Monday, November 16, 2015

Ah! It's Monday.. time for the Breakfast Club Weekend Update:

You know.. I think the best plan to eradicate Islamist terrorism is to ally our military with our European friends and India, load in the combined naval units to flood the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean with aircraft carriers, then give Saudi, UAE, Yemen, Omanand Dubai a "window" of opportunity to use their vast resources  solve the areal problem, and if those countries cannot or will not do so, take over those five countries, strip the ruling families of all their assets, and take over all the oil fields. . I'm tired of knowing those five countries seem to be able to avoid Islamist terrorists by basically funding them enough that the ISIS leaders leave them out of the skirmishes.

Random thought: Has anyone yet heard Obamageddon call ISIS "terrorists"? For that matter, has he called them ISIS rather than ISIL?.

Does mainscream media even know (well it certainly doesn't want to acknowledge this) that Obamageddon, just hours before the dastardly attacks in Paris, had stated irrevocably that, "What is true, from the start our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq and in Syria they'll come in, they'll leave. But you don't see this systemic march by ISIL across the terrain." Please note Obamageddon's "quote" still refers to ISIL... not ISIS.. the difference being that ISIS is the acronym for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and ISIL is the acronym for  for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.  Obamageddon prefers to use ISIL because it groups Israel in with the terrorist Islamic nations.

Online story: "U.S. Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton was criticized in a debate on Saturday for her 2003 vote backing the U.S. invasion of Iraq, with rival Bernie Sanders linking it to regional chaos that aided the rise of Islamic State militants." -- Good grief.. why would Sanders pick on G.I. Jillary about her "yes" vote when she's already said and apologized for "being for it before she was against it"?  Is there something in the Democrat Code that prohibits one Democrat asking another Democrat about some pertinent disqualifying event in another Democrats record?  Whether Bernie is tired of talking about her e-mails or not, and Benghazi, this nation needs to know the answers. The less those events are talked about, the less chance G.I. JIllary has to trip herself up on another lie.

Liberalism is a mental disease.. no wonder other liberals want to keep guns out of their hands.. Yesterday morning, when I turned on my TV, George Step-on-his-own-nose was on hosting his show on ABC (don't think I watch ABC news shows, but I went to bed during the football game) with an unnamed guest, and tey were interviewing Congressman Adam Schiff, D-CA). The conversation was about the Paris attacks and a lot of false machismo was being banty-henned about. All of a sudden, the unnamed guest injected that we can't be certain this was as widespread a coordinated assault as we is being assumed, after all it could have been a series of different attacks that just happened to be at the same time..silence.. neither George of the Democrat Congressman commented, but Step-on-his-own-nose quickly  shoed the idiot off the set.

Then I read the L-E's guest commentator's comments headline: "John A. Tures: Putin taking it out on Syria" -- Good the L-E so financially strapped that it can only hire Junior Varsity editorialists who are associate professors at a small college?

Online story: "A Democratic candidate for the Minnesota House ended his campaign Sunday, hours after he tweeted that the Islamic State group "isn't necessarily evil" and its members were doing what they thought was best for their community." -- "its members were doing what they thought was best for their community."? Good grief.. that is exactly the mantra the Democrat Party tries to buy votes with!

Online story: "Hillary Clinton and the other Democratic presidential candidates are being criticized for declining in Saturday night’s debate to use the worlds “radical Islam,” following the deadly terror attacks in Paris." -- Well, what did you expect.. the Democrat in the White House feels that calling them terrorists is just an antagonistic label, and  Democratic Party candidates are running on the mantra that ISIS "members were doing what they thought was best for their community".

Online story: "The Department of Defense announced late Sunday that five detainees at the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba have been released and sent to the United Arab Emirates" -- Good grief.. why? Maybe Obamageddon wants to save time and money by sending the jihadists back to the country that funds them so they can pick up their back pay and new weapons at the same time..

Hey, Obamageddon...why not put those terrorists from Gitmo in Debbie Wasserman Schultz's district?

Will someone ask Senator Feinstein where the assault weapons used in Paris came from? France has laws prohibiting assault weapons.

Jonathan Gruber inspired Mayoral LIV minion's Sunday L-E "soundoff" : " The reserve fund balance would be in better health if the city didn’t have to pay the legal fees of Sheriff Darr and Clerk Bishop. It will help when those fees are recovered." -- Besides the fund balance being used to pay for Mayor ObamaLYINGson's personal whims, it hasn't been the legal fees of Darr and Bishop (sic - I guess he/she meant  Pierce), it's been the legal fees run up because of the legal team the mayor assembled from her friends to fight the law that has resulted in those massive legal fees,

Online headline: "Baltimore records 300th (up 42 percent from last year) homicide of the year" -- Hmmm.... wonder if Mayor Rawlings-Blake will award the "Freddie Gray Memorial Award" to herself...or will the State Attorney challenge her for it? 

