Wednesday, January 31, 2018

From the"hmmm... remember when the shoe was on the other foot" department - Online headline: "The most controversial aspect of Trump's speech led to Democrats booing him and shouting 'that's not true'" -- Hmmm, and what was the difference back in 2009 when South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson shouted out, "You LIE!" at Obama? The difference was that mainscream media excoriated Wilson or inappropriate behavior...instead of agreeing with him.
I tied to stay up to watch Maxine Waters' respond to Trump's speech, but when I switched back and forth to BET TV, I went on to bed about 11:10 because BET TV hadn't stopped running it's regularly scheduled line up.. I do have one question only BET TV can answer... If BET TV wanted to showcase the future of blacks growth in America, why didn't it schedule Dr Ben Carson to spell out how blacks will benefit under the Trump plans rather than Maxine Waters who has no clue?
You know..DIMocrats basically "took a knee" when President Trump strongly stated that Americans STAND for our National Anthem. Network TV was amiss in not focusing on their disrespect.
When are DIMocrats going to learn.. or at least remember how wrong Pelosi has lead them?
Last night, hardly any stood unless Pelosi did.. do they not remember her telling them not to read OObamaCRAP before they ]voted "for: it?
You know, there's a difference now, when President Trump presents a goal and says he can get it's a personal promise, not a campaign one.. and I believe him.
It was pretty evident during Trump's speech that there is a strong need to restore strong respect of our country by our people...Sadly, it was demonstrated that illegal aliens are not our only group we must pay attention to... none were so disrespectful as the Congressional DIMocrats.
Trump just signed an order to restore Gitmo as our containment and interrogatory center for foreign combatants.. Trump will be remembered as our "Gitmo" president..
As in "Git! Mo! DONE"!
It really gets me that that FaceBook guru 6uckerberg says he can't prove or "disprove" the charges of Russian interference with Trump. Excuse me, but the investigation being conducted is not trying to "disprove" anything, but the fact that Mueller still cannot "prove" anything connecting Trump, yet is ignoring obvious proof of the Hellary/DNC connection with the false Russian dossier about Trump proves neither 6uckerberg nor Mueller are interested in searching for the truth.
From the "how to answer without actually answering the question on the table" department - Online headline/story: "Hillary Clinton addresses why she didn’t fire the campaign aide accused of sexual harassment * “So I very much understand the question I’m being asked as to why I let an employee on my 2008 campaign keep his job despite his inappropriate workplace behavior,” she continued. “The short answer is this: If I had it to do again, I wouldn’t.” -- First, the "short answer" is not necessarily the correct answer.. as in this case.. but the real question everyone post on her FaceBook page, is. "Why didn't you 'fire' Slick Willie and support his victims the first time you caught him in "inappropriate workplace behavior"?
Hmm-- maybe this was the origin.. in thought only, of her famous excuse of either, "I was before/against it before I was against/for it"
You know, the DIMocrat leadership opinion was in lockstep against the Republican Tax Cut bill, and now are in lockstep with a different "opinion" about the FISA memo the Republicans are sending to Trump to get released to to the public. Keep it up DIMocrats...your base, which is getting great relief from the Tax Cut bill, will also be remembering your objection to transparency.
Will someone...anyone , particularly a DIMocrat .. please explain what ex-Bleep Veep Biden's family values are.. one son had an affair with his brother's widow, and has taken up residence with her screwing up both sets of his son's grandchildren, and VP Biden said he was "fine" with that, and now we hear his niece has plea bargained her way out of grand theft charges by an unnamed source paying off $110,000.00 she stole via "identity theft" of a good friend. This sounds like a "pilot" episode of "Desperate DIMocrats of the White House"
So Cleveland's Indians baseball team is going to replace Chief Wahoo with, basically, a "?" beginning this season.. What a desperate kowtow! Oh! I have a suggestion for a sleeve and cap emblem to replace Chief Wahoo.. in fact two suggestions.. First, a DIMocrat politician waving a "PC" Flag, or... and my favorite.. the popular "dodo" emoji.
