Thursday, January 18, 2018

Online headline: "Here are President Trump's ‘Fake News Awards’ ‘winners’" -- Hmmm... President Trump through his own "red carpet" gala event last night... only the "red carpet" was filled with " 'socialist' being chastised 'on the carpet' " Too bad Trump didn't have little "Fake News" trophies to present to the "weenies" (Hey, they could be nicknamed the "Jeff FLAKEs" or Oscar Meyers).
From the "is there nothing the DIMocrats won't lie about" department - Online headline/story: "Republicans unveil funding plan with children's program to get Democrats' votes * House Republicans unveiled a short-term funding plan on Tuesday to keep the government running past the end of this week, and they're hoping it contains enough leverage to get Democrats to sign on to the deal. * At the heart of the proposal is the popular Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which provides coverage for nearly nine million children and pregnant women across the US. * The latest continuing resolution includes funding for CHIP for six years, but does not include a codification of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration program. This could derail the bill since Democrats have insisted that any funding bill include protections for the roughly 800,000 DACA recipients. * "We want to keep the government open," Rep. Steny Hoyer, the Democratic whip, told reporters on Tuesday. "But we're not going to be held hostage to do things that we think are contrary to the best interests of the American people." -- Hmmm.. 6 year funding for healthcare for 9,000,000 children/pregnant women... and it would apply to many of the 800,000 illegal "DACA" aliens, and the DIMocrat "whip" says DIMocrats "want to keep government open".. yet they won't vote for it.. sounds like there are a lot of DIMocrats that need to be taken out to the "whipping shed".
Oh.. one of the "journalists" asked D. Jackson how many rounds of golf President Trump played.. another asked did the Dr. suggest any exercise programs.. Hey,, FLAKE NEWS Award candidates... Trump's golf IS an exercise program.
Mainscream media is making a big deal (of course it would be a Big F***ing Deal to the DNC) out of a DIMocrat beating a Republican in a Wisconsin State Senate Special election. They claim it shows a DIMocrats could take over Congress in 2018.. Honestly, all it shows is that in an election, people like a candidate who has a record of good service and leadership.. basically, the same reasons the people of that district overwhelmingly chose Trump over Hellary.
From the "iPhones dropped en masse by libs" department - Online headline/story: "Apple issues $2,500 bonuses to employees after new tax law: Bloomberg * Apple Inc told its employees on Wednesday that the iPhone maker is issuing a bonus of $2,500 worth of restricted stock units following the new U.S. tax reform, Bloomberg reported, citing people familiar with the matter. * Earlier in the day, Apple said it would make about $38 billion in one-time tax payments on its overseas cash, one of the largest corporate spending plans announced since the passage of the tax cut signed by U.S. President Donald Trump." -- Wow... libs must feel "the sky is falling".. Apple just applauded President Trump! And this is the end.. Apple has also announced a $350 BILLION dollar program of growth, including a new 2nd headquarters building and 20,000 new high paying jobs over the next 5 years. Wow... Apple employees will be supporting Trump in 2020 to make sure no DIMocrat gets elected and bursts the "American dream".
Wow,, the DOW just didn't hit 26,000 again.. the DOW finished the day at over the 26,000 level! Are there any DIMocrats or mainscream media journalist seeing this?
While it is not the "official motto" of the US Post Office, we have grown up with the illusion that... "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds". Now we know that "2" (+/-) of snow" will stop such "appointed rounds.
I have great tires.. yesterday.. with snow all around, my "magic tires" grew cleats to make sure I could handle the weather....

Speaking of "snow"... a "snow angel" in particular.. here's my precious granddaughter.. and she's more like "an angel in the snow".

After my granddaughter fulfilled her quota of snow fun, she was ready to go in. She said, "Sorry Winter, you are too cold".
L-E headline/story: "Mounting wave of GOP retirements signals trouble for Trump * Every other winter, about 10 months before the next congressional elections, a batch of members decides they’ve had enough. They retire or move on to more lucrative, family-friendly jobs. * Often, these departures involve members of the minority party * This time it’s the members of the controlling majority Republicans who are packing it in — and in large numbers. * So far, a record 31 Republicans are quitting the House. * Perhaps they sense a Democrat wave in November." -- Hmm.. mainscream media forgets that there are primaries involved before the General Election, and many of the "retiring" Congresspersons are simply RINOs who see the success of Trump's TAX CUT bill as their undoing within the Republican Party.. Me, I'm betting that most Americans is going to want MORE Trump in their future by the time November gets here..
Monday garbage pickup routes already get unfairly delayed by the existing policies of holiday rescheduling, but delaying our pickups to Saturday rather than today (Thursday) is almost cruel and unusual punishment. Our garbage has been rotting in out garages since January 8th, and we're going to have to endure it until the 20th...that's 12 days...who knows what bacterial warfare materials have developed in our trash!
You have to wonder if Sen Dick Durbin may have a hearing problem. Maybe Trump said "Chicago", and Durbin feels he heard "Chithole".... or "Shicago".

Breakfast Club note: Future references to the Midwestern home of former President Obama will be "Shicago".
SEN. UpChuck Schmoozer says the CR/DACA bill on the floor is no where close to one he'd propose if DIMocrats were in power... Hello! This is why voters REVOKED that power soon after Obama got elected!
Online headline/story: "Georgia 2018: Abrams kicks up her ground game * Democrat Stacey Abrams is set to open nearly a dozen campaign offices across the state as she kicks up her ground game in the race for governor" -- Hmmm.. may this explains those pop-up voter registration buildings near large cemeteries across the state....
Saw where GA Power Company is being "forced" to issue $43,600,000.00 in refunds for making excess profits...That being so, then the PSC should meet immediately to lower not only the rates GA Power charged last year which resulted in "excess profits", but the PSC should also lower this years rates based on anticipated excess profits due to the new lower corporate tax structure.
L-E headline/story: "IHeart ‘Santa 100’ station is a cheap publicity stunt – and not even original *
You know.. either way.. Sunny.. or Santa.. 100 loses.. I've figured out how, and completely removed those presets on all our vehicle radios (4) and I'll not re-install them, and if I find the new low-powered 100 station number, it will not make my "pre-set list".
From the "it's a matter... and principle.. and truthfulness .. of semantics" department - LIV's L-E "soundoff": Congratulations to Mayor Tomlinson. You continue to make Columbus citizens proud." -- "citizens"? That might be a stretch.. maybe the "soundoffer" should use the singular aspect to keep his/her statement truthful.
From the "world of lalaland" department - L-E headline: "Flake compares Trump’s words to those of Stalin" -- Mainscream is just as liable for printing associative crap like this as Sen Flake is.. in fact, Trump should crate a new category of liberal news .. FLAKE NEWS.
L-E headline: "Korean teams plan to march together as one at Olympics" -- You know, this reeks of the ploy that ISIS and the Viet Cong used in guerrilla war tactics.. mingle in with civilians.. families and children.. to minimize return fire.
L-E headline/story: "Your car company may be racking up data about you * “The thing that car manufacturers realize now is that they’re not only hardware companies anymore – they’re software companies,” said Lisa Joy Rosner, chief marketing officer of Otonomo, a company that sells connected-car data, sharing the profits with automakers. * The result is that car-makers have turned on a powerful spigot of precious personal data, often without owners’ knowledge, transforming the automobile from a machine that helps us travel to a sophisticated computer on wheels that offers even more access to our personal habits and behaviors than smartphones do." -- Hmmm... pretty soon, Google will not need 'driverless camera cars".. most cars have back up (and some side and front) cameras built in that Google can tap into.

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