Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Online headline/story: "Lawmakers agree on $1.1 trillion spending bill * House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued a statement that said she was hopeful her rank and file could support the bill, but needed to review the final language." -- "review the final language"? Pelosi wants to read a bill before she passes it? Hey, Hillewinsky, since Pelosi is a relevant as a placibo, now ii the time to for your legacy line, "What difference does it make!"
Hopefully the last bit on Ferguson - Online story: "The Justice Department is conducting a separate civil rights investigation into Brown's death." -- Hmmm, but not one on al Sharlatan and Pric Holder violating Officer Wilson's civil rights?
Well, one more question.. Michael Orlandus Darrion Brown, Jr.... where is Michael Orlandus Darrion Brown, Sr?
Online story: "Northern California residents are bracing for a powerful storm that could be the biggest in five years and prompted the National Weather Service to issue a high wind and flash flood warning." -- Hmm.. guess it's only appropriate that the storm be named for Dianne Feinstein AND Nancy Pelosi.. California should be well prepared for "high winds and flash floods" after listening to their whining over the years.
Famous Hillewinsky quote that could be described as a "half-truth": "We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt." - Hillary Clinton, ABC News interview, June 9." -- Hmmm, maybe by "we", she meant the USA...
Online story: " Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the only member of the U.S. Senate who personally knows what it means to be tortured, on Tuesday strongly defended the Democratic-led Senate investigation into the CIA's post-9/11 interrogation program, saying the agency's activities "stained our national honor, did much harm, and little practical good." -- "stained our national honor"? Wait a minute.. then McCain needs to stop making a career on his own torture stories from his Viet Nam days!
Online story: "A group planning to restore and preserve the oldest existing structure on the National Mall in Washington will receive a $1 million grant to do the work, the group said on Tuesday." -- Oooops, my bad.. thought our Mayor Obamalinson had found another RiverWalk bathroom more expensive than ours.
From above story: "The non-profit Trust for the National Mall said American Express Co would provide $1 million to help rehabilitate the 178-year-old Lockkeeper's House and use it as an education space for visitors.
* Despite its prominent location, the building has been boarded up for more than 40 years and is in a state of extreme disrepair" -- Good grief... "boarded up for more than 40 years and is in a state of extreme disrepair"? Are they sure they aren't talking about the Capitol?
Watching my cuz Ann Conger on Jeopardy last night (12-9-14) . The guy contestant had a Daily Double, and he said, "Geraldine Ferrara" but that is wrong. Her name was Ferraro. It was not corrected.
Random thought..VERY random thought: Portobello mushrooms..I've had some very good ones prepared and served to me, but there's nothing that would get me to order a fast food burger with a portobello mushroom .
Somebody make sure the Columbus L-E and Council see this before Mayor TomLYINGson orders a video to educate Columbus folks. I love the part about "Take it slow".. That's really going to be the case... NOT... when hiway traffic roars down River Road to the scheduled "roundabout" at Bradley Park & Cascade/Green Island Drive.... especially those logging and dump trucks.
Sen. Feinstein said she was surprised at the problems in the CIA were in the control of do few people.. Hmmm, sorta like the problems in getting House bills to the Senate floor bring in the hands of herself, Reid, and Schumer et al.
How can Sen. Feinstein claim that a 1-to-10 page ratio synopsis collated by a person chosen by Democrats is a valid..true depiction of CIA operations?
You know...Jonathan Gruber is suppose to come on TV soon. I hope he takes "the 5th". It will prove OObamaCRAP should have been stopped as a crime against the country.
You know, listening to Jonathan Gruber sidestep questions dealing with how much he was paid for government work just cries out for a new law requiring any individual or corporate executive called into a Congressional investigation to mandatorily provide W-2, 1099/98 or other IRS forms plus the corresponding IRS tax filings to the top Republican and Democrat leaders in the House and Senate.
I'm curious..why are any Democrats allowed into House committee investigations? I never hear one ask a pertinent question that will help get to the bottom of what's been done.
I've concentrated on alternative, better descriptive names to use to point out the failures of President Obama.. some examples are the current :Obamageddon", and other throughout his 6 years such as 'NERO-bama, Ali-Bama and his 40 TSars, and several more. Now I must do the same for Al Sharpton... now he will be known as All Sharlatan. * On second thought.. maybe al Sharlatan might be more comforting to the Islamists terrorists that are buddying up to him.
