Monday, November 23, 2015

Weekend update: What's with the MCSB giving raised and contract extensions for lackluster performance? Even Richt and Malzahn won"t be looking for bonuses this year, and a repeat season will see them gone.
I saw something disturbing during the Arkansas-Mississippi State game..Different referees placed the ball down differently. Sometimes they marked the ball's front where their toe was, and other times, they placed the ball with the back of it by their toes.  That's a foot difference, and in some cases, and may be the difference in getting a First Down or not.
From the "look what I found by accident " department - Online story: "Earlier this year, the Department of Transportation (DOT) fast-tracked the submission of a proposal requiring all new cars to be manufactured with vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication capability." -- Good grief.. for what actual good can come out of this, the nuisance far outweighs that. Imagine an unscrupulous car repair business or tow service - yeah  ..there are those "out there" - wanting to boost sales.. they could send cars out with malware and shut down the car you are driving,, worse yet, surely some software company will develop a program to sell to businesses that they can use to broadcast an advertisement through your car radio whenever you drive by. Oh! and let's not forget "Big Brother"... imagine traffic and street lights having the ability to monotor everything you do and send you "invoices" every time you fudge on a speed limit or "yellow light".' Worse than that, what about government monitors that make you give the recommended 6-to-7 car lengths on the Interstates as you go through Atlanta at 65/70 MPH.
L-E "headlie" : "ASIAN SUMMIT * Obama vows no safe haven for killers" -- Good grief.. has he forgotten to tell Nancy Pelosi and the San Francisco Council, or 300 + more "sanctuary cities" in the US?
It really gets to me why Obamageddon was not just got elected, but re-elected. The informed knew he had no leadership, why would even Independents want to keep a "nanny-in-chief" in the White House?
Sunday Columbus L-E editorial headline/content: "Modest gain says numbers moving in right direction *   Unless you’re already quite wealthy, a 4.3 percent income hike won’t pay for a sleek new yacht or that vacation chalet in Aspen. But as big-picture economic indicators go, an increase of that size in the Columbus metro area’s per capita income is statistically significant and a valid reason for cautious optimism. *  As Ledger-Enquirer business writer Tony Adams reported Friday, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis released figures showing that this metro area’s 2014 per capita income of $36,683" --
 Hmmm.. so "a modest gain" catches the attention of the L-E Editorial staff.  hmmm makes you wonder what they have been looking at during the plethora of declines in such over the past 7-to-10 years...Now.. $36,683.00 is about $17.50 per hours in wage speak (calculating 40 hours a week for 52 weeks), but in reality  most small business owners work 60 or more hours a week, so their "wage" is more like $11.75 per hour.. and unemployed "protesters" looking for work want $15.00 per hour... good luck with that...
L-E story: " To learn how the Muscogee County School District is helping to boost students to higher academic achievement, the Ledger-Enquirer visited Eddy Middle School last week. * Eddy is one of the district’s 13 lowest-performing schools, all of which are participating in a reading and writing pilot program the Muscogee County School Board approved in August and the district implemented last month after teachers were trained to use it. *  The program, called Achieve3000, is a web-based system that delivers differentiated instruction in nonfiction reading and writing. On a computer, students in a class read the same content in news articles from The Associated Press and National Geographic, but the computer program tailors the complexity of the text to each student’s reading level. *  Muscogee County will spend $630,000 over three fiscal years for Achieve3000. Superintendent David Lewis said the program will be evaluated after this school year to determine whether to recommend expanding it to the entire district." -- Hmm.. "will be evaluated after this school year to determine whether to recommend expanding it to the entire district"? Good grief.. if it's going to take 3 years to see if it works at one school, why are there plans to add any more schools after 1 year? Besides, a better test would be to go into a school that isn't failing, and see if it works to improve those students abilities who have already shown they are capable students.
Note on a bove.. Why would the MCSD be interested in a program called "Achieve3000"? It the program was really good, it could be named "Achieve Today"

Just for the records.. I bought my house in Muscogee County in 2003.. property taxes on it were about $5,200 as it is today 12 years later. I sold my Harris County home for about the same price as the one I bought in Muscogee County. I was paying about $1,900.00 in property taxes in 2003.. this year, the family that bought that house,(and added a 3-car detached garage) are paying less $2,600.00 in property taxes, as well as no additional garbage fees. Hmmm.. if I had stayed in Harris County, I'd would have saved more than $33,000.00 in property taxes/garbage fees, and my children would have gotten better public school educations. Now, what is the reasoning about the City and MCSD wanting more taxes?