You know, Democrat presidential candidates do not feel that the US should roam the world toppling 3rd world dictators.. I agree, but Democrats don't understand what a real leader with a strong sense of the power of perception can do to strike fear in despots hearts and comfort in our allies. Obamageddon, G.I. Jillary.. even Slick Willie , and all the Democrat pretenders to the throne, believe apologies and smiles will accomplish this. Reagan had it right... when Gaddafy rattled his saber, Reagan pulled a Teddy Roosevelt proven tactic out (sorta like the quiet demeanor Marlon Brando had as "the Godfather"), and sent missiles in that took out Gaddafy's compound guard towers, and Gaddafy's pet goat which was tethered in the compound.. it got quiet real quick in Libya.

California Governor Moonbeam Brown likes to make laws that ban or restrict consumer uses of water, yet, he hasn't banned major California companies from bottling and selling water from drought stricken California lakes/rivers. You can only wonder, "who owns Moonbeam Brown?"

You know, now that our youngest has begun college, my bride and I have been discussing travel destinations for next year and beyond.. Paris and a Seine river cruise were tops on our list.. I do believe that one will be scratched off.

You know.. during the 9-11-01 Islamist jihad on America, the group of passengers on Flight 93 recognized their fate, but rather cowering in their seats waiting to die, they rushed the jihadist and got the plane to crash into an open field in Pennsylvania rather than the jihadist mission be complete by taking out our White House or Capitol Building. I wonder why the closest concert goers didn't do the same when the terrorists were methodically shooting other people and calmly reloading their weapons in order to shoot more. I do believe I might have charged them, and by doing so, encouraged other to do the same and disable the terrorists at the risk of sacrificing my own life to save others.

Soapbox Moment: Uptown Columbus needs new leadership.. the Halloween event this year was a fiasco... long lines to get in, and long slow lines to get candy and every table had the same candies.. we had attended the year before (even participated when we had our Broadway business) when children walked the open area in the 1000 block of Broadway, so we know the difference between something that works and doesn't work.

Saturday, we ventured back down to an Uptown Columbus sponsored event.. one introducing the era of areal food trucks. Low and behold, we were hit with long lines and a $5.00 per person "cover charge"...and Uptown offered nothing for that $5.00, and the actual food truck set up was so poorly planned that lines waiting for food blocked free roaming to just get an idea of what the individual trucks had to order.  Too boot, there was also beer vendors aplenty at another part of Woodruff Park. I wonder if the food truck/beer vendors would have liked the patrons to have that "cover charge" money ( $30.00 for my family) in the patrons' pockets to spend on their food/beer offerings and tips?

Hmm... other than no activities that would justify a $5.00 per-person  "cover charge" you'd think that there would be adequate bathroom facilities for all the children there the beer drinkers who could roam the are from 1:00-9:00... but there were no port-a-potties to be seen, and I'm pretty sure that the RiverWalk toilet wasn't going to be adequate for the beer drinkers... besides who wants to take their children into the RiverWalk bathroom?

It also made me think about why all that tax money that has been spent on the 14th Street Bridge and the Queen TT Lounge, yet, this event wasn't scheduled there.

Yes, Uptown Columbus needs new leadership.

For the first time, the walk night at the Fantasy of Lights at Callaway was held on a Saturday.  My bride had participated in it once before we got married in 2000, but since then Sunday evenings have been built around our children's youth avtivities at our church. This year was different. We were able to get all our daughters and son, plus our granddaughter (now at the very appreciable age of 3),  to commit to doing the walk . You could do it one of two ways.. the full walk was 7 miles (the last two were the unlit trip back to the parking lot), but if you wanted to do a 5 mile venture, shuttle buses would be at the end of the decorated section and whisk you back to the parking lots. WE opted to do the shuttle bus because we didn't think walking 2 miles in the dark with our 3 year-old would be agreeable with her after she had "seen the lights". We finished the 5 miles then stood in line to catch the shuttle bus back.. and we stood, and we stood and we stood. Not enough shuttle buses were engaged, and it took us 50 timed minutes to get a seat on a bus. 50 minutes standing in mid 40 degree temps while passing around our Sophia in attempts to keep her warm as well as "occupied". If we had known this, we could have just kept walking and gotten back to the parking lots sooner. I would think after two plus decades of the "walk night", Callaway would know how to run an efficient shuttle service..

Online story: "A Massachusetts agency is letting a woman who belongs to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster wear a colander on her head in her driver's license photo after she cited her religious beliefs." -- Hmmm ...yet I couldn't go to a school in Massachusetts and pray to Jesus even though it's my religious belief...

It must have been hard for UGA & Auburn fans to tune the pre-game shows on ESPN & the SEC Network and not see their fans or campus . Good if, if not "the" longest, rivalry was relegated to be the opening act for the real games later on.

Random Thought: "Abortions..I have an idea..allow them up to 2 months, no questions asked. After two months, offer a compensation package that includes housing and medical services for the mother during this period in exchange for irrevocable contracts in which both the mother and baby daddy sign away all their parental rights, and let people adopt the blessed babies for just the medical costs and no lawyers involved.

