Thursday, May 18, 2017

Online headline: "Former FBI Director Robert Mueller, special counsel will take over FBI Russia campaign interference investigation" -- You know.. it's not an issue of whether there was an "Russian influence" that Hellary lost.. America didn't NEED any Russian help to make the Trump choice.. it's a matter of Democrats and mainscream media accepting truth and reality. As it is, neither can accept that OObamaCRAP was awful, nor Hellary.. and for that matter, Bill, should be in jail.

Online headline/story: "Board considering advisory council * Though no formal vote was ever taken at their stormy meeting on Monday night, the Muscogee County School Board did take steps toward creating a citizens advisory council that will consider changes in the district’s alternative education programs. * proposal called for a group of 15-17 individuals, but there was talk that more members might be added. These prospective individuals have apparently been contacted: Waleisah Wilson, Marianne Young, Charles Redd, Tollie Strode Jr., Dr. J.A. Hud, Olive Vidal Kendall, Carolyn Randoff, Rev. Ralph Huling, Lisa Jenkins, Tonza Thomas and Bart Steed." --  There are some fine names "thrown out here...but seriously, shouldn't there be a game plan for appointing an advisory committee before any names are thrown out? .. People should actually fill out an application to serve..listing their education levels, community connection, and WHY they want to serve on such. There should also be criteria for the selection process..such as so many per Board District, so many per Council District, etc.

I'm getting tired.. no.. disappointed.. at commenters who voted for Trump for the right reasons, now expressing doubt and concerns about him.. for the wrong reasons.. We wanted real change, and even Washington Republicans aren't going to cooperate fully to adapt to the changes Trump brings because they've been there so long that they LIKE what they've ceated for themselves.. I'd rather these "doubters"  had voted for Hellary rather than be so shallow as to abandon the one person with the bravado and courage and skill sets to get America back on track for the future. Mainscream media is laughing at their inability to see through its propaganda siege.

You know.. it's unfortunate that brick&mortar stores are closing at a disturbing pace.. mainly because of a consumer "whim" to buy online. Buying online has its merits, but eventually, when sizes and or "fit" are wrong, consumers will yearn for opportunities to go into stores, and try on clothing for "fit" and flattery.

Online story: "Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke said in an interview Wednesday that he has taken a job as an assistant secretary in the Department of Homeland Security." -- Yee doggies, there's a "new sheriff in town"..

You know, while we should be pleased that Mayor Tom-LYING-son is cutting off tax funding of Uptown Columbus, one if the facts revealed was stunning..even numbing..only $35,000.00 is being "returned" to the city via fees collected from Whitewater and Zipline ventures.. this doesn't come close to the return-on-investment the city should be seeing on the MILLIONS of tax dollars poured into creating these private sector business's platform.

A US Senator from North Carolina collapsed..stopped breathing in a Washington road race..He was revived and taken to hospital..don't you know he's glad he didn't vote OObamaCRAP for himself...

What is wrong with voters who wanted the changes Trump could.. can.. bring? Do they not realize even Republicans of long service do not want real change in how business is done, and we know Democrats and mainscream media absolutely fear what's in store with Trump shining the light of truth on them.

Trump told Coast Guard graduates that no president has been treated so badly as he has been...and he was just talking about Republican politicians!

For all you conservatives/independents.. (liberals don't matter in this) January, the FBI stated unequivocally, that it had read the transcripts of Flynn's conversations with Russian officials and found nothing illegal..even questionable..about Flynn. Flynn was later fired by Trump for lying to VP Pence. There is nothing Trump would even have to ask Comey to drop. Gird your loins and support the only person in Washington who hasn't or doesn't want to sell you out for personal gain.

I knew the L-E was struggling, but not until last night at church dinner did I realize how much. I approached one table of community involved members, and 1 asked if I was still writing letters to the editor. I said one was printed last week. He expressed that he didn't see it because he'd canceled his subscription..Immediately, 4 others close by chimed in that they too had canceled theirs.

There was a lot of interest in mainscream media about the GA District 32 runooff when poll numbers looked like the Democrat had a real shot at winning... after the election gave the Republican candidate a landslide 57-43 victory, mainscream media is not so interested in spreading the results.. Anyway, so much for mainscream media polls reflecting our nation's values.

Online headline: "Krauthammer: Stunning that Republicans have given up on defending Trump" -- "Stunning"? You know, Krauthammer was not a Trump supporter early on, and had to be won over.. but recognizes that the Republican Party was glad to run on Trump's coattails as long as Trump got them the majorities .. now, Republicans are more worried because voters want Republicans to help Trump, but too many Republicans want what the Democrats want.. things to stay the same..

L-E headline: "‘You killed my son!’ mom yells after bikers found not guilty of murder" -- While crime is an issue that the mayor cannot dodge, we cannot blame all lack of containment on her.. there's plenty of blame to share with the DA's office, and especially on juries. BTW,, I've got jury call next week.. could take the "age" exemption, but will not.. of course, I doubt any lawyers will want me on their juries.

Did you know that there's a WW1 Centennial recognition breakfast at the National Infantry Museum on Saturday? There's a breakfast ($12.00) and reservations are a required (707-685-5814). It caught my eye as one of my favorite "collectibles" is a WW! Signal Mirror (with case) that my grandfather, Hal Armentrout, Sr, carried across France and Germany.. even more special, he sent it to my Dad during WW2 when he was stationed in the Panama Canal area. Seems radio connections weren't dependable, and the Army did not have signal mirrors, so Papa sent his to Dad..

L-E story: "Georgia carried out its first execution of the year early on Wednesday, putting to death a man convicted of killing a 73-year-old neighbor in 1992. *  J.W. Ledford Jr., 45, was pronounced dead at 1:17 a.m. at the state prison in Jackson, more than six hours after his initial execution time. The delay was waiting for a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court, which denied his request for a stay." -- This is why our judicial sentencing system is not a deterrent for heinous crime.. When Ledford brutally stabbed the 73 year old man (a doctor to boot) to death, Ledford was only 20.. and we have been paying for his upkeep and legal way too long.

L-E headline/story: "Pop-up market with food, retailers will be Thursday on 13th Street * Call it a pop-up market or a sidewalk sale or a street party. * No matter the name, the goal of an event Thursday evening off 13th Street in the Midtown area of Columbus is to help residents “reimagine” what the corridor could look like with fewer, slower traffic lanes, on-street parking and revived businesses along the route." -- " help residents “reimagine” what the corridor could look like with fewer, slower traffic lanes, on-street parking and revived businesses along the route."? Good grief.. residents can see slower.. even stopped.. traffic on 13th simply by looking west at rush hour.. and this is without reducing lanes...

To boot, what happens to the "Bike to Work" on Friday if an unexpected thunder storm pops up during either "rush hour" trek,, or afternoon West bound road rage occurs as short-tempered drivers sit stalled in the piercing PM sun as police escorted bike riders toodle along in blocked off traffic lanes?

L-E story: "Arrests of immigrants suspected to be in the U.S. illegally soared in the early months of the Trump administration, in part because of a surge in the detention of immigrants who have no criminal convictions, officials announced Wednesday." -- "a surge in detention of immigrants who have no criminal convictions"? Excuse me.. "immigrants" are not being arrested.. "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are being arrested.. most of which were WRONGFULLY ALLOWED in by the Obama policies that handcuffed law enforcement.. and let's not forget.. being an illegal immigrant is not based on whether a court convicts you, it's based on not being here legally!

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