Online headline: "Winter 2015-16 temperature outlook update: Warmer than average in the North, cooler in the South, East Coast" -- Hmmm.. The Weather Channel is predicting "Much Cooler" in Texas, "Much Warmer" in the Northern Plains states as well.. what does it mean? Maybe we'll get some snow down South, and the North East will still get blizzards .. I think I'll just consult my "Farmer's Almanac"....or wait and see where Algore's shadow falls.
Online headline/story: " Report: ISIS planning attack on WWE event in Ga. *  World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., or WWE, says its November professional wrestling event, the Survivor Series, will continue as planned despite alleged threats from ISIS. * Activist hacker-group Anonymous claims to have found evidence that suggests ISIS will attack the event, which is being held in Atlanta, Georgia. It's important to note the threats haven't been confirmed." -- Hmmm you have to wonder whether WWE sent in the "threat" to ensure a full house or to fill the parking lots with Concealed Carry patriots.
Online headline: "Black Lives Matter protester kicked out of Donald Trump rally after fight" -- Yes, black lives matter..yes they do, and so do the lives of every one else..Then why aren't the "BLM" protesters in the streets of our inner cities doing something positive for black neighborhoods instead?
No doubt..Notre Dame's uniforms were the weekend's worst.. and a definite consideration for the year's worst.
There's a running back for Arkansas that should have a special rule written just for him.."If a player's name and number on the back of his jersey can't be read by the referees or the TV commentators , then the referee should either send him off the field to cut it off or tuck it into his jersey. I'd give you his name, but it would have to be considered "hearsay testimony" because I never got a confirmed look at it.
L-E headline: "SOA Watch protesters missing at Stone Gate" -- Hmmm.. and if the L-E didn't show up and report on them, they probably wouldn't show up at all...You know.. if the SOA Watch is so concerned about human rights, why doesn't the SOA Watch leadership change venues .. to say.. the ISIS caliphate?
Online story: "Some University of Missouri students told the system’s governing body Friday they want some say in deciding who will become the next chancellor and president at the school’s main campus in Columbia and raised the argument the university needs more faculty of color." -- "needs more faculty of color"? Good grief..Dr King's message has been completely lost by this generation of black students.. what happened to King's ideal that we be judged on our character rather than our color?
HuffPOOPOO headline: "I Don't Care Who Killed JFK" -- If this doesn't sum up mainscream media's disregard for the past History and the Future of America, then you must be a liberal.
Online story: "Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee, said on Sunday the United States is not doing enough to fight Islamic State, and the group is gaining strength outside Iraq and Syria." -- "the ranking Democrat"?  Hmm .. how about the RANKEST Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee...
Hmmm..according to my e-mail, NY Senator GILLIBRAND wants me to dine with her and G.I. Jillary. Can you imagine how quickly they would regret that?
Just got an e-mail from GA Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson from District 4 (Cynthia McKinney's old seat), I noticed with interest that Johnson has a Chief of Staff, a District Director, 8 Wasjington staffers and 6 GA District 4 staffers.. You know what that means don't you?  that we taxpayers are paying for 16 Johnson advisors who also didn't know an island cannot tip over if too much military equipment is gathered in one place.
Online story: " Police have been trying to figure out what sparked a gun battle in a crowded New Orleans park that left 16 people wounded and the mayor is calling on witnesses to come forward." -- "calling on witnesses to come forward"? Good luck with that.. he mayor might want to call "Black Lives Matter" to come down and remind the surrounding neighborhood of that. Good grief.. what has mainscream media done.. it's given credence to "Black Lives Matter" out of political correctness and can't shut it off.
Online horror story: "A child in Houston, Texas is dead after authorities say the 19-month-old girl was placed in the oven by the baby's older siblings while being left home alone by the mother. * Local authorities believe the incident occurred when mother Raquel Thompson left her four children home alone on Monday night, Nov. 16. The mother told officers that she and her boyfriend left the children at home while they picked up pizza and a prescription the night of the horrifying incident. * All four children were under the age of four.
* Two of the children, both only three-years-old, told investigators that one of them put 19-month-old J'Zyra Thompson in the oven while the other one turned it on to "hot"." -- "Black Lives Matter".. where are you.. the police are not your enemy.. Pogo was right.. "we have met the enemy and he is us"
Online story: "Residents in Memphis, Tenn. woke up this week to an horrifying unwelcome surprise outside their doors. * Millions of little spiders have infested the yards of the city residents. *  Residents like Morris have been asking the city to step in to exterminate the little creatures, but haven't seen much action. * "Clean this area up and spray for these spiders and make it safe. There are kids running around. A spider could bite the kids or anything," Morris told WMC Action News. Her neighbor, Debra Lewis, agrees." -- Good grief.. it want be long before Democrat voters call the government to come out and wipe their rear ends after going potty.. This is what has happened courtesy of the Democrats buying people's votes. .. total government dependence.. whether it's in school where kids are picked up for hour+ plus rides to and from schools, to feeding kids what the government wants to.. in the classrooms and well as the lunchrooms. and graduating students who are not taught that they need to take responsibility for their own welfare.
