Tuesday, June 13, 2017

HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "President Trump's first cabinet panned as 'bizarre' *  President Trump met with his cabinet on Monday, and media reports are calling the meeting unlike anything they've seen before * Each member took turns praising Trump as he sat & nodded approvingly," wrote a New York Times reporter who was in the room." -- I imagine it was "bizarre" for the mainscream media.. after 8 years of Obama's brown-nosing so mainscream media would focus on his agenda rather than his failures, mainscream media actually saw what goes on when a group of highly qualified people get together and focus on Making America Great Again rather than appease mainscream media.

The GA state legislature better get a grip on how to handle Internet sales taxes.. and fast.. major retailers are shutting down their brick & mortar stores at record paces, and GA cities who have become lackadaisically content at suckling the teat of LOST and  SPLOST taxes  are going to find those revenues drying up at a faster pace. Columbus is already experiencing such because of major retailers closing up shops, and it reflects in the figures of Mayor Tom-LYING-son's next budget. And we really have to watch out for the SPLOST projects of the MCSD.. there are 3 more years of taxes to be collected, and there was no wiggle room in the bloated SPLOST budget for a drop in the revenue stream from "the git-go".

From the "I kid you not" department - HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Report: Dennis Rodman to visit North Korea * CNN reports Rodman will be touching down in North Korea on Tuesday. * He was seen at the Beijing International Airport but Rodman didn't respond to questions, according to CNN. However, North Korean officials did confirm to the media outlet that Rodman is expected." -- Looks like another "loose cannon" will launch another dud...Now,, how about another Slick Willie one-way trip back there.

From the "how does this promote justice" department - Online headline: "FEDERAL COURTS * 9th Circuit rules against Trump travel ban" -- Good grief.. with the previous 9th District Ruling already in the US Supreme Court "docket box", why would the 9th District Court even entertain a new case? Why.. one more attempt to stab Trump in the back.. That "Julius Caesar" play version showing Senators stabbing Trump ala  Brutus & Company was bad enough (praise to Delta and Bank of America for immediately dropping their troupe sponsorships), but the 9th District Court has set up a sequel to that play.. it'll be about liberal District Court judges stabbing the Statue of Liberty in the back.

Online headline: "Judicial Watch Releases New Hillary Clinton Email Admitting Blackberry Use ‘Against the Advice of the Security Hawks’" -- The story is too long to reprint here, but it's "worth the read" just to find out how arrogant and pathological this woman has always been. Her responses alone are worth Comey retracting his statement about not finding anything a good prosecutor could use to file charges against her.


Online story: "As Fried Rogers Goldberg partner Brian "Buck" Rogers rolled with his family toward Jekyll Island for the State Bar of Georgia annual meeting to be sworn in as president, he talked about what worries him most. * "Access to justice is a looming concern," he said. "It has been for years, but with budget cuts I think it's something we're going to have to address." * President Donald Trump's proposed budget for next year has eliminated funding for the national Legal Services Corp., which supports legal aid groups all over the country." -- "access to justice is a looming concern"? You know.. taxpayers have been abused by the courts way too long.. Here in GA, it's all too common for a publicly paid defense be ruled "inadequate" by our Supreme Court and a second trial ordered.. Mind you, there is no consequence levied on the presiding defense lawyer/team that was ruled "inadequate" so the taxpayers are taking it on the chin. Maybe "Buck" Rogers (hmmm.. is he called "Buck" as a play on the comic rocketeer, or because of the "big bucks" he collects as a personal injury lawyer in big truck cases. How about the GA Bar opening up a fund to match taxpayer input to the indigent legal fee fund?

L-E headline: "MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT * Nearly all staff get raise in tentative FY 2018 budget" -- Hmmm.. now, if Lewis could wave a magic wand and get all the students scores a aise as well.. You know, the slip in the economy of Columbus is not all Tom-LYING-son's :fault"... businesses do look at how well the available employable community is educated.

Random thought.. Lewis dipping.. no, gouging out nearly one-third of the fund balance demonstrates his lack of financial awareness and the community's future.. The MCSD SPLOST projects revenue stream  going to come under duress in the next three years of its availability.. We already see this in the City budget drawn up by Mayor Tom'LYING-son, and the MCSD may have to increase bond issuance to complete just what's on the table. Lowering the fund balance below 60 days will make it a bigger burden on the taxpayers ANF students.

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