Friday, May 19, 2017

From the " did you remember this story being parswd when Bernie was shout "free education" while courting college students votes" department - Online story: "multiple reports are emerging that Jane Sanders is under FBI investigation amid accusations of improper financial conduct during her time as president of Burlington College. * VTDigger, an independent, investigative news organization in Vermont under the Vermont Journalism Trust, asked Sanders in April if she had been contacted by the FBI or the U.S. attorney for Vermont amid the investigation into Burlington College. She refused to comment. * Sen. Sanders cut off a local WCAX television interviewer trying to ask if he'd used improper influence with People's United Bank to secure a loan for Burlington College. Sanders said it would be "improper" to discuss the matter and insinuated that the allegations are political in nature. * The college closed in May 2016 under "crushing weight" from its debt, " --  Bernie's wife's school  went 'belly up' during the primary..Got this info from a story this week.. I cannot imagine this not being NEWS during the primary campaign other than since the Hellary "fix" was already in, mainscream media did not want to estrange college student votes when she also shouted out for "free education".

Online story: "Don't freak out but San Francisco, best known for the Golden Gate Bridge, and the historic LGBT rights Castro district, has a new tourist attraction. * For two days in July, the San Francisco Dungeon will feature a pop-up called The Rat Cafe! * The entry at the Dungeon will set you back $50 bucks, among other things, to the rat attraction which features rescued and rehabilitated rodents that will be scurrying around while you drink coffee or tea and pastries." - "The Rat Cafe"? "rats will scurry around ... for twoi days."? Guess AFTER the two days, the owners will put back the "D-e-m-o-c" back up on the sign and back to business as usual for regular DemocRATS to scurry around.

From the "it's worse than terrorism" department - HuffPOOPOO story: "The man who drove his car into a crowded sidewalk in Times Square on Thursday was high on synthetic marijuana, known on the street as K2 * Richard Rojas, 26, plowed down three city blocks, killing an 18-year-old woman and injuring at least 22 others in what appears to have been a drug-fueled rampage. * Rojas, a Navy veteran from the Bronx, has been arrested twice in the past for drunken driving -- in 2008 and 2015. * There was "no indication" it was an act of terrorism, Mayor Bill de Blasio told a news conference at the scene." -- "no indication it was an act of terrorism"? Hmm.. you know it's worse.. This has become an act of "normalcy" on the streets of NYC since de Bl(_*_)io  became mayor.

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Joe Biden's new job revealed" -- Hmm.. Biden and The University of Pennsylvania are teaming up to create a foreign policy center in DC.... Biden .. after an 8 year hiatus from reality, Biden is now an expert on foreign policy?  Which country is he representing?

Online "headLIE": "ABC defends Last Man Standing cancellation * we made the decision not to continue with comedies on Fridays" -- WRONG.. ABC TRIED to defend canceling Last Man Standing...what ABC did was reveal how liberal it has become.. think back at how many times I've mentioned that the first clue you're dealing with a liberal is when you notice that people lose their sense of humor.

Soapbox Moment: Creating a Citizens Advisory Committee to work with the MCSB and MCSD on what can be done to create successful and localized alternative school programs for students with classroom issues is a good thing.  Another aspect than can be incorporated into the charges of a Citizens Advisory Committee is a board rating system.. posting overall "grades" of board members' decisions would give the voters  great knowledge in assessing whether board members should be supported or not in re-election bids.

You know, Republicans challenging Trump making good on his campaign issues are not really protesting Trump, they are supporting Schumer and Pelosi.

Have you noticed that Democrats and mainscream media have already assumed that a Special Prosecutor means Trump is guilty and will be impeached..and next week won't be quick enough to do so. Trying to convince Democrats that the job of a Special Prosecutor is to investigate situations and report his findings as to their reality/factuality is not what Democrats and mainscream media actually want to hear.

While I personally thought Trump should have fired Comey on day 1 of his presidency, I also understand Trump's philosophy or giving trust early in a relationship to see if a person with skills can be trusted for his/her loyalty as well. Comey failed..not only Trump's "test", but America..and himself.

Soapbox Moment: I'm certainly glad my middle daughter has already been graduated from CSU, and that I have only one left there. Just heard that CSU has a "food pantry" for students who obviously have gone to high schools with "free meals" because they expect them in college as well.  After years of having to buy outrageously priced "meal plans" so my daughters would be able to eat away at school, I realize it is expensive to be a prisoner of the university dorm & food programs, but it's just not right to promote a welfare program for students who are learning (at least I hope this is the goal) to become self-sufficient adults when they graduate. What's even worse is that when "food welfare" is not fully supported by voluntary donations (and it won't), the CSU will incorporate the costs in either an existing or new "mandatory fee" each semester for parents to pay for other people's children to eat as well as their own. You know, there is already such a "mandatory fee" in place that requires parents of students to pay for children of others to attend school on athletic scholarships.. Let your GA Representatives know this is just WRONG!

