Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The proposed budget submitted by President Trump is $4,000,000,000,000.00.  With a population of 300,000,000 million people, that's  13,333.00 per person being spent.. I'm starting off with this figure to give perspective to the cost of a new cancer drug (Keytruda) that "targets" tumors, and was just approved by the FDA that would cost $150,000.00 (or about $108,000.00 if you use a "GoodRX" coupon) for one person for one year...but it's not covered by any government healthcare program. You know, what good is medicine that most people, or their private insurance companies, cannot afford . The sadder thing is that history shows us that once a med hits the market, and even though the development costs were calculated into the price, the price will escalate annually at way above inflationary influences, while the costs will remain pretty much level or even decrease.

From the "is this a Democratic Party grandstand move, or something they should be held accountable for in allowing an IRS employee take the 5th" department - HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "US Senate panel says it will subpoena Michael Flynn businesses * "While we disagree with General Flynn's lawyers' interpretation of taking the Fifth ... it's even more clear that a business does not have a right to take the Fifth," the panel's vice chairman, Democratic Senator Mark Warner " -- Remember Lois Lerner.. the IRS department head that denied conservative Tea Party organizations from getting their 501 (c) 3 status approved? The same Lois Lerner who plead "the 5th" to the Congressional Investigative Committee? The Lois Lerner who then "retired" and is drawing a 6-figure pension the rest of her life? Well, do you remember Senator Mark Warner subpoenaing IRS for HER files and correspondences? Let's impeach Senator Warner for malfeasance!

Has anyone heard if Council has addressed.. even acknowledged.. the move by Columbus Regional to partner with Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta? Since Council authorizes 3-mils of our property taxes to Columbus Regional, and can no longer be assured that this money will be restricted to paying for indigent Columbus patients, Council should review,, even put any future payments on hold until it can get Audit approval of the CR-PH books.

Online headline: "3 men arrested in Manchester bomb investigation, UK police say" -- Hmm.. I guess the 4th one was scraped off the floor.. the ceiling, the walls, and a few bodies..

Online story: "BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (Reuters) - Religious police in Indonesia caned two men for gay sex on Tuesday, with hooded men inflicting 82 lashes on each of them as hundreds of people watched the punishment ordered by an Islamic court. * Cheers and applause went up from a crowd gathered outside a mosque in the city of Banda Aceh, capital of the conservative province of Aceh, as the masked men took turns to flog the pair on a raised platform." -- Whoa.. maybe libs should reconsider their hatred for Trump.. These are Islamic religious leaders, not even the Islamic jihadists that we call RCS (aRe Chicken S***) (and formerly known as ISIS). And the Indonesia was never one of the countries Trump wants banned from having anyone from one of them banned entry into our country.

Online headline: "NYC's De Blasio: 'Children Will Die' Because of Trump's Budget" -- Well, children all over died before and after OObamaCRAP went into effect..and.., and children die in NYC.. and Chicago.. just for existing in an environment where the Mayor's handcuff police procedures on the street.

Online headline: "Uber admits stiffing NYC drivers by tens of millions of dollars" -- Hey,, this is the company that soon-to-be ex-GA District 133 Representative Pezold wanted to let operate without collecting  sales taxes,, and then we learned that MCDonald's had inked a deal for Uber to deliver food for them...

You know.. charity begins in the heart of conservatives, while liberals believe it starts in the wallets of other people.

There are differences in what true charity is..the main difference is whether it's a one-time "need" for a hand-up, or whether it's simply "want" for a daily hand-out.

It's sad to see liberalism so widely preached on too many college campuses. Students should be learning to make the most out of their college education so that they can support charities later on, not become drains on them.

You's amazing...well, more like pathetic, that while world leaders recognize that Trump IS making America Great Again, while our mainscream media tries it's best to deny and undermine it.

Further tales of the Courthouse saga of jury week would not be complete with out mentioning the Jury Room on first floor must have been a Dr's Office at one time..In the only pile of magazines I thumbed through I found issues back to 2008.

Wonder if Mayor Tom-LYING-son considered the plight of drivers trying to back their cars out of curbside parking spaces on 13th Street during rush hours when cars are stalled bumper-to-bumper getting to work or home?

Projects like reducing car lanes on busy thoroughfares to increase room for bicycles and pedestrians to make shopping easier could be described as "thinking outside the box", but.. BUT it's more like "feeling" without thinking about the consequences.. I guess it's better described as "feeling-outside-the-reality".

From the "this university should have it's credentials evoked" department - Online headline: "Notre Dame Snowflake Brigade: Pence Made Us Feel ‘Unwelcome, Uncomfortable, and Even Unsafe’ -- Good grief.. if a university hasn't prepared all it's graduating students for Real World 101, then the university has failed all its grads.. and alumni. Steps should be taken to weed out the professors who most influenced the "snowflake" attitude.
L-E headline/story: "WebMD names Columbus as the town that may help cure Alzheimer’s *
Dr. Jonathan Liss, the center’s founder, launched the Columbus Memory Project in April with the full support of Mayor Teresa Tomlinson, who held a news conference for the announcement." -- Hmm... maybe Dr Liss can help Mayor Tom-LYING-son remember not to spend money on non-revenue producing projects, and to stay with the budget revenue streams provide.

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