Saturday, January 20, 2018

For once, I'd love to see the Republicans hold strong against bending one iota on DIMocrat's "pork barrel" spending to get DIMocrats to vote on a bill. Maybe this is it.
Well the DIMocratic Party Shutdown begins...the only thing left to do is "name it" -- obviously, "The Schumer Shutdown" is a primary contender, but "The Durbin Shicago Depression" fits, as does the "Mainscream Media Muff".. Vote on 1 or suggest others.
DIMocrats just shut down our government which keeps our soldiers from receiving their paychecks, and closes down Children's Healthcare programs in 7 states under the premise of holding out for DACA (DIMocrats Aiding Criminal Aliens) even though changes are already being negotiated with a March deadline... This is basically blackmail, and dangerously close to treason since it could cripple our National Defense.
DIMocrat spinmeisters blast Trump's "historically low" ratings... of course, that's among DIMocrats and mainscream media folks, who won't change their opinion regardless, and Independents who aren't quite off their KOOL-AID stupor.
Our neighborhood use to get twice a week garbage pick up..(plus separate recycling and debris days). Then Mayor Tom-LYING-son decided once a week garbage would save time and money and truck repairs. I don't know whether we are benefiting from time, money, and repair savings, but the way holiday rescheduling is, it's the pits for those of us with Monday garbage pick-up..we always get bumped to Wednesdays while no one else's garbage day is messed with..then came this week..our Wednesday rescheduled day was canceled due to snow, but our pick-up was rescheduled to SATURDAY. Looks like our service has gone from twice-a-week to once-in-2 weeks.
How much longer will CNN allow Kim Acosta to continue to embarrass himself ..and CNN... and America?
Soapbox Moment: Perhaps "Bernie" has a partly good idea about free college education... but his thoughts are aimed at a wasted segment. Since we have online classrooms already in place for current college students, why not allow verifiable state residents over 40 (arbitrary figure) sign up for these, and get caught up with the current and oncoming technology so they won't get lost in the transition? Diplomas would not have to be given, but a certificate showing completion would be something they could add to their resume or workplace records, and they become a part of their company's future. Another benefit would be for people who cut heir secondary education short becoming better equipped to inspire their grandchildren to be more in-tune with their education opportunities.

Has anybody seen any of our 4 Street Sweepers in action? The City bought 4 a couple of years +/- ago, and I know none have ever been on my street... I know because the asphalt on our street is so cracked that the street vacuum would suck it up down to the base.
I thought the Shell Station at Double Churches and Whitesville Roads had learned a lesson about gouging us on gas prices last year, but yesterday, I found out it is back to it's old practices..89 octane gas is $2.969 & 91 octane was $355.9! Join me in BOYCOTTING it!
You know, once Amazon looked at the MCSD performance records, Amazon ruled out Columbus as being on the list of cities to consider for its new headquarters building..and the crime rate literally "nailed this coffin shut".
From the "Hey, Columbus Council.. are you looking at this" department - Online headline/story: "‘Blight tax’ approved in Powder Springs * The council gave its OK to the creation of a “community redevelopment tax incentive program,” which targets owners of property deemed blighted by raising their city property tax bill seven-fold." -- Hmmm, the City would benefit greatly if our Council just enacted such on River Road from Manchester-to-Veterans, and south on Veterans Parkway-to-Victory-Drive
From the "will someone make sure Mayor Tom-LYING-son and her biggest donors get this" department - Online headline/story: "California's bullet train (and biggest boondoggle) is over budget by billions * Just this week, the California High-Speed Rail Authority, the organization charged with overseeing construction, reported that the cost of the first segment had dramatically risen – again. * When California voters in 2008 narrowly approved $10 billion in bond as seed money for the high-speed rail development, they were told the total cost would be about $43 billion. * Fresh estimates put it now at $67 billion. * San Diego City Councilman Mark Kersey told Fox News. “The billions being wasted on this boondoggle could have been invested in our current infrastructure needs, such as water storage, flood control, highways and bridges. “The worst-case scenario has happened,” admitted Roy Hill, lead consultant on the project.”" -- Hmmm.. fast forward 10 years.. when Tom-LYING-son is out of office, and construction will be active on her billions-of-dollars folly to Atlanta
From the "listen for the sound of the other shoe dropping" department - Online story: Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch released 78 pages of new Hillary Clinton emails –three of which contained classified information, and others detail that the former secretary of state had knowledge of potential security issues with her private email server." -- You know, the prophecy my cousin in Arkansas expressed in 1992 about the Clintons may... MAY come to fruition in their... and my... lifetime.

From the "possibly the costliest casket in the world" department - Online headline/story: "Televangelist Kenneth Copeland thanks followers, Jesus for buying him a private jet * Kenneth Copeland,(age 81) believed to be among the richest pastors in the world, is under fire for a recent braggadocios Twitter post celebrating the arrival of his Gulfstream V private jet, which he claims was purchased by his parishioners - and the big guy upstairs. * "Are you looking at this? Hey, are you seeing this?" Copeland said in a video of himself first laying eyes on the aircraft. * "I hope so - you bought it, you and Jesus."" -- Hmmm ...well, Pastor Copeland, enjoy your riches now, you cannot take it with you, and I'm taking bets that the proverbial camel has a better chance of getting through the Eye-of-the-Needle than your Gulfstream V.
Think about this.. DIMocrats have more concern for protecting the criminals who have successfully.. illegally.. entered our country than our military/law enforcement men and women who fight to keep such enemies out of our country.

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