Monday, January 22, 2018

From the "slaying the political correct jackasses" department - Online headline/story: "Trump campaign ad on murder raises heat in shutdown fight * U.S. President Donald Trump's presidential campaign on Saturday issued a new video ad calling Democrats "complicit" in murders committed by illegal immigrants, during a government shutdown partly triggered by an impasse over immigration. " -- Heh heh heh.. well, truth hurts when you're guilty... and it's right on target... aimed right at DIMocrats and mainscream media.
From the "poll truth and nothing but he poll truth" department - Online headline/story: "Facebook to prioritize 'trustworthy' news based on surveys * Facebook Inc will prioritize "trustworthy" news in its feed of social media posts, using member surveys to identify high-quality outlets and fight sensationalism and misinformation, Chief Executive Mark 6uckerberg said on Friday." -- Hmmm... then the truth becomes whatever 6uckerbeg says it is... a.k.a. 'Marxist' indoctrination" under the banner of Лицо книга.
BCer's Note: Several have asked why I spell Zuckerberg;s name "6uckerberg"... the key is the alphabet.. and I choose letter number 6 versus letter number 26.
Hmmm... there was another Women's March in Washington Saturday.. Women..their male supporters, and men who decided they are women that day, marched and campaigned to change their world.. meanwhile, all the real women men were back home actually running the world.
From the "if it's not growing, it's dying" department - A related Women's March was held in Shicago.. Shicago officials put the number at between 200,000 to 300,000 (same as last year) assorted humans participated (excuse me, how does an estimate have a plus/minus figure of 50%).. It tells me that a DIMocrat pulled a "fact" out of thin air, but a Michelle Saunders, 41, a software saleswoman from Des Plaines, Illinois, came to the rally with her 14-year-old daughter, Bailey. * “A smaller crowd will not mean people are any less angry,” Michelle Saunders said. “We are unhappy with the current administration and what it stands for, and want our voices to be heard.” -- "a smaller crowd will not mean people are less angry"? Hmmm . sorry, sweetie, a smaller crowd means exactly that their are less people angry, and next year's "crowd" will be smaller again.
From the "NFL is even more stupider than we thought" department - Online headline: "The NFL desperately needs to hire more women -- Here's why" -- Good grief,, the NFL is reeling form a nearly 10% viewer drop because the NFL won't put a stop to bogus protests aimed at disrespecting our flag and military/law enforcement personnel, and now wants to improve it's apparent sexist image.. Hmmm.. well, inline with current liberal sentiments, just don't hire any men for media or team staff positions unless the applicants will claim they are transgendered women....
From the "undoing he damages of the Obama years: department - Online headline/story: "Europe readies riposte to Trump's 'America First' push in Davos * European leaders will be out in force at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week to defend multilateralism before U.S. President Donald Trump arrives to deliver his "America First" message." -- Good grief... the world.. including US DIMocrats and mainscream media, has got to come to grips with the fact that IF AMERICA ISN"T STRONG, the world is weaker!
Some folks are upset with a wax-figure depiction of Obama.. they claim it's a very poor likeness of him.. guess the sculptor was looking at the side of of the face he DIDN'T show to DIMocrats and mainscream media.
I tell you what...since we're going to live under the Durbin Shicago Depression, Trump oughta disrupt the DIM's strategy by sending in military personnel to man/operate our National Parks and other government offices that people actually need.
Hmmm... no sooner did Trump make the Martin Luther King complex in Atlanta a National Park, DIMocrats voted to close it.
Thousands of women (or male supporters and transgenders) met in Washington and other cities this past weekend..I am all for women's rights.. and men's rights as well.. there is no equality without true equality.. but something bothers me,.. how can women support equality... and Hellary in the same breath?
You know, when, and before, all Congressperson take a seat in Congress, they take a sworn oath, above all else, to uphold our Constitution and protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic. How come charges of treason and impeachment aren't IMMEDIATELY drawn up when the DIMocrats vote on not protecting us from illegal aliens?
In a nutshell: Trump cut our taxes, DIMocrats cut our military families' throats.
Expanded translation of "DACA": DIMocrats Aiding/Abetting Criminal Aliens.
There's one difference in the negotiations on the "shutdown" this year with past ones...DIMocrats aren't use .. nor equipped.. to negotiating and having to concede on anything, nor negotiating with someone like Trump. AMERICA wins!..... AGAIN!
L-E story: "As the merger of Columbus Regional Health into Piedmont Healthcare nears reality, terms of the deal that would place the city’s largest local health organization under the Atlanta-based nonprofit corporation are now public. * Piedmont has agreed to put a significant financial commitment into Columbus Regional, as well as assume all of the local organization’s debt, according to the terms on file with the Georgia Attorney General’s Office." -- Columbus Council needs to be in the middle of this negotiation.. and protecting Columbus taxpayers from sending the "contracted" property tax millage revenues to Atlanta.
