Wednesday, January 24, 2018

From the "poll truth and nothing but the poll truth" department - Online story: "Americans blame President Donald Trump and congressional Democrats about equally for the three-day government shutdown that ended Monday with another stopgap spending measure, according to a new NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll. * 39 percent, think Democrats in Congress are responsible for the shutdown, which began early Saturday morning after Senate Democrats, citing insufficient * A similar share, 38 percent, blamed Trump for the shutdown. Just under 2 in 10 (18 percent) said Republicans in Congress were to blame. Taken together, however, the poll shows that a slight majority of Americans — 56 percent — blame the president and his party." -- While I'm sure DIMocrat spinmeisters are asking for a "recount", they are probably cussing NBC/SurveyMonkey out for wording a poll question in a way any DIMocrats could pick DIMocrats as their answer.
Reading about the number of settlements Congresspersons have made using taxpayer funds reminds me of the era o=in which Congressperson had "the House Bank". a system that covered their checks no matter whether their was money in them or not. Trump should have Sessions order forensic audits for all Congresspersons' accounts for the past 5 years, and if irregularities are found, then audit every year they have served in Washington. Sessions should start with the ones that have already resigned or declared they are not running for re-election
From the "enemies of my enemy are friends of mine" department - Online headline/story: "NBC's top anchor Lester Holt goes to North Korea and says he's been 'treated with respect' * NBC News' Lester Holt arrived in North Korea over the weekend, broadcasting a segment from a ski resort that will soon host athletes from both North and South Korea training for the upcoming winter Olympics. * Holt is catching some flack for a statement he made during one report that aired on Monday. "We have been treated with respect here," Holt said." -- Hmmm... guess Kim Jong Ooooops threw out the "red" carpet for NBC...
From the "real reason DIMocrat Senators broke from Schumer" department - Online headline/story: "Disney hands out $125 million in employee bonuses, credits Trump tax cuts * The Walt Disney Company announced Tuesday it will give a $1,000 cash bonus to 125,000 U.S.-based employees, for a whopping total of $125 million. And according to an internal memo obtained by The Wrap, Disney CEO Bob Iger said the bonuses come as a direct result of the tax reform bill passed by Republicans in December." -- "a direct result of the tax reform (CUT) bill passed by REPUBLICANS"? Hmmm.. Disney giving credit to REPUBLICANS and not "Congress" has DIMocrats rethinking their loyalty to Schumer and Pelosi..DIMs realize that no one will remember/care about the "shutdown" by November, but the voters will all remember who gave them their TAX CUT.
You know, with Apple, and now Disney, two icons of liberalism, not only giving out huge bonuses. but rightfully giving ALL the credit to Trump and the Republicans, DIMocrats realize that that the next election IS going to be only about the economy.
Most Republicans.. all RINOs and DIMocrats, still don't realize that American voters responded to Trump then, and support him now, because Trump identified the economy problems that the Republicans and DIMocrats ignored, and the voters knew Trump was a better .. no, ONLY choice to fix them. Republican candidates that embrace the "Trump movement" will get Trump supporters votes in November.
You know, if were not for the public confidence in the front line FBI agents, the Obama/Holder/Lynch appointed executives would have destroyed our confidence in the whole DOJ/FBI conglomeration.
From the "say what?" department - Online headline/story: "'Tricky as Hell': Biden Says GOP Would Blame Obama If He Revealed More About Russia Interference * Speaking recently to the Council on Foreign Relations, former Vice President Joe Biden said President Barack Obama would've been blamed if he revealed more intelligence on alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election. * Biden said. "I think we made the right decision. We knew what they were up to... delegitimiz[ing] the electoral process."" -- Hmmm... another open mic Biden outburst.. only this time Biden knew the mic was open.. What's relevant is that even though there was/is no "Russian" interference, the fact that Obama and Biden didn't speak out just shows it was the DIMocrats who were helping Hellary derail herself.
