Thursday, June 8, 2017

Democrats have thrown up... uh.. thrown OUT .. the number of $150,000,000.00 annually to maintain a wall built on our border with Mexico.. hmmm.. that's about 50-cents per 300,000,000 Americans per year.. I think we can handle that...especially when you consider how American citizens will save an generally accepted estimated $54 BILLION in government "assistance to illegal aliens.

I love it when mainscream media claims Trump's "poll" numbers are low.. it just emphasizes how ill-informed.. how misinformed Democratic Party politicians and voters are when it comes to understanding how a successful government needs to be run..unfortunately, it also demonstrates for far off our education system has strayed in portraying the Founding Fathers' efforts and desires to outline the most perfect form of government the world has ever seen.

From the "on what grounds do illegal aliens have to sue" department - Online story: "Two former prisoners at a California private immigration prison have filed a class-action lawsuit against the operator of the facility, claiming they were forced under the threat of additional punishment to do work around the prison for as little as $1 a day. * Robert Teel, the attorney who filed to lawsuit on behalf of the plaintiffs, told Vocativ. "You can imagine what an unfair competitive advantage it is for a company to pay its employees $1 per day instead of minimum wage."" -- Good grief.. to begin with, why hasn't the lawyer involved been disbarred? To boot, didn't these illegal aliens come across to border seeking work, a roof over their heads, and 3 meals a day? Tell you what.. pay these illegals the minimum wage in the form of "boarding expenses", the when their sentences are up, make them pay for the "debt" left after their expenses are deducted before they leave the country. Oh.. and make pay for the "ride home".

I now know that "the Predators" involved in the hockey playoff are from Nashville.. It still makes no difference as to my interest in hockey..

Online story: "Earlier Wednesday, as is his style, President Trump announced his new pick for FBI director on Twitter. * "I will be nominating Christopher A. Wray, a man of impeccable credentials, to be the new Director of the FBI," Trump said in the tweet." -- Wow.. reading the King & Spalding bio of Wray is extremely impressive...

Iran has called Trump's words of sympathy following the ISIS attack on it's parliament and Tomb of Khomeini  as "repugnant'.. funny,, I didn't see "the word" Iran used to describe what ISIS did to Iran.

L-E headline: "Columbus Council amends proposed FY2018 budget to include more pay increases" -- Hmm.. now the big question,, will my cars get as favorable treatment for the designated lanes that bicycle riders are getting?

From the "oxymoron of all oxymorons" department - Online story: "Support for Congress remains as anemic as ever. Now a self-described “progressive Republican” affiliated with a coalition of Bernie Sanders alumni is arguing he has the winning formula for breaking through the Washington antipathy. * Danny Ellyson, a business owner and disabled Iraq War veteran, is mounting a primary challenge against U.S. Rep. Austin Scott, R-Tifton, in Georgia’s 8th congressional district." -- "“progressive Republican” affiliated with a coalition of Bernie Sanders alumni "?  Good grief.. this guy should have run against Ossoff in a District 6 special DIMocrat primary! .. and why seems residency with District 6 is not a requirement.

Online headline: "Georgia economy ranks better than average, but weak on innovation" -- Well, Columbus' Mayor's performance.. like Columbus' School testing results continue to lower the GA overall averages. I hope the current Democrat voters in Columbus take note its the politicians they support that's "bringing us down".

L-E headline: "COLUMBUS * Warrants issued for 26 accused in insurance fraud" --  Fraud..  could this be the reason that more "crashes" were reported in Columbus in the first 10 weeks of 2017 than in all of 2016?
I'm glad to know our Tax Assessor's Office has 25 employees, but knowing this disturbs me more when I find blatant errors in how a home's vale is assessed. One in particular belongs to a local retired banker.. He bought a previously assessed $670,000.00 home for $725,000.00 yet the on the tax database, his home is assessed  for "only" $557,417.00.. or another home where the person listed as "owner" lives in Henry County with his new wife, while his ex lives in the old house that still has a H1 exemption status

After one of these thieves pays me back for the additional cost I incur by buying insurance, I want to know the names of any lawyers who represented the insurance frauds AND the insurance companies who didn't do "due diligence" to determine true ownership of the vehicles used in the claims, and the court records used to file such claims. Disbarment alone is too good for any of them.

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