Monday, June 5, 2017

 From the "tale of two Sharia's " department -  Online story: "The new Muslim mayor of London has issued a warning to Donald Trump: Moderate your stance on Muslims, or they will launch more attacks against America." -- Wow... what a reassuring condition ... especially from the Muslim mayor of London.

Online headline/story: "Militants drive van into people on London Bridge, stab others *  Attackers drove a van at high speed into pedestrians on London Bridge before stabbing people in the nearby Borough Market area of bars and restaurants on Saturday in what British authorities described as terrorist incidents." -- Hmm No, Mayor Sadiq Khan.. you keep the unvetted ones..

Hey, Kathy Griffin, why not book all those canceled dates in London.. Mayor Khan could probably get you a sold out audience of professional decapitators.

You know.. in a way, it's been fun watching Kathy Griffin implode, but.... BUT, it's been more fun watching her liberal "friends" dump on her.

First Elon Musk and now Disney's Iger.. they have resigned from advisory committees of President Trump.. Brilliant move, guys... NOT!  You know, how do Iger and Musk think they can shape the future by dropping out of the conversation

What's with pedestrians these days..It doesn't matter whether you're driving through a parking lot or down a street, pedestrians just seem to feel it's "OK" to just step out into traffic lanes without looking. Even if a car has to hit the brakes to stop within a foot or two of the path they have picked out. It's like they want to get hit. Maybe they feel getting hit will be as good or better than hitting the lottery. I don't know, but I still look both ways before stepping off the curb, and will teach my grandchildren to do the same.

Random thought: Back in January, I dumped my 14 year relationship with Wow (f.k.a. Knology) and took Spectrum up on it's offer of a "no contract" 3 year guarantee price package.. Two months later, Spectrum took "The Golf Channel" off the package I signed up with, and said I'd have to pay an additional $12.00 to get their "Sports Package". I refuse to be suckered in.. I lose some "Golf" time, but the "Majors" carry the final rounds so no big loss.. Now, as I think more about it, contract or not, Spectrum promised us 3 years of a set price for a set "bundle". I believe there's a "Class Action Suit" just waiting for a lawyer with time on their hands and there are a bunch of willing  clients.

Kathy Griffin.. feels her apology makes everything rosy because she feels she's doing the right thing.. hmmm..the right thing would have been not to do what she's now apologizing for.

Hey Hellary...who are you blaming for losing the "blue collar vote"? Surely not Trump.. surely not the union leaders... surely not the educators.. No, Hellary, you have to shoulder the blame on this one.. of course you don't shoulder any blame for anything because... let's face it, you really don't have any shoulders to begin with...

On Friday, the news of record stock market prices, and a 16 year record low unemployment got a total of less than 1 minute on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news casts combined.

Has anybody contacted Algore to get his statement as to why the Artic Ice Cap did not completely dissipate by 2013 as he gloomily forecast back in the 90's ?

Remember Dan Price? The guy who started Gravity Payments.. then started making $70,000.00 the "minimum wage".. The stock price has a 52 week high of $38.99.. Friday's close was about $19.70.. I guess for a minimum wage, whether it's $7.25 per hour or $70,000.00 per annum, eventually there's no motivation.  If you have 100 people earning the salary, work output will eventually receded to he level of the lowest productive employee.

L-E story: "Two Columbus mothers have started a grassroots organization to stop bullying in the Muscogee County School District. * The yet-to-be-named group’s inaugural event will be a forum Tuesday, at 6-8 p.m., in the Mildred L. Terry Public Library, 640 Veterans Parkway.  *  Her daughter was slapped in the face, punched in the stomach and had her hair pulled by a fifth-grade girl while another one videoed the attack on her cellphone — two seats behind the bus driver, who didn’t intervene, Nesseth said." -- You know... bullying is an age-old problem, and group bullying (basiclly  "gang" bullying) is the worst because it's tough to confront a bully that's not an individual, but I see another problem that needs addressing first.. what are 5th graders doing with smartphones.. 11 year-olds do not need to have unsupervised and  unrestricted access to the Internet and social media.

You know, if a school student is carrying a smartphone, then the student should not be eligible for the "free food" program.

L-E headline: "Crowds rally at March for Truth in many cities" -- Good grief.. liberals gathering in search of the "Truth"? The "Truth" doesn't exist for liberals who will not accept that Hellary, and her  entourage,  is a liar and detriment to the future of this country...

L-E commentary headline/comment: "COMMENTARY * Sourcing always a key tool for the reporter * BY CHUCK WILLIAMS *  “If you don’t have anonymous sourcing, then you have totalitarian control of everything,” he (former L-E giant Jim Houston) said. * So, before you start condemning those reporters and news organizations who are using it, take a step back and consider the alternative." -- Hmm Jim Houston had a standard of sourcing that no exists at the L-E.. Houston would have "anonymous sources" from both sides of a story/issue.. Nowadays, if the "anonymous source" doesn't complement the bias of the L-E, it doesn't get published...

L-E story: "Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has promised to provide up to $15 million in funding that he says the United Nations will lose because of President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out from the landmark Paris climate deal. *  Bloomberg’s pledge comes as the U.S. Conference of Mayors, a bipartisan group of more than 1,000 mayors, denounced Trump’s decision and affirmed their cities’ commitment to meet climate-change goals by reducing greenhouse gas emissions locally - even without the participation of the federal government." -- Hmmm.. you know.. it's about time libs started to fund their ideas of "good intentions" and prove they were right.. and committed to spending their own money. Now, about these "cities" making commitments to spend other people's money.. it makes Bloomberg's stand rather trite.. just hope Trump holds back all federal money the cities could divert to backing Obama's "signature idea" (as opposed to a Senate approved treaty) . Hey.. how about getting Hellary and Obama to pledge matching Bloomberg!

Oh.. what do you call the "Obama Apology Tour" and the Hellary Excuses Tour"?  A Tale of Two Pities...

Have you seen (unfortunately) the new "RompHim"? I'm sure they be accepted in San Francisco amd NYC but in some areas, they will soon be  called "StompHims".

Online headline: "CNN Host: Trump 'A Piece of S--t' for His Response to London Attack" -- You know.. you can really put the blame as much on FCC head, Ajit Pai. Since he ruled that what Colbert said was totally acceptable TV expression, Pai has basically told the mainscream media there are no longer any orbidden expressions.. you knpw, George Carlin's career wiuld not have ever gotten off the ground if Pai was present when Carlin's signature spiel was first aired.. you know.. 1972.. "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television".

What do Hellary/DNC, mainscream media, ann Muslims have in common? They all feel Christians and Jews are "deplorables".

I believe that Guiness may have a new record to install in its book.. it's been over 6 months since Trump became the president elect, am[nd now president, and Hellary is still having her pity party.

Ironic L-E headline: "Government Center fountain shut down – and all dried up" -- Hmm ironically, the headline could just as easily read, "Government Center management shut down – and all dried up"

An "almost gets it" L-E soundoff": "The moment you conceal your identity you are no longer a protester but an anarchist and should be arrested." -- Hmm.. not so much an anarchist as a TERRORIST!

Another mainscream media "poll" says Trump is close to a "new low".. What this basically means is that Trump has disrupted Democrats and RINOs and is doing things which have needed to be done to Make America Great Again! Go, TRUMP!

L-E headline: "LONDON BRIDGE ATTACK * After London Bridge attack, May says ‘enough is enough’" -- Good grief.. this is on page A6 of the L-E... it's as if the L-E sympathizes with ISIS!

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