Online story: ""I don't want to close mosques -- I want to surveil mosques. I want mosques surveilled. We were doing it New York City for a while until the worst mayor that New York City has ever had got elected," Trump said on Sunday, referring to de Blasio." -- Hmm.. Trump's right again.. and probably picked up more support in NYC.. what Democrat.. heck.. what politically correct Republican lifer candidate.  is going to tell the truth about de Bl(_*_)io that already percolates on the streets.
Hmmm... Lexus... and Lexus Lite (Toyota) are the reigning Top 2 vehicles for reliability according to Consumer Reports.. GM's Buick was 7th,which was a drop from last year, and the "usual suspects" ..Cadillac, Mercedes, and Beamers were shut out of the top group
Random thought: How can mainscream media complain about the Islam population not stepping up to fight or report on radial Islamists' activities/plans in their neighborhoods...when mainscream media doesn't hold black communities' feet to the fire on helping police rid their neighborhoods of street thugs/gangs? 
Monday L-E headline/story: "SOA WATCH TO MOVE ANNUAL PROTEST OUT OF COLUMBUS  * The School of the Americas Watch annual protest is leaving Columbus and moving to the border of the United States and Mexico." -- You know.. if the L-E had just ignored this out-of-step-organization's efforts  at the beginning, this would have happened years ago, and saved taxpayers hundreds of thousands of wasted dollars in monitoring and court costs. 
A you-gotta-be-kidding-me LIV's L-E "soundoff": " As an Italian-American I am offended that any program about the Mafia always portrays them as Italian. I also believe that any college group that throws a Toga Party should be expelled as insensitive." -- I think this person needs to be given a DNA test before he/she can claim to be Italian...
Jonathan Gruber triple-double extra stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "The goal of ISIS to provide an atmosphere of terror in America is being accomplished. Our pandering politicians are now leading the charge to implement the fear factor among the electorate." -- Good grief.. somebody tell this idiot that ISIS wants to kill him/her, and no amount of sniveling will get him/her any sympathy from ISIS.
Incredibly stupid and ill-informed LIV's L-E's "soundoff": "Jesus was a child refugee. He must weep to hear his followers calling for nations to close their borders. I believe he would say we’re no longer welcoming him." --  Good grief... Jesus was hidden from the government.. not the people, and I do not remember him picking up a knife and slaying non-believers.
L-E's " Thought for Today": “It is better to debate an important matter without settling it than to settle it without debating it.” — Author unknown. -- Well, one thing for sure is it wasn't Nancy Pelosi or any of the Democrats in government in 2008-09.
L-E headline/story: "GEORGIA LEADS THE U.S. IN PROBATION * Group files lawsuits related to believed overuse of probation for defendants * Some in Georgia say the numbers are significantly inflated, but others say the numbers reflect an overuse of probation in Georgia, where courts contract with private probation companies to supervise and collect payments from people who can’t afford to pay tickets on the day they go to court.  *  “These figures are an embarrassment and a call to action,” said Sarah Geraghty, an attorney at the Southern Center for Human Rights. The group has filed lawsuits and complaints related to probation given to defendants accused of misdemeanors." -- "but others say the numbers reflect an overuse of probation in Georgia, where courts contract with private probation companies to supervise and collect payments from people who can’t afford to pay tickets on the day they go to court."? Good grief! What we have is a bunch of disgruntled lawyers complaining that they are not getting to go to court to get these criminals out on probation... so the lawyers are not getting paid with taxpayer dollars!  Like I say.. it's these rascally 99% of lawyers that give the other 1% a bad reputation.
Saw an interesting story in the L-E wishfully proclaiming hat UGA's experience with GA Southern;s "oiption" offense will help UGA against GA Tech..hey, it wasn't the GA Southern "options" that held UGA to 17 regulat time points.
Last week, the L-E missed an important "anniversary" date.. the one for the epic battle in the Ia Drang Valley in Viet Nam. Gotcha.. you thought I was going to say Kennedy's Assassination.. well, the L-E pretty much forgot that, too, but only because the L-E doesn't want Democrat voters to be reminded of Kennedy and see how lacking G.I. Jillary is...

FTR: It's now 23 days past the extended deadline for the Whittlesey Road widening project completion date. Maybe the GA DOT should adopt a policy that no bids can be taken from a bidder who hasn't finished his last job on time.

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