L-E headline: "Bama's Cooper, Mizzou's Ray capture AP SEC awards" -- Shane Ray's "honor" should be revoked..His spearing/targeting of Blake Sims' chin/head was brutal and obviously intended to be a knock-him-out-of-the-game play.
Online headline/story: "College prof makes students recite anti-American 'pledge of allegiance' * “I pledge allegiance to and wrap myself in the flag of the United States Against Anything Un-American,” reads Angeletti's version. “And to the Republicans for which it stands, two nations, under Jesus, rich against poor, with curtailed liberty and justice for all except blacks, homosexuals, women who want abortions, Communists, welfare queens, treehuggers, feminazis, illegal immigrants, children of illegal immigrants, and you, if you don't watch your step.” * “We’re very racist, we’re very repressive, we’re very Christian oriented, we don’t tolerate other kinds of thinking in this country.” Charles Angeletti, professor at Metropolitan State University" -- You know.. the only bigot.racist, here is Angeletti himself. In addition, he's flavored his with Nazism, Fascism, Communism and Socialism. The producers of "God is NOT Dead" have a great sequel to write about..."America's Future is NOT Dead"... they can even plagiarize the ending.
Online headline: "Biden to code-writing girls: ‘You’re as smart as any boy’ -- Hmmm.. and a lot smarter than Biden...
Online story: "The St. Louis police chief has asked for the FBI's help investigating what he believes was a hate crime attack against a woman in the same Bosnian neighborhood where a man was beaten to death days earlier by hammer-wielding teens, and where assaults have spiked dramatically in recent months. * One of the assailants flashed a gun and ordered the woman out of her vehicle and another hit the woman's windshield with what police believe was a crowbar, authorities said. * "You're Bosnian," one of the suspects allegedly said. "I should just kill you now." * The woman, who was pulled from the car and then beaten, was found unconscious by a passerby," -- Hmmm.. "you're Bosnian"... guess Charlie Rangel will say this is a term of endearment, too. Looks like "Bosnian" is the new code word street thugs use for "white".
Two high profile black spokespersons were on Bill O'Reilly. One finished the discussion saying there are still too many senior citizens with racist attitudes.. You know..I agree 100%..and immediately thought about al Sharatan, Jesse Jackson, and Charlie Rangel.
I think police should not negotiate with a criminal..known or alleged..if the weapon holder doesn't immediately drop the weapon, whether gun, knife, baseball bat or whatever. Failure to do so should be responded with a bullet..immediately. Once this policy hits the street, police confrontation, police disrespect should be a thing if the past.
Talk about perspective, and "cause and effect", of the 60 liberal Senators who voted for "OObamaCRAP II", only 30 are still sitting in the Senate. It should have been a great message, but too many of them got replaced by more Democrats.
Online headline: "Democrats say they may try to obstruct Republicans" -- and what's new?
Did you see where Columbia Law School told its students they could reschedule their exams if they suffered trauma from disappointment of recent grand jury findings. Huh? Does Columbia teach that police officers are not entitled to due process?
Online headline: "Beloit, Wisconsin, police chief Norm Jacobs is asking city residents to volunteer to allow police to search their homes for guns." -- Good grief.. and who is the guy think is going to allow such.. criminals, no way... legitimate gun owners.. no way..stupid people with no guns and thinking they have nothing to hide.. probably.. and don't you know the criminals will be watching which house the gestapo searches so they will know which house won't be able to fight back. I assume the Chief of Police is appointed by the Mayor and/or Council, so the gun owners should petition for a recall on the Mayor/Council so a new one can appoint a new Chief of Police.
L-E headline: "Columbus Regional sells medical office buildings for $34.5 million" -- You know.. what is Columbus Regional going to do with that money? By "selling off" its assets, Columbus Regional has basically saddled itself with years and years of higher and escalating rent debt.That translates into higher medical costs that are not medically generated.
L-E headline: "City attorneys file motions to dismiss suits" -- While he's at it, do something cost effective.. file for dismissal of Pierce, Countryman, and Bishop.

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