasio spokesman called the banner divisive." -- Yeah,,, it's divisive alright... it divides law loving and abiding Americans from criminals and liberal politicians like de Bl(_*_)io.
Parsing the MCSD "wish LUST":
Item 9 - Shaw High School alterations and additions ( $4,000,000.00) -- Hmmm can we say ongoing maintenance issue"? Not qualified as a SPLOST project, but please note that Shaw "wish LUSTs" so far have been devoted to ball fields/weight rooms (share of $12,200,000.00), and now this.. Oh, one other question: "addition"? in 1959, the MCSD reached 32,000 students.. there are still only 32,000 +/- students in the public school system, so what are "additions" for?
Item 10 - District wide refurbishment of outdated school kitchens ($4,000,000.00) -- How do basic school kitchens get "outdated"? Lack of ongoing maintenance? Not SPLOST qualified.. (Oh.. to be discussed items on the "wish LUST" are "Cafeteria and auditorium upgrades/expansions at "some" school ($1,500,000.00).
Personal note: failure to managing ongoing upkeep is not a true revenue issue.. it's just as much, or more, a failure to anticipate revenue growth slowing/stopping and being prepared. It's the responsibility of the school administration to do this, but the MCSD Board is suppose to be overseeing this as the guardians of the taxpayers.
From L-E annual summary story: " The summer was full of angst for Muscogee County teachers as rumors of layoffs became reality. In September they found out the layoffs weren’t as many as originally expected, reduced from 69 to 12." -- You know.. when 69 could be identified as the least deserving, instead on laying off only the bottom 12, why weren't replacements found for the next 57 as well?
Also from the L-E annual summary story: "Announcing their retirements were Columbus State University President Tim Mescon and three Muscogee County School District cabinet members: chief financial officer Sharon Adams, chief operations officer Myles Caggins and chief information officer Forrest Toelle." -- While CSU is not a "local" issue of the government.. the other three major retirements of the City's CFO, COO, and CIO should have automatically triggered a complete audit of the City resources.. I'm not implying anything, but if questions arose on any aspect, newcomers/replacements would not know where to look to find the answers.
Another L-E summary story was about the death of Red McDaniel.. we miss Red... I don't think a pothole in the City has been fixed since.
A really "get's it" L-E "soundoff": "We don’t need any national discussions on race and the police. We need certain people in this country to behave themselves and act civilized." -- Amen, brother.. the Golden Rule will cover every difference of opinion.
Jonathan Gruber stupid L-E "soundoff": " It has nothing to do being liberal. Real Americans oppose water boarding because by the admission of the CIA, it did not work. Why do something that didn’t work just to makes conservatives feel better?" -- Liberals still have a glass ceiling.. one directly above stupidity that holds them locked in time and thought processing. Even if "waterboarding" was not effective, the terrorists' thoughts of having gone through one would leave a lasting thought of what will the next "tortue" to extract info from them... decapitation?
L-E headline: "COLUMBUS RECORDER’S COURT * HOLIDAY MERCY FOR ADMITTED SHOPLIFTER" -- Wanna bet the first word out of his mouth after he left the court room was "sucker!"?

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