Sunday, May 17, 2015

Pitch Perfect 2.. may just end up in U.S. History books... not just movie history. Remember Reagan's passionate demand to Gorbachev to "tear down that wall"? Well, Pitch Perfect 2 may have torn down the wall of political correctness. I was terrific.. any one, any group, that could be offended was.. but the audience LIKED IT! We laughed out loud... at others.. and at ourselves as our differences and imperfections were placed on the table like melons being setup to be smashed by Gallagher and his Sledge-o-matic. Go.. take your mate, even your in-laws and adult children. Make it a date or family venture. Be prepared to walk out of a movie theater with a smile on your face wondering what the sequel will bring.
After seeing that the Clintons have received $25,000,000.00 in "speaking fees" in the last 17 months.. do you wonder, now that it's been disclosed, if George George Stephanopoulos will now stay up at night thinking he looks like a cheapskate in their eyes for only giving $75K? Does Stephanopoulos really think smoozing with the Clintons makes them actually like him better?

Online headline: "Pope calls Palestinian leader "angel of peace" during visit" -- Now we know what that gray smoke is when the Cardinals are voting...
Online headline: "First lady speaks out on plans after the White House" -- Hmmm.. I wonder how many one-way tickets will flood the White House mail room?
You know, the White House, Department of Justice, and mainstream media have forgotten something police officers around the country.. and especially in the inner cities, are due...they are due respect, admiration, and due process...
Online story: "China and the U.S. did not budge Saturday over Beijing’s assertive development in the disputed territories of the South China Sea, with Foreign Minister Wang Ji politely but pointedly dismissing Washington’s push for a diplomatic solution to ease the tensions." -- Good grief.. seriously, does any sane person honestly believe that China,, hell, even Switzerland, wouldn't laugh at any line in the sand drawn by Obamageddon or his reps?
Online story: "An alliance of Asian American groups filed a federal complaint Friday against Harvard University, claiming that the school and other Ivy League institutions are using racial quotas to admit students other than high-scoring Asians. * More than 60 Chinese, Indian, Korean and Pakistani groups came together for the complaint, which was filed with the civil rights offices at the Justice and Education departments. The groups are calling for an investigation and say these schools need to stop using racial quotas or racial balancing in admission." -- How ironic.. the DOJ and DOE.. bastions of liberal bias, social diversity, would be exposed as the bigots they really are...
Online headline: "New York City councilman seeks to dim skyline at night to save energy" -- Good grief.. just what "the city that never sleeps" needs more darkness for the thugs to enjoy.
On CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” President Barack Obama said he was most proud of “saving the American economy” and he is”very confident that America is stronger, more prosperous, safer, and more influential today than it was when I took office.” -- "saving the American economy"? "safer"?...more influential"?... Good grief.. in a good economy, no toy store closes, but...F.A.O. Schwarz just announced it's shutting its doors... and as far as "more influential" goes, even North Korea rattles its sabers at Obamageddon, and "safer"... even the White House is putting up spikes on top of its fence, and I'll bet Obamageddon won't allow his daughters to become police officers...
Online story: "A prominent attorney admits to taking flags from the graves of soldiers, a move that's sparked both positive reaction and calls for him to be arrested and disbarred. He's also received death threats and hate mail. * The lawyer says his actions are meant to promote unity." -- "to promote unity"? this is about as unifying as the KKK walking through a housing project and stealing all the basketballs.. hey.. if you're going to seek unity, you do not wave a red flag at a bull...
Online headline: "James Taylor: Obama Is Greatest President 'Of All Time' -- Hmmm, and whom does James Taylor consider the second greatest and the worst.. it comes down understanding what James Taylor considers a "1" and a "10".. Right now, I'm going to dig my James Taylor 8-tracks out of my closet,and dispose of them..
As details come out, it seems that Tom Brady couldn't be shown to do any "deflating" himself, but he did conceal..not produce..emails, do the NFL "convicted" him. Wait a minute.. an IRS exec, and our Secretary of State would not produce their emails and mainstream media could care less..hmmm..Tom Brady for President!
Elected versus appointed school boards.. You know..common sense tells us that a person with a passion for "giving back", a person seeking the best interest of his community, a person with servant service as his/her motivation is going to give us more for our money in educating our children than a person who gets paid anything to make the same choices.
L-E headline: "State bill removes graduation tests, allows students to get diploma and pursue dreams" -- "allows students to get diploma and pursue dreams"? Good grief.. diplomas need to be EARNED so that students are actually equipped to move on and pursue dreams! 50 years ago, a high school diploma was as respected as most college degrees today, but a diploma given out for social reasons helps no one... especially the "graduate".
From above story: ""I'm trying to join the Air Force after I graduate," he said. "And if I couldn't graduate, I wouldn't be able to join at the time that I wanted to." -- Good grief.. you have to be able to fill out the application, and pass the entry test/interviews to into the military.. I remember my days of working retail.. sometimes, I would go to personnel and scan recent applications to see if anyone was available that could handle a new position I was considering.. one such applicant wrote in the "Previous Work Experience" section, "Non... I just been graduated.. " Tell me, would you have considered "him/her" for a position of representing your business to current and potential customers?
Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Why do they make seniors take this new Georgia Milestones Test when the results won’t even be known until next fall?" -- Hmmm.. so that student progress can be evaluated as a whole to help make it better for the following graduates?
L-E headline: "FBI looks into shattered glass in new twist in derailment" -- Gimmee a break... if it wasn't a bus sized meteor that hit the windshield, a rock of even bullet wouldn't matter.. it's not like something causing a car driver to be startled and jerk the steering wheel so that the car will veer off the road.. trains do not have STEERING WHEELS.. now.. 102 mph in a 55 limit curve probably would send a train off the track.
So Egypt has sentence ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi to death.. Hmmm... bet the odds are better in Vegas that Morsi will die a lot sooner than Bomber Brother 2.
L-E's "Thought for Today" : “Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.” — William Faulkner, American author (1897-1962)." -- Hmmm.. wow.. and an obvious pariah to be avoided at all cost by the MCSD.. how can encouraging individual achievement be tolerated that would go against the teachings of Marx to make sure no one knows any more than the others... unless of course, some of the others are more equal than the rest.

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