Thursday, May 25, 2017

Online headline/story: "Was Ariana Grande targeted? Former Jihadist says ISIS saw show as 'perverted PR opportunity' * Ariana Grande sold-out Manchester Arena show may have specifically targeted by ISIS because of the singer's self-assurance and sexy, proudly feminine style, everything the terrorist organization despises. *  "To hit a den of immorality, as ISIS acolytes are calling it, it's a great target for them," he said. "Ariana Grande is a big name brand; the media will descend on it. Children being killed will get coverage, and that emotional reaction. So, all these things are hitting at the same time at the same place." -- "perverted PR opportunity"? Hmmm.. the Islamic jihadist (_*_) was from Libya.. Where have we recently heard the name Libya... Oh! It's one of the 6 countries Trump wants to ban "refugees" entry from.. How about that.. Hey liberals, it could have been at a Katy Perry California or New York concert just as easy

Online headline/story: "Montana Republican congressional candidate allegedly assaults newspaper reporter * Jacobs told MSNBC's Chris Hayes that he was trying to ask Gianforte about the CBO score when "the next thing I know, I'm being body-slammed." -- Well, at least one mainscream eporter "feels" what mainscream reporter does to Trump every day.. Now, all we have for an "ear witness" as to what the question Jacobs asked Gianforte is Jacobs himself... fake news?

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Democratic Sen. Al Franken says he won't run for president against Trump come 2020" -- Dang! Now who will the Democrats put up since their best.. well most representative of Democrat candidates has bowed out? Heck, he could have even played himself in SNL skits/spoofs.

Nancy Pelosi said Trump's budget takes 100s of billions of dollars away from job creating programs..wait a minute, what in the heck does Pelosi even know about creating a non-government job?

Random Thought: "Big Brother" is.. well, BIG BROTHER! Was making a copy of my bride's Passport for her to carry while on a mission trip incase her real one is lost/stolen/etc and she needs the information to get help. I noticed this on the last page: "This document contains sensitive electronics. For best performance, do not bend, perforate or expose to extreme temperatures." I guess you could go to a country that doesn't have a reciprocal extradition status with the US, but the US will know where you're are...

Mainscream media went out of it's way to point out, maybe even make-up.. ways Poop Francis snubbed President Trump..I saw online headlines with "stern", "cold", and "rushed him out" describing their meeting. You know, Trump was cordial in his manner and words in spite of previous comments that have earned the Pope his "Poop Francis" moniker in this blog. Catholics should be outraged if Poop Francis was half as disrespectful to our president as mainscream media reported.

On Fox yesterday, Herman Cain nailed the Democratic Party disrespect for its minority base...the DNC belittles their ability to make personal decisions, and take action to become independent of the Democratic Party.

Do Democratic Party supporters really understand how the Democrats have basically "dissed" them and created a segregated society within their ranks?

Whiney L-E headline: "Women CEOs earn big pay, but few get to that level" -- DOH! Few men get to that level as well...
L-E headline/story: "a majority of the board also blocked, with a 3-4-2 vote, Lewis’ request to approve a contract with Atlanta-based Unified AV Systems for as much as $220,894.87 to upgrade the audio-visual technology in the board’s public meeting room at the 8-year-old Muscogee County Public Education Center. * Cantrell started the inquiry with this declaration: “$220,000 is the cost to build a home. That seems like a lot of money for audio-visual equipment." -- Good grief.. How would 6 cameras enhance recording better than 2? I mean, what are the 4 extra ones going to be focused on.. catching board members picking their noses? Of course, why is an out-of-town supplier being recommended.. I'm sure the MCSD could initiate (rather that just post a bid date) contact with local electronics sores/specialists and get more than adequate service.
Even the RINOs don't like Trump's budget proposal.. we can't blame all the waste on Democrats.. the majority.. but not all.. What "WE" need to work on is helping voters in RINO districts get rid of them in the next GOP primaries...
Do you think that McClatchy caught the number of subscriptions the L-E had in 1990? About 55,000 as I recall...and current subscriptions are in the 20,000 range.. if the L-E is not making up "fake news".
You know, I pretty much recall that Columbus today has between 55,000 and 65,000 (depending on which City official is right).. and with "most" households having at least 2 readers, the L-E use to be a reliable sour ce of info/news in Columbus.. using the reduction in subscriptions as a measurer, the L-E is fading away... and, alas... without much dignity

L-E headline: "Food stamp cuts could ripple through the economy" -- Yes.. in a positive manner.. the less taxes needed to staff and distribute such will stay in small businesses' pockets, and create jobs so that people can buy their own groceries...with CASH!

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