Saturday, May 2, 2015

Speculation was, and now is reality that the Baltimore DA is under pressure because of the eruptive atmosphere of the street thugs of Baltimore. You know, justice cannot be for all if decisions are made to deflect public reaction.
HuffPOOPOO "headlie"/story: "State attorney took surprisingly swift action * Less than a day after receiving the official autopsy results, Baltimore's top prosecutor charged six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray." -- "surprisingly swift action"? Good grief.. in less than two weeks of investigation and processing, the State DA has let lynch mob mentality usurp due process.

From above story: "State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby said Gray's arrest was illegal and unjustified, and that his neck was broken because he was handcuffed, shackled and placed head-first into a police van, where his pleas for medical attention were repeatedly ignored as he bounced around inside the small metal box." -- Hmmm.. Prosecutor, judge and jury.. who does she think she is.. Obamageddon or Pric Holder? Until such claims as she has made are made subject to cross examination and jury deliberation, at best, her claims are "alleged".

Hmmm.. from her "surprisingly swift action", I'm guessing State Attorney Mosby sees a movie deal.. My guess is the name of it will be "One Shade of Freddie Gray".
Baltimore's reaction is truly disturbing ..No due process has been completed, but 6 police officers have been vilified, and blocks of businesses have been looted and burned in response to the death of a thug with a rap sheet that would make all races of Baltimore residents deny him access to their homes. Heaven help us.

HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Buffalo Considers Public Boarding Schools To Solve Education Issues * Buffalo's chronically struggling school system is considering an idea gaining momentum in other cities: public boarding schools that put round-the-clock attention on students and away from such daunting problems as poverty, troubled homes and truancy. * Supporters say such a dramatic step is necessary to get some students into an atmosphere that promotes learning, and worth the costs, estimated at $20,000 to $25,000 per student per year." -- Good grief..If you think public education had hit bottom, we're way off! If you keep up with my contention that public education's main problem has been in trying to eliminate parents from the system by transporting, feeding, day-caring their children here is proof positive I've been right on the money. Now, students will be removed from their parents, and never learn what parental duties they are suppose to learn to be parents themselves.

Instant repeat from above story: ""Buffalo's chronically struggling school system is considering an idea gaining momentum in other cities: public boarding schools that put round-the-clock attention on students and away from such daunting problems as poverty, troubled homes and truancy" -- You know, we call this "Reform School" in the South, and it's basically a training camp for real jail when they graduate.

L-E headline/story: "Columbus police charge five students ages 9-16 at Edgewood Student Services Center *
“The Edgewood Student Services Center was designed for students in grades 3-12 who have violated school district rules and have been temporarily removed from their home school,” says the school’s website. “The goal of the program is to ensure the students continue their education, complete their assigned days at the alternative school and learn how to make better choices through behavior modification.” -- Hey, Buffalo, NY.. our MCSD is almost a step ahead of you.. it doesn't matter whether you call it public boarding, reform , or alternate school, public education thinks.. no, "feels" it is a better parent that we can be, but for the death of me, I cannot see where herding 3rd graders in with 12th graders works for 3rd graders.

I like the the new format for the Matchplay golf championship. Even with many of the top 16 not advancing, the format gives many players more matchplay experience for Ryder/President's Cup competition.. and obviously many of our top 16 NEED it!

Online story: ""I believe marriage is not just a bond but a sacred bond between a man and a woman,” Hillary Clinton said in 2004... fast forward to 2015, and Hillewinsky has even changed her "hospital-like "H" campaign avatar into a "rainbow"


L-E commentary column: "One mother got so angry at her son for being a part of the looting that she slapped him upside the head on national television. Under normal circumstances, she probably would've been vilified by the public. But, instead, she was praised. * She's a black mother who was in fear of her son's safety and willing to step up and do something about it. Maybe we need more mothers to do the same.
* In recent protests, we've heard the slogan, "Black Lives Matter." I agree 100 percent. However, it's what you do with the black life that you've been blessed with that's most important. " -- "Black Lives Matter"? Yes they do, but as so well demonstrated by the shooting figures in Chicago, the black community appears to have lost perspective.." ALL LIFE MATTERS".

Online headline: "Sheriff David Clarke has absolutely the best suggestion for Michael Moore and his ‘disarm the police’ nonsense"{ -- For those out-of-the-loop,, uber-lib Michael Moore has spoken.. Moore says our police should be disarmed and that "every African-American currently incarcerated for drug "crimes" or nonviolent offenses released from prison today." - Sheriff Clarke of Milwaukee, WI responded: "Start pilot project by doing it in his neighborhood. Set up transitional inmate housing where he lives." I agree...
Now it's being revealed that only about 10% of donations to the Clinton foundations actually make it to causes/people in need. That's even worse than Democratic Party entitlement plans where only 20% of taxes collected/absconded to fund these programs actually get to people in need.
You know..liberals rant and rave about corporations not paying enough taxes, yet New York, one of, if not the highest taxing states, is recruiting businesses to come in...come dangling 10 years of zero NY taxes. NY would be better off just removing corporate taxes for all existing businesses as well so jobs can be created immediately to meet employment needs.
Jonathan Gruber extra-stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Why are the most prejudiced people found in the Bible Belt?" -- Obviously not a Bible reader or message believer.. God does not look favorably on such people who usurp His judgement.
L-E Guest Commentary: Catherine Rampell - Washington Post. * An instructive mess in Kansas *
" At least eight Kansas school districts recently announced that they’re starting summer break early this year, and not because kids have already learned so much that they deserve a few extra days off. It’s because these schools ran out of money, thanks to state leaders’ decision to ax education spending midyear to plug an ever-widening hole in their budget. * In balancing the budget on the backs of children, Kansas politicians are behaving shamefully. But they may also be giving us a preview of what might happen if Republicans control the White House and Congress after the 2016 election." -- " balancing the budget on the backs of children" ...Hmmm.. there's nothing in the rules of budgeting that is controlled by children.. Even Republican politicians cannot squeeze more money out of taxpayers that would put more financial pressure on the parents/families of these children. No, budgeting is on the backs of school boards and administrators who need to learn how to distribute available revenues in a responsible and accountable manner. School official make a lot of claims about what they do "being for the kids", but the kids aren't getting paid.. No, the budget problems are completely in control of school officials who do not have the financial foresight to cut back on expenses... and we wonder why our children leave school so ill prepared for Real World 101

L-E headline: "Nearly a week after quake, Nepal still needs tents, food * By BINAJ GURUBACHARYA and FOSTER KLUG * Associated Press" -- Hmmm, and I'll bet these "journalists" were some of the first to blame Bush43 for the ills of Katrina... and somewhere in upcoming reports Bush43 will get blamed for Nepal...

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