Tuesday, May 30, 2017

HuffPOOPOO headline: "The internet is buzzing about the mystery red lights seen in the White House" -- Good grief.. I'd have thought that the Internet would be "knowing" that Putin was calling Trump..,these people are sickos!

Merkel said Europe must stick together since it can no longer rely on others..Why didn't she say that Europe needs to conform to its contracts to support NATO obligations? And doesn't Merkel remember when Obama had her phones tapped?

A lawsuit filed by the mother of an American killed at Benghazi against Hellary was recently thrown out by a federal judge.. later, we learned that the Judge was appointed by Bill Clinton..doesn't common sense scream that the judge should have automatically..immediately..recused himself?

Isn't it nice to have a president who respects those who have given their lives to defend our freedom, and AND who respects our soldiers who are currently defending our freedoms!

Tiger Woods was arrested for DUI in FL around 3:00 AM yesterday., and released about 10:50 AM later that morning.. Hmmm.. DUI in the morning.. ..  and this may possibly explain his erratic driving off the tee on golf courses in early rounds before he pulled himself out of tournaments recently.

You know, the more "test" missiles N. Korea fires, the less actual missiles N. Korea has to arm with warheads.. But, if I was the Defense Minister in S. Korea, or Japan, or Russia, of China or even the Philippines, I do believe I'd go on record and say I must now assume that any test missile  may be equipped with such, and I'd consider it an act of war if a N. Korean missile crossed it's borders in any direction... and I'd be ready to take it down and reciprocate at Kim Jong Oooops' compound.

A Princeton professor melted down in a speech and went into a tirade about Trump being a "racist, sexist megalomaniac". You know, I find that when someone has a "bully pulpit" and a microphone,  and his target is not there to defend himself, the "ranter" is actually more of what he calls his target than the subject of his attack.

It's amazing at how local folks don't seem to understand the effect on the cost of their own healthcare when Columbus Regional doesn't get reimbursed by Phenix City when Columbus Regional takes care of their emergency indigents. I guess these same people would think it "OK" if Columbus' Fire Department couldn't answer a call to their home fire if the CFD was busy putting out a fire in Phenix City.

Does anyone know why Columbus Regional doesn't have a working contract/agreement with the Phenix City/Russell County, AL governments to provide emergency/trauma care for its citizens?

Hey, Columbus taxpayers: Remember Mayor Tom-LYING-son's assault on our property tax freeze? She said it was costing us in our appeal to new buyers and in attracting out-of-town businesses and other nonsense? Well, I came across an address.. 3100 Bellanca St.. and the owner's mailing address is in Ticonderoga, NY but still has a property tax freeze/property exemption.. Property tax revenues should be higher than the City is receiving, but they aren't because of poor record monitoring or updating non-exempt assessments..

Or another home with H1 exemption even though the owner has moved to Henry County, has remarried, yet lets his "ex" live in the old house here.. How does this qualify as his main residence?

Oh, and then there are sweetheart deals.. how about a home bought for $725,000.00 being assessed for only $557,000.00? It happens under Mayor Tom-LYING-son's watch.. oh, and how about commercial property at 1510 6th Ave.. with out-of-town ownership.. with over 65,000 square feet.. being assessed for 'only' $1,031,787.00 and paying 'only' $3,884.06 in property taxes?

HuffPOOPOO "headLIE": President Trump acted like a 'drunk tourist' during first foreign trip: report" -- First, President Trump does not imbibe with alcohol, but the worst thing is how mainscream media has lost its standing as "credible" and "honorable" by its tabloid approach to reporting..

HuffPOOPOO headline: "The internet is buzzing about the mystery red lights seen in the White House" -- Good greif.. don't tell me the HuffPOOPOO, of all of mainscream media, did not presume it was the "Red Hotline for a call from Putin...

Have you gotten tired of these fake polls mainscream media is ballyhooing about Trump's time in office.. they have one thing in common.. all "say" Trump is a "loser". Let me ask mainscream media,, where were all your poll responders last November when the election was being decided, and the citizens/voters of 30 states picked Trump over Hellary?

Another HuffPOOPOO "story": "President Donald Trump may be planning to reverse another major accomplishment of former President Barack Obama. * the Trump administration is working on announcing plans to rollback President Obama's policies toward Cuba come June." -- To begin with, the only majot accomplishment of the Obama Administration was destroying Hellary's taking over chances. Besides, none of Obama's Cuban policies should have come to fruition to begin with because Cuba never complied with the human rights improvements.

L-E headline: "What lessons come from the failure of MCSD’s Camelot Education plan?" -- I hope the first lesson learned is that Dr Lewis will develop workable solutions to problems from within the MCSD.. Pawning off troubles to outside organizations does not improve the working knowledge on how to handle the situation in the future, nor guarantee that the best interests of all students will be the focus.

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