Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Online headline: "Barack Obama has officially joined Facebook" --- Hmmm.. wonder which "face" Obamageddon will use.. my guess is his "left" one.
From the "suspicions conformed" department: Earlier this year, Obamageddon opened up a Twitter account.. hmmm... documenting  my assertion that he is definitely a "Big Twit".
That Mizzou strike over a feces swastika..how can there be any productive solution when one side's demand is for the other side's negotiator to resign?
Good grief...the Mizzou president actually resigned because of a protest over a swastika drawn with a "stool". I guess the graffiti guy used the " dirty end". Not only that, but the Chancellor is resigning at year's end. Shoot , CSU's recent past-president wasn't even asked to step down after the faculty gave him a vote of "no confidence".
Oh.. BTW, the president of Yale did not resign because of the " palpable hurt and anger students have expressed this week" regarding women and minority students.
You know..GM has eliminated Oldsmobile's and Pontiacs, scaled down the size of Cadillac, and now wants us to get excited about Buick being something other than a comfortable family sedan.. Let me tell you.. I want a full sized, comfortable family sedan like the parade floats of the 1960s Buicks.. GM needs to look "retro" for ideas consumers are asking about.
Neal Cavuto of Foxposed a good question ..why is there such gridlock in Congress..and maybe we ought to look on both sides of the aisle. DOH! There's one simple answer... Party politics...whether a Congressperson is a Democrat or Republican, neither should lose sight that he/she represents his/her district , his/her state, and America first...not a political party. Career politicians has forgotten that..
So Rubio is getting hassled about a $134.00 haircut .. seems excessive by my standards... even my bride's standards, but a bargain compared to $600.00 ones of G.I. Jillary, or the airport closing ones that Bill Clinton arranged while sitting at the end of a runway in Air Force 1.
I have one question to ask Dr. Ben Carson...Did he advocate for or against 'vetting' Obamageddon on his autobiographies he wrote?
I'm beginning to understand why mainscream media ignored G.I. HILLary scandals.. there are so many that it would have had to work weekends as well.
Did you see the woman in Israel wearing a burqa pull a knife out and attack a police officer.? Makes you wonder why burqas haven't been banned in America. Just think how easy it would be for a male jihadist or Caitlyn Jenner to claim he's " transgendered" and hide bombs and other weapons under his burqa...
Did I miss it? Why wasn't Trump asked ,"Briefs or Boxers "? when on SNL?
You know..regardless of whether Rubio paid the personal expenses he put on the Republican Party credit card, it was bad judgement to use and reuse such a card for personal uses.. Once could be an error.. a lapse in judgement..but after that, it became a series bad choices.
Online story: "It’s been obvious from the beginning of the Common Core scheme that one of many weak links in the enterprise was college professors. What would happen when their classes were flooded with increasingly ill-prepared Common Core-“educated” students? That problem is now becoming apparent, and a professors’ revolt has now begun in Kentucky—the first state to adopt and implement the national curriculum mandates." -- Good grief.. I think GA had "Common CRAP before KY and the GA DOE/Board of Regents just gave us "remedial classes" for colleges..
L-E story: "(Dr.( Lewis (MCSD Superintendent) added, "Ultimately, everything comes down to performance. I had to put the structure in place. Now, the curriculum is getting in place. As we move forward, we have a little bit more to go, like adopting curriculum for the secondary program (the middle schools and high schools). It's a 10-year plan for a reason. This isn't going to happen in three years." -- Good grief.. " a 10 year plan for a reason"? Then why didn't the MCSB hire someone who possibly could be here 10 years or more before retirement age so he/she could see such a 10-year plan to fruition? But... but you know.. with every class having a teacher, and (according to Dr Lewis) with every child having a textbook,  there should be no reason for test results to be declining,, nor stagnant, for that matter, but excessive demands on teachers caused by administrative policies and federal regulations obviously are cutting the  time teachers have to connect with students in the classrooms.
FTR: It's now 10 days past the extended deadline for the Whittlesey Road widening project completion date. The first of the "pool: dates will be scratched off today... Why isn't the GA DOT stepping in and getting the job finished?
