Monday, June 12, 2017

From the "let's look at this on a Biblical perspective" department - Online headline/story: "Rosie O’Donnell snubs Trump with large donation to accused NSA leaker * Rosie O'Donnell donated $1,000 to the GoFundMe account started for the NSA contractor Reality Winner who is accused of leaking classified documents to the media."  -- Remember the story of the widow's donation in Mark 12, and Luke 21? And how the wealthy scorned her donation..well, like the Biblical wealthy, Rosie gave (and a comparative pittance at that) from her wealth while the Biblical widow gave from her heart.

Robin can finally say this, "Holy Bat Corpse".. Adam West ...  1928-2017.

You know, when it comes down to whether to believe Comey..or not..I think about him telling us that no District Attorney would think there was anything to prosecute Hellary on.. Comey was... is.. a liar.

After learning about Friday's logging truck brake failure that blew through the intersection Mayor Tom-LYING-son has picked for building a round-a-bout on River Road, I'm concluding she is just setting up ambulance-chasing friends of hers to capitalize on future round-about wrecks. There's no way a logging truck with brake failure can handle the effect of centrifugal force of unbanked curves on its top-heavy loads.

L-E headline: "‘Innocent people being affected’: CPD deadly police chases raise concerns" -- Good grief.. we all mourn the death of Frank McLemore, but the CPD is not the culprit.. the (_*_) who stole the car and tried escape capture is the killer. What the police did was keep said (_*_) from killing someone else at another place later..Same goes for David Pollard.. we all mourn his death , but the CPD was not the culprit.

Mainscream media is celebrating that street shooting deaths in Chicago is down through May of this year compared to 2016.. "ONLY" 260 have been shot and killed compared to 269 last year. You know. 260 people being shot and killed on the streets is nothing to celebrate.

The emergence of killer opioid pills should sober up supporters of politicians who believe that personal drug use is a non-violent crime. Unfortunately, it won't...

L-E headline/story: "Twitter users, blocked by Trump, cry censorship *  President Donald Trump may be the nation’s tweeter-in-chief, but some Twitter users say he’s violating the First Amendment by blocking people from his feed after they posted scornful comments.  *  “The viewpoint-based blocking of our clients is unconstitutional,” wrote attorneys at the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University in New York." -- Good grief.. you know what comes to my mind.. a scene from Animal House in which the pledges of a fraternity are lined up, bent over in their brief while upperclassmen paddle their behinds, then respond, "Thank you Sir.. May I have another.".. and the "twits" are upset because Trump stands up and gives them the finger when they want to keep "paddling" him.. Talk about a group of bullies being called out!

From the "mainscream media really doesn't understand leadership" department - L-E headline/story: "Quitting the Paris climate accord will take years *  President Donald Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. But it will take more than one speech to pull out: Under the rules of the deal, the earliest any country can leave is Nov. 4, 2020. That means the United States will remain a party to the accord for nearly all of Trump’s current term. * Negotiators for 195 nations will meet in Bonn, Germany, to discuss how to carry out the Paris agreement. Every country has already submitted an initial pledge for curbing greenhouse gas emissions. But officials now have to write rules for monitoring and verifying those pledges. * Technically, the United States is still the co-chair of a key committee on transparency measures. In the past, U.S. officials have taken a keen interest in this topic."  -- :technically, the United States is still co-chair"?  What does mainscream media not understand about leadership? Does mainscream media really "feel" Trump is responsible for Obama's promises? Remember, the Paris Accord is not a treaty, but a pact signed onto by Obama, not the US Senate.

L-E guest commentary that should be required reading in our schools - Headline/URL: "SUNDAY FORUM SPECIAL * Protecting the greatness Americans have inherited * BY CLAY D. LAND * U.S. District Judge *

-- Federal District Court Judge Clay Land is right in his assessment of education's failure to present the government of our Founding Fathers in the manner that it should. It's ironic, in a way, that the reason such lack of knowledge exists is because of  rulings by various federal court judges that prevent teaching the Constitution's basic tenets in their proper concept. The primary concern of the Founding Fathers was to assure the rights of the majority, but with respect for the rights of the minority.. yet now courts seem more concerned at pandering to the wants of the minority rather than upholding the views of the majority. We are fortunate, no blessed,  that Judge Clay Land is not one of the judges that wants to legislate from the bench.

