Friday, May 26, 2017

Online headline/story: "Tourism in the US has drastically declined since Trump was elected" -- Hmmm.. and especially from the Mid-East and Central/South America...Only liberals would label terrorists and drug dealers "tourists".

Good grief.. Ben & Jerry's is banning cones with two scoops of "the same flavor" in it's campaign for "marriage equality" in Australia.. Huh? ..this sorta sounds "backarsewards" if you think about it.. Two men or two women represent "two like flavor scoops" more than marriages between men and women.

Sooner or later there had to be a "list" of the "15 worst  careers if you want to pay off your college debt", and now it's you probably suspect, most are "snowflake" oriented in people/social services.. but the list leaves off the #1 worst job to pay off your college debt... being a protester at a $15.00 per hour minimum wage rally at a fast food outlet!

Online headline/story: "Federal appeals court upholds nationwide block on Trump's travel ban *  A majority of judges on the appeals court in a 10-3 decision said they were "unconvinced" the travel order had more to do with national security concerns than a "Muslim ban." * Trump's March 6 travel ban targets six Muslim-majority nations -- Libya, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The order barred people from those countries for 90 days." -- Hmmm.. I wonder if anyone has injected the fact that in these countries,Christians are purged and subject for genocide measures by the culture of Islam?  No wonder they are predominantly Muslim...

Online headline: "Milwaukee middle school brawl: Five injured, three arrested after fight * Five people were hurt during a fight between several students at Webster Middle School near 53rd and Green Tree, officials with the Milwaukee Fire Department said. *  A Milwaukee Public Schools spokesman issued this statement to FOX6 News: "MPS is working with the Milwaukee Police Department to investigate a situation that occurred at Webster. Students who were involved face both district disciplinary and potential legal consequences. * “This type of behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated." -- "This type of behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated." ? Good grief.. it's only BECAUSE this type of behavior has been accepted TOO LONG that it has escalated to this point!

Oh! Remember the Montana Republican candidate "accused" of "body slamming" a mainscream reporter just hours before the polls opened for that "Special Election"? Well, he whipped his Democrat opponent by 24,000 votes!  Maybe this is what it is going to take to get mainscream media reporting fairly, rather than making up, the news about Republicans in the future.

Online headline: "(GA) Minority House Leader Stacey Abrams: ‘I believe in government’" -- ...believe in government.... what? Government control of every aspect of life? Government intervention in majority rule? Government control of Freedom of Speech? Government control of the rights of others? Yeah, I can believe Stacy Abrams believes in government, but she believes in the government designed by Lenin, not the government designed by our Founding Fathers.

Online story: "An ad unleashed Thursday by the Congressional Leadership Fund takes aim at Democrat Jon Ossoff’s military credentials just ahead of the holiday break. *  “Ossoff is a liberal. And immature. And he lied to us about his national security experience,” *  Politifact Georgia found no evidence he exaggerated his resume, though it said he left out “relevant context” about his experience." "left out RELEVANT CONTEXT about his experience"?  I do believe that is what is known as a "half truth", and we all know that the "half truth" is the Blackest of all lies".

You know, I still don't understand.. comprehend.. how a candidate can run for a Congressional District Office and have no resident in that district.

Since Mark Cantrell is on record for thinking $220,000.00 is too much to spend on new electronics for the MCSB board room...and I agree..but does Mark Cantrell agree with me that spending $312.00 per square foot ($750,000 per building) on a 2,400 sg ft metal/slab constructed buildings  for wrestling and weight rooms is way too much?

Oh, how about a revote on spending over $900,000.00 on 50 +/- parking spaces at Columbus High?

L-E headline/story: "Columbus jobless rate improves in April but is still near bottom of state * Columbus still has one of the highest unemployment rates in the state, however, with it only better than Albany’s 5.6 percent. " -- Boy, if I hadn't gotten on Queen Tom-LYING-son's band wagon before, I'm surely not going to WISH HER ON  the rest of GA citizenry for a state/federal job! What's missing in this story is that Macon is in the bottom 3 with Columbus and Albany which are all in Congressman Bishop's District 2.
On target L-E "soundoff": "Odd budget priorities: The city can’t afford to hire enough paramedics, but it can build a roundabout to service a parking garage, a pedestrian bridge and two dead-end streets." -- Oh, and let's not forget the Queen TT Lounge on the RiverWalk, the dog runs, the Dragonfly Trail, narrowing of car lanes on 13th Street, the AquaCenter, the Whitewater and ZipLine "investments" , or the City Manager's raise and PPV Dodge Charger..

L-E headline: "Columbus Council considers hiring full-time Recorder’s Court judge" -- Excuse me, but why, after years of the current setup being satisfactory, do we "need" a higher salaried, full time Recorder's Court judge? There's only one acceptable condition Council should consider this move... if it will ELIMINATE part time judges, and reduce overall salary/benefits drain on the budget.

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