Online headline/story: "New California policy opens door to illegal immigrant voting * California this spring will begin automatically registering adults who obtain or renew a driver’s license to vote, including potentially large numbers of non-citizens and immigrants illegally living in the state. * The only way drivers who say they are legal won’t have their information sent to state voter rolls under the latest implementation of the California Motor Voter Act is if they opt out -- which opens the door to the potential of widespread voter fraud, according to critics of the plan." -- We HAVE to build "the Wall" and now it looks like we need to include Mexico AND California on the other side of it. No state has he right to undermine the 15th Amendment's qualification of CITIZENSHIP as a right to vote.. Based on suspected. and now guaranteed voter fraud, California NEEDS to be stripped of it's representation in Congress, and the Flag reduced back to 49 stars until California can demonstrate full compliance with US Constitution Amendments.
From above story: "California has since 2015 granted driver’s licenses to immigrants living illegally in the state. And an estimated 1 million of those immigrants are believed to have obtained a license by the end of last year. Under the new system, which begins April 1, anyone who already has a valid license and applies for renewal in person or by mail could potentially be added to the voter registration rolls by (SIMPLY.. and UNCHALLENGED) claiming they are legal. * You have an environment in California where citizenship is treated as a 'Don't ask don't tell' situation. You're setting the state up for a disaster." -- "Don't ask, don't tell"? Hmm where have we "heard" this before.. oh, yes by DIMocrats saying such policy in the military was wrong and that people should be able to declare themselves openly and serve.. guess DIMocrats don't feel that way about people declaring their citizenship status.
From the "John 8:32 - Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." department - Online headline/story: "FBI's Strzok allegedly dismissed Mueller probe: 'no big there there' * In the raw texts released by (Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron) Johnson's office, Strzok wrote: "you and I (Lisa Page) both know the odds are nothing. If I thought it was likely, I’d be there no question. I hesitate in part because of my gut sense and concern there’s no big there there." -- You know.. this clearly shows the intent of Mueller is to come up with a DIMocrat created and planned outcome.. This is way worse than WATERGATE ever was.
L-E headline: "MCSD board members Myers, Thomas won’t seek re-election" -- What a disappointment.. just when the tide seems to be turning and the wind begins to fill the MCSB sails with favorable air, the two that created the movement stick a pin in the balloon.. Now we are left with two robots running for those seats, and all gained will be lost. Frank.. as Marc Anthony assessed Brutus' stabbing of Caesar, "this was the most unkindest cut of all".
Online story: "A bill recently introduced in the Georgia General Assembly calls for the state to scrap its 16-year-old touch-screen voting system and replace it with a paper-based system." -- Good grief.. how does scrapping a 16 year-old technology and replacing it with a 6,000 year-old system of paper ballots make for more secure elections.. Wasn't the purpose of scrapping paper ballots for electronic one due to the backroom paper ballot stuffing/destruction antics of election officials?
From the "things heard in the past that impacted our future" department - L-E headline: "Celebrate National Peanut Butter Day" -- Or as we remember Brother Dave Gardner's poignant assessment..."Man cannot live by bread alone, he must have peanut butter." -- 1959... that's when Brother Dave's assessment of life made it all make sense, and George Washington Carver became my lifetime hero.
L-E headline/story: "Lawyer: Fatal shooting an accident * Jurors heard testimony Tuesday in the involuntary manslaughter case against Jarrett Marshall, charged in the June 26, 2015, fatal shooting of Trenton Hill, a “gun enthusiast” who that day was showing off his collection of eight or nine firearms outside his Andrea Drive home. * men were hanging out in a carport beside the vehicle when Hill and Marshall started playing with the guns, picking them up and pointing them at each other, a practice that for Hill was not unusual. “That’s just what Mr. Hill did. He played with his guns,” -- Good grief.. people like this do not need to be on the street.. ever again. but I'm betting on another "jury fail" and that we will see him back in court later on another charge involving guns.

Now, what I would really like to know is whether the client or us taxpayers are footing the legal bills.
DIMocrats can rant and rave all they want, but nothing says racism like DIMocrats shutting down the Martin Luther Ling, JR National Park within a couple of weeks of President Trump elevating the Atlanta Complex to National Park status.
Did anyone else notice that the nation did not collapse Saturday, Sunday or Monday when non-essential federal employees did not report to work?

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