Thursday, May 4, 2017

Why does mainscream media feel James Comey should be neutral? After all, his job is about justice for all, and not letting injustice happen in silence.

A Fox commentator made the astute comment that Hellary was a "hideous" candidate..what he didn't say was she was the epitome of all the hideous choices the Democrats offered.

Watching the Senate Oversight Committee question Comey under oath makes me wish that the same committee would question Senator Feinstein about her and her husband getting "plum" government contracts.

FBI Director James Comey thanked the Senate Oversight Committee for its annual oversight review of his department. That being said, then doesn't it sound like our Mayor/Council and MCSD should also welcome annual forensic audits?

Senator Grassley asked Comey if he had ever been the source for leaks about the Trump/Russia connection or Hellary's e-mail scandals or if he had ever authorized anyone else to be such a leak. Comey said "Never" and "No". What Grassley didn't ask was whether or not he KNEW of anyone else in the FBI that did do so.

From the "and what's new" department - Seems like the only thing Democrat Senators are interested in from Comey is why he spoke out about Hellary...of course, I am more interested in why Hellary hasn't been charged, arrested, and convicted by now.

Online story: "During an event with journalist Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday, Clinton said she was "on the way to winning" the election when FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to Congress 11 days before the election informing them that he had reopened the investigation into Clinton's use of a private email server. Clinton argued that this discouraged voters who otherwise would have supported her." -- "discouraged voters who otherwise would have supported her"?  Good grief.. she lost 30 complete states, and split another, and there's nothing that would discourage a Democrat from voting against whoever the party put on the ballot..

Online headline/story: "Archdiocese cuts ties with Girl Scouts over 'troubling trends' * Archbishop Joseph Naumann of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas said the organization is "no longer a compatible partner." * He cited its relationship with an international scouting association that he said advocates for "contraception and abortion as preventive health care for women." He also has concerns with the Girl Scouts featuring Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan as role models because they "stand in stark opposition to what we believe." -- Well, I guess the Archbishop could possibly cut ties with Poop Francis as well for certain of his wayward positions.

Could there be anything more ludicrous than Senator Al Franken citing an undocumented book.."The Kremlin Playbook"  when he questioned James Comey.  Franken is like a 3rd string armchair quarterback on Tuesday morning. Oh, and for the record, "The Kremlin Playbook" was just published a 3 weeks BEFORE the 2016 election..obviously research and writing occurred prior to publication date then hurriedly printed to capitalize on the moment.

I couldn't believe my ears when Comey stated that he couldn't prove "criminal intent" that Huma Abedin illegally sent her husband top secret copies of e-mails of the Secretary of State because Abedin didn't have a printer. Trump MUST fire Comey to restore confidence of the American citizens in our justice system.

From the "will someone hand deliver this to the Mayor, Council,and GA DOT" department - Online story: "GAINESVILLE, Fla. -- Two men were killed when they crashed their car into a roundabout in East Gainesville on Tuesday morning." -- Of course, that "triumvirate" will respond that Columbus driver observe the speed limits and exercise extreme driver caution.

Online headline/story: "Connecticut Hikes Taxes on the “Rich;” Look What’s Happening Now… * Every governor should be forced to actually take economic classes before taking or even running for office, especially Democrats. *  Connecticut, another left-wing bastion in New England, has raised taxes on the wealthy twice over the past six years. Cutting spending would never be a thought in a Democrat’s head, so they figure they’ll just tax the wealthy even more to pay for all of their ridiculous spending. *  Apparently many who are wealthy have either left Connecticut or are holding off on taking profits because they aren’t sure what will happen with the market. Either way, the wealthy aren’t playing, and that is hurting Connecticut’s over-spending. Even Governor Malloy admits that taxing a few to feed the government beast isn’t a smart idea." --  Trump won 30 states, but voters put non-Democrats in their governor's seat with 33 currently serving.. and 32 states now have Republican majority legislators.

Yesterday, I posted a story about CSU creating "Safe Spaces".. basically, designating professors /faculty offices as places students needing a "safe space" to express/talk about their personal issues/angsts. Excuse me, but my students have parents, friends and  ministers to discuss such issues with. What they won't have is access to their professors to discuss their class work or class work demands if professors are busy "listening" to liberal jibberish.

Online headline: "Hellary's Next Steps Revealed" -- Hmmm.. My guess is she will backtrack her campaign trail to try and cover up the trail of her scandals.

Online headline: "Spam campaign targets Google users with malicious link" -- Guess WikiLeaks is warning former DNC Chairman John Podesta to change is password to something other than "password".