L-E story: "A 2nd Congressional District congressman, who represents Fort Benning and opposed the continuing resolution to fund the federal government, is hoping the shutdown is short-lived. * “There are a lot of concerns, and I’ve heard from the brass at Fort Benning and I’ve heard from the brass at the Pentagon,” U.S. Rep. Sanford Bishop, D-Ga., said Saturday. “They do not need this continuous, short-term funding. It’s uncertainty and can’t protect our country. We need to deal with it.” -- Hmmm.. let's parse Congressman Bishop's "value" to District 2... District 2's economic posture is the worst in the state, District 2's employment situation is the worst in the state, and now he's voted the DIMocratic Party mantra of neutering our military. District 2, like the USA does not need Congressman Bishop.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Sen. David Perdue didn’t hear Trump utter the s---hole comment? Was he not paying attention or does he have a hearing impairment? Mayor Tomlinson was correct to point out how deafening his silence was." -- Hmmm.. I think what happened was Trump mentioned "Chicago" and 3rd world countries in the same sentence, and Sen Durbin heard "Shicago".
Almost gets it L-E "soundoff": "Implicit assent - Silence is a form of approval." -- Hmmm... and conversely, loud mouthed antifa protesters are just loud mouths representing the minority.
L-E headline: "Volunteers to hit streets in annual count of homeless" -- Hmmm should this total be getting close to zero since it was Mayor Tom-LYING-son's legacy program to "end homelessness in Columbus within 10 years"?
From the "Helen Keller rose-tinted sunglasses" department - L-E guest commentary headline: "Republicans don’t really want to fix immigration 9 BY FROMA HARROP" -- Hmmm "From A Camel's Harrumphhh" has out done herself in transposing DIMocrats into Republicans... of course this is the era that is full of liberals' "trans" agenda issues.
You know.. building "the Wall" is not really an immigration issue... it's an "illegal immigration issue" AND a "safety issue".
From the "there's a new sheriff in town" department - Online j[headline: "Schumer: 'Next to Impossible' to Negotiate With the WH or 'Hard Right'" -- Well, it;s really more like that UpChuck Schmoozer isn't a good negotiator... when the other side stands strong and demands Schmoozer to make concessions as well.
Online headline/story: "Newly released texts between ex-Mueller team members suggest they knew outcome of Clinton email probe in advance" -- "suggest they knew"? It's STATED Strzok and Page KNEW! Their email exchange:
"One exchange between Strzok and Page, dated July 1, 2016, referenced then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch's decision to accept the FBI's conclusion in the Clinton investigation. Lynch's announcement came days after it was revealed that the attorney general and former President Bill Clinton had an impromptu meeting aboard her plane in Phoenix.
"Timing looks like hell," Strzok texted Page.
"Yeah, that is awful timing," Page agreed.
In a later message, she added: "It's a real profile in couragw [sic], since she knows no charges will be brought."
Super Bowl.... or Super Brawl... Philadelphia does not live up to it's name...
Looked closely at my grocery store bill yesterday... especially at the "sales taxes"... an item I posted fairly recently said Columbus was one of those areas where the "cost of goods" ran higher.. about 4% higher than other areas.. looking at the receipt from the grocery store demonstrated their point.. the sales tax was 4%.. seeing as the state of GA has zero/zip/nil sales taxes on my groceries, all 4% are add-on taxes that are part of the LOSTs/SPLOSTs taxes we pay... and they are self-imposed.
Hollywood is so hypocritical... Hollywooders flock to the microphone/camera whenever one's available to preach about tolerance and diversity for everyone, but openly promote "lists" of who's more important than others in Hollywood.. there are "A-listers" through "D-listers" and which list they are on determines their status.
From the "obviously, there are too many Obama/Hellary 'holdovers' in the State Department" department - Online headline/story: "State Department spending $592,500 to 'explore gender identities of boys and men in Kenya' * The department's Bureau of Counterterrorism is seeking a nonprofit group to "explore gender identities of boys and men in Kenya." The grant proposal states that men being "tough, heterosexual, aggressive, unemotional, and achieving" can make them vulnerable to joining Islamic extremist groups." -- Hey, President Trump.. speak up for your supporters.. one more time declare, "State Department officials.. "YOU'RE FIRED!"
L-E headline: "What are the top 10 education issues in Georgia for 2018?"

-- Blah.. blah.. blah. blah. bla......You know.. all this list shows is that the decision makers are not listening.. None of these matter if the number 1 goal of education is not making sure all children finishing the 3rd grade can read at 3rd grade or higher levels
L-E headline: "LEDGER INQUIRER * From walking trails to streets, Columbus looking trashier than it’s ever been * BY BEN WRIGHT" -- Hey, Hasn't Ever Been Wright.. you're closer but no cigar.. this is not an exclusive South Columbus issue.. of course, with the focus of building nice walking/bicycling trails throughout South Columbus (versus rebuilding our streets throughout Columbus), it's more obvious that litter and disregard are more recognizable by the liberals who have promoted these trails.
Uber-LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Mr. President: Don’t tell us you are sane. Show us." -- Hey.. Mr & MS Lib.. open your eyes... and minds!
Oh... after learning from "Together 2017"s "media specialist" that they will not change the calendar year to 2018 until their fiscal year ends in March.. I asked her who was paying for the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the Exercise Park they donated to the City.... so far,, not one "peep" back... guess that says it all.. WE taxpayers are going to be stuck!..... again and again and again.. and I'm guessing until it deteriorates enough to just demolish it and pave over it for parking.

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