Oh, and one of the specific requests is for "$10.00 Publix Cards"... Excuse me, not only are there no "Publix Stores" even close to either CSU campuses! If students have cars, to get to Publix, then they do not NEED donations for food...

WRBL TV3 headline: "MCSD Assistant Superintendent resigns from her position" -- Guess she didn't want to be competing against Lewis when he sends out his resume for another gig. Looks like a "double strike out" for ex-Polk County, FL in Muscogee County, GA

L-E story: "There are 146 public safety vehicles on the streets of Columbus that meet the city’s “replace now” criteria, but officials say there’s no need to worry. * “When we say ‘replace now,’ that doesn’t mean the vehicles are unsafe,” said Deputy City Manager Lisa Goodwin. “It just means they reached the written criteria for replacement.” -- You know, our law enforcement folks need safe vehicles.. not just for their safety (which is paramount), but also for the safety of all Columbus citizens.. a police vehicle out-of-control because of safety issues is a danger to average law-abiding citizens who may just be in the wrong place at the wrong time.. Guess Mayor Tom-LYING-son won't care until somebody on her bicycle trails get taken out by a police vehicle out-of-control.

You know.. I hope Paul Ryan calls for "impeachment" of EVERY Democrat in the House. Dems are wasting our time and money distracting Trump's time from getting things done to Make America Great Again. ..and it's a whole lot more likely that all Democrats could get impeached over traitorous obstruction of Congress versus Trump being impeached over Democrat claims.

L-E "soundoff": "Diogenes would need a lantern emitting the same amount of lumens as the sun to find an honest man these days." -- Well, he certainly would if he went to a Democratic Party campaign fund raiser, or Caucus..

LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Immigrants in detention centers suffer horribly, while others make money off of their confinement. So who is breaking the ethical border, the immigrant or the money maker?" -- Hmm.. then  taxpayers would really benefit if we build 'the Wall", have no illegal aliens to arrest, and no jail keepers on payroll to watch over and feed them.

From L-E headline/story: " Now at 5 percent, how low can Georgia’s unemployment go?* Here are the April 2017 job totals for Georgia’s metro areas::
• Augusta — 241,800
• Savannah — 179,700
• Columbus — 121,100
• Macon — 102,800
• Albany — 62,700

Of course Atlanta leads with 2,739,500 jobs, but what's disturbing is the huge difference between Columbus and Augusta/Savannah, and the pathetic totals for Sanford Bishops District 2. which includes all or some of Macon/Albany/Columus.

Columbus/Muscogee County has either 189K or 200K depending on who's figures you use, while Augusta/Richmond County has 195K, and Savannah/Chatam County has 289K, Macon/Bibb County has 153K, and Albany/Dougherty County has 90K. Of course, the L-E's "crack" reporting shows Augusta/Richmond County with 40-plus thousand more "jobs" than people than the Census.. (maybe the L-E is counting dead people voting as a "job"), but anyway you "slice it" Columbus job totals are pathetic compared to Augusta and Savannah and lower than Macon or Albany, and Bishop's District 2 totals are pathetic compared to the rest of GA

Can anyone with Columbus' "Together 2017" give us an update on the "Little Libraries" .. like how many books have been taken and returned/not returned.. any damages.. etc?

From the "if there is none, let's show our bias ANYWAY" department - L-E "headLIE": "Chaffetz, who leads House inquiry, to resign" -- WRONG.. Chaffetz announced he will not run for re-election in 2018, and that he may retire earlier than that..

You know, when all races come together to applaud each other is a beautiful moment.. why then, does one sector want to segregate from another?

L-E story: "The opening of the $2.6 billion football stadium under construction in Inglewood, California, has been pushed back one year to 2020 because of construction delays caused by Los Angeles’ uncommonly wet winter." -- "$2.6 BILLION football stadium"? You know, that's almost 10 years of Columbus' entire budgets.. wonder how many bicycle lanes/parking facilities Inglewood's mayor included in that plan?

I'm confused.. confused at mainscream media being FOR dismantling our Constitution.. confused only because it IS our Constitution that protects mainscream media so it can make stupid arguments for dismantling our Constitution..
See ya' Monday.. taking a long weekend away from the keyboard to enjoy my children. See ya' Monday with my "Weekend Update".

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