Wednesday, January 10, 2018

HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Joe Scarborough calls Obama a 'glorified state senator' * Joe Scarborough, co-host of MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe,’ said on Tuesday morning that President Obama was not ready for the high office. * “If Barack Obama stayed in the Senate for a term and actually learned the frustrations of Washington, he would have been a much better president, in my opinion.” -- Let's "parse" this.. First.. we'd have had Hellary... if not Obama.. so America isn't as "damaged" as it could have been, but this is a clear case of Joe Scarborough sobered up since he weaned himself of the DIMocratic Party Kool-Aid.
From the "DIMocrats conveniently forget" department - Online story: "On Monday, President Donald Trump signed the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park Act of 2017, which upgraded King’s birthplace from a national historic site to a national park. * On Monday, President Donald Trump signed the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park Act of 2017, which upgraded King’s birthplace from a national historic site to a national park. * On Monday, President Donald Trump signed the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park Act of 2017, which upgraded King’s birthplace from a national historic site to a national park." -- Even the mainscream media conveniently "forgets" that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. It'd appropriate that Donald Trump sign.. and in Atlanta, what DIMocrats Clinton and Obama didn't do.
America tuned in to the National Championship...and saw and felt the confidence all in attendance felt, SAFE.. when President Trump took the field to show his love of country by respecting our flag, our National Anthem, and our military and law enforcement personnel, America knew..well with the possible exception of sanctuary cities and states, that we are safe ..and great..again.
From the "the mainscream media still has no clue" department - Online story: "President Donald Trump is reportedly considering launching a "bloody nose" attack to batter and humiliate North Korea. * Multiple reports out of the White House indicate an internal debate over a hot topic: Whether or not to strike North Korea. * Both The Telegraph and the Wall Street Journal have reported that President Donald Trump's administration is weighing a "bloody nose" strike to batter and humiliate North Korea as it illegally advances its weapons programs. The strategy calls for a limited strike on North Korea in response to some provocation, like a missile or nuclear test. * The news that the Trump administration is seriously considering a strike has rattled international observers and experts on North Korea, as any attack on North Korea runs the enormous risk of starting an all out war." -- Good grief! In spite of President Trump's oft stated policy of NOT revealing his probable actions in advance of events, mainscream media cannot restrain itself from publishing rumors/"leaks" as gospel.
From the "where's the "thank you" for President Trump?" department - Online story: "Target Corp reported strong same-store sales for November and December on Tuesday, more customer visits and higher online sales, putting the United States' second largest mass retailer on track for the best quarter in five years." -- Amazing! Look what 1 year of a businessman running the country has done to restore confidence within the American populace.
Monday's championship game meant a whole lot more to Tua Tagovailoa than just a Championship ring.. by the beginning of next season, even Alabama fans will know how to spell/pronounce his name.
The Lottery... interesting facts are abound.. some I found this AM are astounding.. $3 states are involved in the "biggies" (Powerball etc). California ranks only as the 28th highest played per adult.. some 39 Million "adults" there plunk down some $5.53 BILLION bucks on lottery tickets (2nd highest). Unfortunately, Californians playing the lottery "win" only $116.00 per "adult" ( about $4.5 Billion), so California bettors "lose" over $1 BILLION annually to the "government" (as a tax, that's about 18%). Vermont voters.. Bernie's "flock".. fares even worse.. 626,242 Vermonters buy $105,000,000.00 ($207.00 per "adult") in lottery tickets, and "win" back about $90 Million ($143.74 per "adult") for an effective "tax rate" of about 17%.. Then there's GEORGIA.. we're NUMBER 5! 10,214,860 "adults fork out $3.67 BILLION ($476.39 per "adult") and "win" back $3.35 BILLION.. While "technically", Georgian are "taxed" more favorably than Californians.. even Vermonters, it's still a 5% tax ... but it leaves a big question about how ineffective the GA Lottery is when it's sole purpose is to raise money for college (and pre-k) scholarships.

