Saturday, May 27, 2017

From the liberals have their gender-neutral panties in a wad" department - Online story: "Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has declined a request to host an event to mark Islam's holy month of Ramadan, two U.S. officials said, apparently breaking with a bipartisan tradition in place with few exceptions for nearly 20 years." -- Hmmm... under the recent jihad circumstances, this is appropriate.. of course mainscream media had no issue in 2009 when Obama distanced himself from the National Day of Prayer by nixing a formal early morning service and not attending a large Catholic prayer breakfast the next morning..

HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Mayor Bill de Blasio staffer faces charges of child pornography  * The 29-year-old computer programmer analyst was charged with "promoting a sexual performance by a child and possessing a sexual performance by a child under 16," both of which are felonies, notes the Washington Times. * The NY Post also reports the illicit content on (29 year old Jacob) Schwartz's computer allegedly included 3,000 images and 89 videos. *  According to court documents they showed, "young nude females between the approximate ages of 6 months and 16, engaging in sexual conduct...on an adult male." * His lawyer is quoted by the New York Daily News as saying, "If the alleged actions are true, it really seems like a product of someone with a psychological problem calling out for help, not to evade the law. *  Schwartz works with the Department of Design and Construction *  He's also the president of the Manhattan Young Democrats, and founded a climate education nonprofit called Common Climate." -- "seems like...someone with a psychological problem"? In a word.. SICK! Seems like! What it  "seems" like is the "climate" just got hotter for the Democratic Party's claims that we should be accepting of alternative diversity!

More about that "partnership" Columbus Regional is entering into with Piedmont... seems it's not just an idea that "materialized" by coincidence.. Piedmont has done "the deal" with Athens as well.. did the Columbus L-E or Council even know this and look at what has gone on in Athens?

Did you see VP Mike Pence addressing the US Naval Academy graduates? What a relief it is to know Pence is next in line if something happens to President this...shudder.. to thinking about Veep Bleep Biden stepping into the Oval Office had something happened to President Obama. Shudder even more if the line of succession were Kaine following Hellary!

Did you hear Pence mention the "Global War On Terror"...a.k.a. GWOT.. America is back! Obama actually squashed the use of that phrase.

28 Christians dead as we speak, and more likely to die from the wounded in Egypt by Islamic jihadists. While it's "nice" that Muslim leaders are "condemning" such actions, I want to know WHAT THE MUSLIM LEADERS ARE DOING ABOUT IT!

Did you hear Hellary tell Wellesley College grad students she feels there should be "open fact debates"?  I guess she meant for those not above the law like she is.. Let's get her involved in some "open fact debates" about Benghazi, her Foundations, her Wall Street speeches, her husbands "bimbo eruptions", the Whitewater files, Vince Foster, e-mail-gate.. Abedin's husband/Weiner's wife, and whether of not she knows how to bake cookies..
Of course, my favorite line she ranted was aimed at Trump's budget figures, but she hit herself right between her eyes... " “Let’s call it what it is. It’s a con.”" -- Yeah,, she just described her whole career.. if that's what you can call her life journey.

L-E headline: "Very cool! Great Wolf Lodge Georgia is drawing closer in LaGrange" -- Hmmm.. how come we got "Whitewater and Ziplines and Lagrange hit the lottery?

Online headline: "Polling locations changed ahead of 6th District election" -- Hmmm.. guess the Dems need a polling place in another District where Ossoff lives and is registered.. Excuse me.. it bothers me that anybody can run in a District where he doesn't live, nor can be registered to vote..heck.. how does he even get to vote for himself?
L-E "headlie/"story": "Here’s why the L-E ran the name and photo of Vardman * We have no agenda here. The newspaper exists to bring facts to the light of day." -- Good grief.. non-stories or half-truth stories about the mayor's and school board/superintendent actions/non-actions belie any claim the-at the L-E "exists to bring facts to the light of day?! And when you get down to the bottom-line, the L-E published the photo/name in hopes of getting more readers to report to corporate HQ.
L-E headline/story: "Zuckerberg gives Harvard graduation speech  *  Facebook’s CEO returned to Harvard on Thursday, telling graduates that it is up to their generation to create a purpose for today’s world, to care about others, to fight inequality and strengthen the global community." "to create a purpose for today's world"? Good grief. 6uckerberg has "created" chaos and self destruction and undermined the order of social worth with his creation.. What grads need is to emulated, and carry forth the values of "the greatest generation".
L-E story: "Khizr Khan, the Gold Star father who became a national celebrity after speaking at last year’s Democratic National Convention, has a book planned for young readers. Khan’s “This Is Our Constitution” comes out Nov. 14" -- "This is our Constitution"? I believe Khan better define "we", because all the "we's" I know already have "The Constitution".. it's the one our Founding Fathers created. nurtured, and passed on to .. and for.. the best future for America.
From the "did you know" department - Herman Wouk is alive! Today is his 102nd birthday..Wouk won a Pulitizer Prize in 1951 for "The Caine Mutiny", but his "Winds of War" is what I remember him for best.. Wouk's research for detail had him bring to light, Arminius.. the German warrior who defeated Caesar in the early years of the 1st Century A.D., and is credited to thwarting Caesar from taking over Europe.. A few year back, I remember when artifacts from that battle were discovered/uncovered. Arminius  is an nearly.. if not the earliest known connection with my Armentrout ancestry.
L-E story: "A federal judge has tossed out two life sentences for D.C. sniper Lee Boyd Malvo and ordered Virginia courts to hold new sentencing hearings. * In a ruling issued Friday, U.S. District Judge Raymond Jackson in Norfolk said Malvo is entitled to new sentencing hearings after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that mandatory life sentences for juveniles are unconstitutional." -- Good grief! I do not think any judge nor jury gave Malvo 2 Life Sentences because :they were mandatory", they were give because it;s JUSTICE since they couldn't execute him because of his age! Fortunately, the Fairfax County (VA)  Commonwealth’s Attorney is already on the record to go after another life sentence.
L-E headline/story: "FCC: No punishment for Colbert’s joke about Trump * There will be no fine for Stephen Colbert’s risque joke about President Donald Trump. * A Federal Communications Commission spokesman said Tuesday that the agency received “thousands” of complaints about the late-night host’s May 1 show, so it reviewed the material as “standard operating procedure.” * The agency found that the joke, which involved Trump, Russian leader Vladimir Putin and a crude word for penis, did not warrant punishment." -- Good grief..does the FCC mean that if Colbert used the words "Penis Holster" instead of "Cock Holster" the FCC might have been offended?  If the FCC was not offend by this, "“You talk like a sign-language gorilla that got hit in the head. In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster.” intentionally voiced over the public airways, then neither Facebook nor the L-E cannot censor it either. Personally I'm embarrassed that the FCC head that Trump inherited has no common decency, and I hope Trump replaces him as soon as he gets back into the USA. I'm actually embarrassed to actually cite Colbert's complete comment in my blog, but sometimes, you just have to bring wrongs to light with a sledgehammer.

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