From the "irony at it's most opportune time" department - L-E headline/story: "Broken toilet forces plane with 85 plumbers aboard to turn around * It’s a joke with no punch line, as 85 plumbers on a Norwegian flight headed for Germany discovered Saturday when their plane had to return to Oslo because of a broken toilet" -- Unfortunately, it was a problem that had to be addressed from the outside..Of course, the silver lining of this cloud is that 85 plumbers arrived about 3 hours late for their destination.. maybe the plumbers felt the frustration their customers feel when they arrive late to fix a toilet.
Soapbox Moment: Would someone send this to the Columbus DA's office BEFORE the Upatoi killers are sentenced? Online story: "Ex-con suspected in murder of Oregon model found dismembered in BMW * A felon who was recently released from prison and moved back in with his mother is suspected in the slaying of a young model in Oregon, whose dismembered body was found in luggage packed in the trunk of a BMW, according to reports Tuesday. * The Oregonian reported that Jeremiah “Jeremy” Johnston, 35 — currently on probation for another (crime) in a string of drug charges, according to law enforcement sources and court records — allegedly tried to commit suicide by slashing his throat and wrists before police could arrest him Thursday, but he was unsuccessful and was apprehended." -- You know, we have three people in Columbus, GA in pre-trial activity for brutally killing a woman, her teen son, and her tween granddaughter.. and while we can muster up the strength to "forgive them", there's no way these animals should ever be in a situation that could put them back on the streets. We're not talking about a simple murder.. not even an accidental one, or one of temporary insanity.. No, they bludgeoned one, then another, then another.. thank goodness there wasn't a 4th, 5th, or more members of the family there. They didn't wrongfully kill one and feel sobering remorse or regret..that could be looked at a a possible aspect for feeling there was an element of humanity in them.. NO, they killed.. and killed and killed again and may not have stopped if more were there. Life without possibility of parole is not fair to society.. there is only one sentence.. whether by plea bargaining or full blown trial.. all three must be put to death.. Civility demands this!
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Rep. Joe Kennedy rips Trump, Republicans in Democratic State of the Union response" -- You know, when you're not even present at the actual event, and you've written your speech before the president even gave his.. it's not a response, it's an assault. What's so tough about not understanding that if you want someone to agree with you, to take your opinion seriously as constructive, you must also show some acceptance on some things they say? Who among the DIMocrats can absolutely disagree with Trump's assessment of was/is the pits! It has done nothing to help anyone. Or who among DIMocrats cannot.. no., will not, praise the positive effect on the confidence of the American citizenry that the TAX CUT bill has infused in our economy?
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Trump touts black employment rate, Congressional Black Caucus offers no reaction" -- Hmmm... and? Remember, that after President Trump elevated the Martin Luther King, Jr complex in Atlanta to National Park status, the same CBC unanimously voted to shut it down.
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says the owner of the Washington Redskins needs to look at what the Cleveland Indians owner has done..No, Roger Goodell. YOU need to look at what NFL players have done disrespecting what our military, veterans, and law enforcement officers have done to make YOUR job even possible.
L-E headline: "City workers may get pay raises" -- What's sad is that the Mayor doesn't understand that sales tax revenues should be rising due to the Trump TAX CUT plan putting more disposable income in Columbus area workers' wallets which will increase available funds to the City. She's backing into the if she can only get new companies to WANT to come to Columbus.
L-E headline: "Amazon, Buffett, JPMorgan tackle US health care ‘tapeworm’ -- Good move... healthcare companies/insurers have intentionally bypassed the consumer in setting up coverage because healthcare companies/insurers have benefited from consumers not having knowledge of the real costs nor having open market competition to choose from. I have recently opened up use of my Medicare policy, and the first thing I found out was that using Medicare for my doctor's office visit cost me more than when we worked together as a self-pay "customer".
Why does mainscream media portray "right leaning politicians" as evil? Let's face it, if you're not heading in the right direction, you're heading into the WRONG direction.

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