Hmm... "American Idol" may have a chance to "recover" this year.. It's been announced that "American Idol" will not,, repeat, WILL NOT.. air those amazingly stupid "bad auditions" this new season.. those were what drove my family from watching..(if I want to hear bad singing, I can simply listen to myself in the shower)Unfortunately, it's going to be on ABC this time, and I do not watch ABC (a top college football game is the only exception), and will not until ABC apologizes for canceling "Last Man Standing" and returns the show to it's former time slot.
From the "we ought to get a group discount on our new logo" department - Hmmm, Columbus taxpayers paid some $97,000.00 for a "new logo", bit it looks like it's not OURS alone.

Perhaps the City should get a partial.. if not complete.. refund since there's certainly nothing about it that says "I think of Columbus subconsciously whenever I see the "font" used.
Online headline: "Alabama player who punched an opponent and tried to fight a coach later made a championship-changing play after he was allowed to stay in" -- Good grief, that "tackle" should have been his THIRD "unsportsmanlike conduct" penalty.. He struck the runner in the head then neck tackled him down.. both actions are penalties when the referees HAVEN'T LOST CONTROL of the players on the field.

On a positive note.. at least this story didn't mention the (_@_) was from Columbus.
Online headline/story: "Motel 6 accused of giving immigration officials information on guests * Washington’s state attorney general filed suit against Motel 6, accusing the chain of giving information to immigration officials even if the people reported did not have a warrant against them." -- Good grief.. since when is being a diligent and patriotic American a crime.. I'm pretty sure that Motel 6 was accommodating to the illegal aliens as "they" probably didn't have proper IDs that Motel 6 would normally require of customers seeking rooms, and the real question is how illegal aliens made it uncontested to Washington at all.
HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "New Jersey prisons ban 'The New Jim Crow,' and the ACLU isn't having it * At least two New Jersey state prisons have banned inmates from reading a highly praised book that links racial discrimination and mass incarceration." -- You know, why isn't there a book published BY THE ACLU that examines the correlation of "bad behavior" and being a "habitual offender" in relationship to incarceration? It would be a whole lot better.. and way more accurate, as to why people are in jail for committing CRIMES!
Tuesday is my neighborhood's "day" for debris pickup. A number of Christmas trees were dragged to the curb early in the morning.. They were still there last night and as I write this morning.
Looks like UGA's displaced QB Jacob Eason is heading home to Washington..can hardly blame him.. but UGA has a problem with Fromm.. in the second half, From started "thinking" rather than playing with instinct.. most of his passes were "aimed" rather than "thrown" resulting in passes either short or behind the receivers.
From one of few "real truth" L-E "soundoffs": "Tommy McNeal may have pulled the trigger, but the system killed Nancy Johnson. How is he walking the streets after killing a policeman in 1975? This country was designed by geniuses but run by idiots." -- Just another "court fail".
One of the amazing things that Trump brought to politics is that establishment politicians are totally out of touch with America.. Trump was elected by the voters not the Republican Party.. now, the DIMocrats realize that there are none in their hierarchy that appeal even to their own base, so Oprah Winfrey and Mark Cuban are looking good to them, but neither can beat Trump after the tax cut bill's real effect gains momentum.
L-E story: "A Phenix City mother has accused Central Freshman Academy staff members of violating the school system’s policy while searching all students who entered the school Monday morning as police investigated a threat posted on social media, but the superintendent insists the complaint is a misapplication of the policy." -- You know.. most of our problems with the youth began in the 1970s when the US Supreme Court gave high school students the rights of adults.
From the "doesn't the Anti_American headline bias just drip" department - L-E headline: "Employers brace for loss of an immigrant workforce" -- Good grief.. this is AMERICA, and Americans deserve first choice in the job markets..all Americans should be thankful that we have President Trump, who is is bringing us back to greatness.. AGAIN!
From the "what could possibly go wrong with this" department - L-E headline/story: "Proposal weighs giving babies born in the US a chunk of cash * There’s a proposal to give every newborn in the United States a “Baby Bond” account with somewhere between $500 and $50,000 in cash. Neither the kids nor their parents would be able to touch the money until the child turned 18. Then the young adult could spend the trust fund on attending college, buying a home or starting a business" -- What could could possibly go wrong? In a word.. EVERYTHING! Can you not see street gangs being incorporated as "businesses" and groups of 18-year-olds being well funded to stock a gang with weapons?

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