From the "Once again, I can read the headline of a Leonard Pitts, Jr rant, and know how he's missed the point of his concern" department - L-E commentary headline: "Where did Maher get the idea he could say that? * BY LEONARD PITTS JR. * Miami Herald: -- Good grief.. Is Pitts just ignorant or in a self-induced stupor? Maher got the idea he could say whatever he wants when FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai said Stephen Colbert and CBS would not be fined/penalized for Colbert's comments about the Putin/Trump relationship Colbert tries to portray.

From the "and it just doesn't stop" department - Online headline/story: "New York senator drops F-bombs during speech  * New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand dropped several F-bombs Friday during a speech at an event held at New York University." -- What is it with liberals and their lack of civility? The recent splurge of uncivil rhetoric from Colbert, Maher, and now a sitting US Democrat Senator (not to mention in the recent past a sitting Vice President) is a blatant example of the Democrats being unable to express new ideas and resorting to "shock" statements to get attention from other liberals.

In a non-binding referendum with extremely light voter turnout (23%), Puerto Rico has asked for US Statehood. Hmm.. what, may I ask, does/can debt-ridden, government dysfunctional Puerto Rico "bring to the plate" to be considered for US statehood?

From the "bias.. what bias?" department - HuffPOOPOO headline: "Trump crashes wedding at his golf club in New Jersey" -- Hmmm... and had Obama do so, the headline would have been, "Obama blesses wedding in New Jersey"

You know, if mainscream media spent as much time digging up facts on why liberals' programs are failures, our country would be in much better shape physically and fiscally.. In fact, Trump would not have run for president if our country was in better shape.. of course, to be in better shape, mainscream media would have outed the Clintons in 1992, and the Obamas in 2007 and neither would have been involved in destroying America.

L-E guest commentary headline: "The media got it wrong: White working-class voters were not the reason Trump won * BY NED BARNETT" --  These guys just have no clue about reality.. Trump won simply because smart people of all races and economic levels realized that the Democrats had no clue of how to "Make America Great Again".

L-E Story: "Superintendent David Lewis will recommend an educator from Tampa, Fla. to replace Melvin Blackwell as chief officer for the division of student services in the Muscogee County School District." -- You know, MS Vickers is probably well qualified... but that's not the real issue.. the issue is why no one within the system has been promoted to replace Melvin Blackwell. The real issue is the lack of development of staff to step in.. step up.. when people retire or resign..a sign of real trouble in any organization. The real issue is that the spokespersons for the taxpayers have no real say so in the process... just a "thumbs up/down" for the Superintendents choice.
Those incessant "together2017" really bother me.. why are repeating ads promoting the same people something to celebrate? If "Together2017"  wants to run these ads, why not run them about how one of its  projects is doing? Why not ads that say "we are making a difference"?
From the "reality has not been accepted by Democrats" department - L-E story: "Columbus Mayor Teresa Tomlinson, pondering a run for the U.S. Senate in 2020 after her term expires, stepped out onto the national stage Sunday. * She has written an analysis piece for The Daily Beast, a popular news and opinion website focused on politics and pop culture. The article is titled: “HOW TO WIN: The Kind of Democrat Who Can Win in the South – or Anywhere.” The subheading is: “It’s how I won in Columbus, Georgia. People want progress. They just want it to be implemented in a pragmatic way." -- ROFLMAO! Tom-LYING-son won because of the very reason the GA Legislature ignores Columbus.. over 60% of voters here voted for Tom-LYING-son, Obama, and Hellary.. despite the direction the rest of supported Trump!..

Let's face it.. too much is being made over the confusion some people have over which bathroom facility they can use.. instead of "labeling" doors with words or generic humanoid symbols, just put photos of a Penis or a Vagina on the door.. pictures work for the cash register keys  at McDonalds...

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