Online story: "CBS News reportedly reworked the format of its Saturday night Democratic debate agenda to focus more on terrorism, national security and foreign policy, in the hours following the deadly terror attacks in Paris." -- "reworked the format... to focus more on terrorism, national security and foreign policy"? Of course.. you didn't think CBS would have originally planned to delve on pertinent issues on its on accord, did you?

Online headline: "Frances vows to destroy ISIS" -- Hmmm... wonder why CBS didn't invite François Hollande to it's liberal fest Saturday night?
You know, I have a new entry to put on the ballot for the World's Toughest Job" contest.. Fact-Checker for a Democrat Party debate...

Oh! Got an E-mail from Bill Clinton saying he hopes" HILLary can count on me".  Yeah, like she counted on him? Here's something she can count on also..I will not vote for G.I. Jillary under in circumstance.

There needs to be one more act in the Missouri political debacle.  Missouri needs to resign from the SEC. If they don't, the SEC needs to fire Mizzou.

Oh! Remember me posting the info on a house that sold for in excess of $1,000,000.00 that was being carried in the tax digest as being worth only $325K? Got a response from Mayor ObamaLYINGson about the lack of up-to-date evaluations on non-exempt. She said, (and I quote)

"Hal - You may not be aware that we are doing this currently. There have been several council presentations on the process and the progress.

Teresa Pike Tomlinson
Columbus Consolidated Government

Well, I responded: 
Mayor -
Oh, in other words, you've been trying to find a way to undermine the freeze rather than solving the real solution .. collecting taxes on old info. It also means that for 5 years, on your watch, you've allowed situations such as this, and many others, to exist..


From the "we ain't gonna give a full description because we don't want to be "profilig" anyone" department: "Three 16-year-old inmates, including one facing a capital murder charge, escaped a juvenile detention center in downtown Houston early Sunday morning after one of them allegedly assaulted an officer and stole his keys. *  Alferis Coby, asked a supervision officer for toiletries just after midnight.
"He got the officer to open the door," Brooks said, adding that Coby "beat him down pretty badly." *  Alferis Coby took the officer's keys and cell phone and freed two other inmates — Jahrell West and an unnamed juvenile — * The three inmates, who were still at large, were wearing white shirts and khaki pant, he said." -- Hmmm.. guess we are going to just have deduct from the names to fill-in-our-racist-minds as to the color of the escapees...Good escapee's color is an important description that would increase the community's ability to aid the police in locating these criminals...

Online headline: "Zebras captured after wild chase in Philadelphia" -- Oooops, my bad.. thought fans caught up with the refs following the Eagles' loss to Miami...

Online headline: "Madonna breaks down at concert over Paris attacks * The pop icon addressed the deadly attacks in Paris during her concert in Stockholm on Saturday night, delivering an emotional speech. * 'Why am I up here dancing ...' -- "why am I up here dancing"? Hmm.. the real question is why has M(_*_)donn(_*_) been dancing for the 7 years Obamageddon has let down the US and the World?

L-E "headlie":  "OBAMA FACES HARD CHOICES WITH PARIS ATTACKS" -- Good grief.. manning up is not a "choice", it's a necessity!
L-E headline: "Inquirer: Vandals darken end of RiverWalk" -- As I recall, GA Power uses glass globes that cost better than $300.00 a pop (pun intended). Surely there are less expensive globes than can sustain a thrown rock.
L-E story: "The Muscogee County School Board will vote on a contract extension for Superintendent David Lewis at a meeting tonight. * The meeting is at 6 p.m. in the Muscogee County Public Education Center on Macon Road. *  Lewis was named superintendent in July 2013 and was given a three-year contract." -- Hmmm.. well .. let's pray that it's only a 6-months extension so he'll have a little cushion if he doesn't improve things by the end of June, and let's hope we get more than 2 votes for not even offering an extension any longer than that..
Jonathan Gruberesque incredibly stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": " All we need for gun control is stopping the sale of bullets." -- Good grief.. How about prompt incarceration and execution of criminals using guns in a crime.. that would be a whole lot better way to stop abuses of guns.
Interesting L-E "soundoff: "Can anybody explain why there weren’t any flags at the Fort Mitchell cemetery, especially on Veterans Day? -- Hmmm.. my guess would be that the caretaker is a Democrat, and was kowtowing to Native American requests to not fly a flag that displaced them, killed them or contained them in reservations..

L-E's "Thought for Today, “An American who can make money, invoke God, and be no better than his neighbor, has nothing to fear but truth itself." -  Marya Mannes, American critic (1904-1990)." -- Hmmm  .. little did Ms Mannes foresee the emergence of Obamageddon.. now making money, loving Christ, and  helping your neighbor gets you vilified by the IRS, the DOE, & DOJ, and persecuted by mainscream media.

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