In an online story parsing whether or not Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy might retire this year of=r next, this blurb was mentioned in the story's closing, "Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 84, and Stephen Breyer, 78, are Democratic appointees who would not appear to be going anywhere during a Trump administration if they can help it. "I love my job," Ginsburg told a Georgetown University audience last week." -- You know.. a Supreme Court Justice who considers her appointment a "job" should not be siting on the Court.. Someone so anointed must... MUST consider such a CALLING.. a calling to preserve the American way of life our Founding Fathers created that gives stability to the rest of the world.

Online headline: "MS-13 gang members charged in machete attack in New York, police say *  Authorities said the Hernandez brothers, both from El Salvador and in the country illegally, are responsible for an additional assault in January when a 19-year-old man was slashed in the face with a machete. Arguenta, also born in El Salvador, was in the process of applying for a green card, according to police." -- Well, if UpChuck Schumer is against "the wall" at our Southern Border, then Trump should build a wall around New York.

Last week I mentioned that "the honeymoon" with Charter/Spectrum was over when C/S (hmmm.. CS.. pretty cryptic acronym don't you think) took the Golf Channel out of the channel package I signed up with in January.. I mentioned that we'd be seeing options that will bypass TV control the cable TV companies have. Here's proof of what's coming.

"This proves that "he who laughs last, laughs best"

L-E headline: "PEACHTREE MALL MURDER * Three found guilty after 1st verdict rejected" -- Even with the final decisions coming to guilty verdicts, Columbus cannot rest easy that the community is coming together in re-establishing safe places to visit/shop/congregate.. While 10 shots hit the victim, any of those (or others that may have missed the target) could have hit bystanders. All of the group convicted were a unit in the crime, and and it's scary to fear a jury could let support members off.
L-E headline/story: "Mayor marks ‘Michael J. Owen Day’ for long-time L-E journalist * Tomlinson said city officials felt unworthy to write a proclamation for such a talented storyteller so they relied on some of Owen’s friends to draft the document." --  I guess the Mayor was scared to pen her own words about the only L-E writer who would occasionally challenge her acts as whether they were of public good... We are going to miss Mike's work.. the mayor.. not so much.
L-E story: "Tony Alamo, a one-time street preacher whose apocalyptic ministry grew into a multimillion-dollar network of businesses and property before he was convicted in Arkansas of sexually abusing young girls he considered his wives, has died in prison. He was 82." -- It's a shame he died of old age... something more horrifying would have been more just.
L-E headline: "Louisiana’s coast hit by plague of parasitic bugs" -- Ooops, my bad,, thought the L-E was appropriately calling out the desecraters of the Southern statues and monuments.
L-E letter: "Demonic plan
Our tax evader-in-chief thinks that corporate America, notably himself, is being gouged by pervasive tax laws that must be reversed. Some of you may recall W’s 2008 economic collapse and the “too big to fail” nonsense that followed, thereby promoting a bailout of egregious felons by us, the taxpayers. What did we get? More of the same, and the same felons now want more.
Trump has been audited by IRS for 15 years, and who knows what he has earned, has paid in taxes, or what he is worth? Despite four bankruptcies and thousands of lawsuits by entities and people he has robbed of their labor and resources, he wants more room to deceive and avoid accountability.
He’s not alone. Try this one on for size. Microsoft reported profits of $168,481,000,000 (2009-2015), of which, $124,000,000,000 was held offshore. It claimed tax breaks during the same years totaling $22,303,350,000. Under Trump’s proposed tax plan, Microsoft would benefit an additional $28,077,142,857. That’s $50 billion in tax breaks.
What could $50 billion be used for other than Microsoft greed? When divided by the USAID Water Strategy protocols, it constitutes 147.4% of the cost to provide clean water and sanitation services to everyone on earth who lacks both necessities. Microsoft isn’t alone. There are more than 50 corporations with identical footprints and Trump is among them.
Wake up, Trumpoids. The daily rants and ignorant policy choices defy governance of anyone but the thieves he has surrounded himself with.
– Robert John White, Georgetown
To Letter-writer Robert John White, Georgetown: Online headline/story: "Connecticut Hikes Taxes on the “Rich;” Look What’s Happening Now… * Every governor should be forced to actually take economic classes before taking or even running for office, especially Democrats. *  Connecticut, another left-wing bastion in New England, has raised taxes on the wealthy twice over the past six years. Cutting spending would never be a thought in a Democrat’s head, so they figure they’ll just tax the wealthy even more to pay for all of their ridiculous spending. *  Apparently many who are wealthy have either left Connecticut or are holding off on taking profits because they aren’t sure what will happen with the market. Either way, the wealthy aren’t playing, and that is hurting Connecticut’s over-spending. Even Governor Malloy admits that taxing a few to feed the government beast isn’t a smart idea." --  Trump won 30 states, but voters put non-Democrats in their governor's seat with 33 currently serving.. and 32 states now have Republican majority legislators.
Continual "carpers" like White just highlight the liberal's basic lack of knowledge of economics and cause & effect..


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