OK.. close Gitmo.. but with a couple of caveats.. The Obama's Chicago compound, and the Clinton's Chappaqua, NY compound be the only containment facilities in the US, and ACLU lawyers have to live there as roommates for the jihadists.
Online headline/story: "Woman wins $8 million jackpot ... before casino staff tells her the machine malfunctioned * Veronica Castillo thought she had finally struck gold after pouring in $100 dollars' worth of nickels while playing the slot machine game "Jurassic Riches" when she won $8 million. *  But those dreams were dashed when the staff at The Lucky Eagle Casino in Washington State told her there had been a malfunction with the slot machine. * "They came to me and said: 'We have to shut off the machine.' Then I was asking: 'What about the prize?' They said: 'There is no prize.'  * Instead of the millions, she got a measly $80.35." -- Hmmm.. looks like Las Vegas has hired Maxwell Smart as its spokesperson... "Hmmm.. would you believe....."
L-E headline: "EACH HIGH SCHOOL IN COLUMBUS IMPROVES ITS GRADUATION RATE" -- Seriously,, why is this being celebrated? Combined with the abysmal test results, this basically shows that other than Columbus High, the MCSD is flushing the system with social graduations.. plus skewing the results with past non-grads getting diplomas-by-pardon.. The real test of graduation success is how many students qualify for college admissions without having to take remedial classes in reading, English, and math.
From above story: "Graduation Growth"
Counties:              2014            2015
Chattahoochee         74.3%          83,3%      +9.0%
Muscogee                76.6%          84.6%      +8.0%
Harris                       87.4%          89.8%      +2,5%
What's obvious is that Harris County had much better rates than Muscogee or Chattahoochee Counties when the Seniors had to pass the graduation tests.
L-E story: "Rival members of the Muscogee County School Board were in rare agreement at Monday night's work session as they helped convince the superintendent to pull an agenda item. * Board vice chairwoman Pat Hugley Green of District 1 and Frank Myers of District 8 led the objections, and superintendent David Lewis agreed to delay his recommendations for the architects who will design the projects funded by the 1 percent Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax county voters approved in March." -- Hmmm.. maybe seeing that Wal-Mart's Neighborhood Markets are being built for $88.00 a square foot caught the eye odf some of the MCSBm and maybe they soul talk with Polestar Development and RPM & Associates, both of Chattanooga, and save more than $200.00 a square foot in construction costs compared to the SPLOST projections.
Note on above story: The L-E has this posted on its web edition: "Comments have been disabled for this story." -- Hmm.. yeah.. .. who would like to know what the public is thinking?
L-E "headlie: "Carmike reports $180.2M revenue * Despite profit, reports $6.3M loss" -- Good grief... is there no one at the L-E that understands a "P&L" statement? Only in liberalville can a $6.3 MILLION dollar loss be determined to be a profit. Besides, much of the "gain" in revenues is attributable to Carmike's new policy of not including the sales taxes in the posted prices of tickets or concessions.. in other words.. Carmike gave us an 8% cost increase across the board which accounts for most of their reported revenue gains.
Oh, more info about the ownership of those Courtyard II "CSU dorms" that burned  this weekend... "Greenhill at Columbus, LLC" has a Malvern, PA mailing/business address...That referendum issue on the 2012 that went through in "stealth mode" which allowed the colleges in GA to sell off their "dorms" and the new owners get the tax exemptions no other privately owned apartments complexes in GA get. IT
s bad enough that local apartment complex owners have to competer with this, but to allow out of state firms to buy them is taking most of revenue out of Columbus and Georgia.
Jonathan Gruber double extra stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "   So Ben Carson’s published story of applying for and being admitted to West Point was a fabrication. Next." -- Reagan was so right.. "libera;s just know so much that isn't true". Fortunately, it's not a lost vote for Carson as stupid is going to vote for G.I. Jillary or Uncle Bernie regardless of who's the better candidate.

Another Jonathan Gruber double extra stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Now that the monster Rupert Murdoch has swallowed National Geographic and fired all its award-winning staff, I’m canceling my subscription. It will become a yellow-sheet rag like the rest of his publishing empire." -- Oh.. "canceling my subscription"?  Well, typical lib.. wanting us to believe =he/she actually spent his/her own money on something they read for free at the library...

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