Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Breakfast Club - September 12, 2010

Online headline: "The cooling of tropical Pacific waters could lead to avalanches in Northwest and bring strange weather across U.S." -- Hmmm....where's Algore?
Online headline: "Is the Democratic Party Doomed?" -- Hmmmm...don't you recall this was the same question (though made as a statement) asked/associated with the Republican Party in November of 2008? Guess 2 years of liberals having to live with what they wished for has changed a few minds.
L-E story on Parks & Rec update: " (Tony) Adams, 47, and (Herman) Porter, 41, funneled more than $200,000 to a private account that should have gone to the city, according to police." -- Mere pikers! The mayor wants to 'funnel' millions of Public Safety "LOST" funds into Parks & Recreation; good money after bad!
Kudos for the "Atlanta Black Crackers"! It's time to take a swing at "political correctness" so progress can be made in racial evolvement . Please note the team is not segregated.
L-E headline: "Obama cites national unity after Sept. 11 attacks" -- Well, that's what the majority of Americans want. The question is when will potUS Imam-a join with us?
I cannot get away from potUS Imam-a's self-description of Republican's treating him like a dog... potUS Imam-a's dog Bo was flown to vacation in a private Gulfstream jet along with the dog's handler (who 'earns'...well is paid over $100,000.00 a year) because their wasn't enough room on Air Force 1 for the dog. If Republicans treated potUS Imam-a like that, we should get rid of Republicans, too!
Did anyone see if Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf made it to the Ground Zero ceremony yesterday morning?
From a fellow BCer: AFL-CIO Leader Richard Trumka spoke to the Labor Caucus at the California Democratic Convention in Los Angeles in April 2010. While speaking, he sang praises of Nancy Pelosi to applause, and uses Obamacare to drive his point home, saying "we drove it down the Republicans throats."


What is it with government? Last month in another part of the country, a kid's lemonade stand was shut down by a government agency, and right here in Columbus, churches cannot have 'bake sales' by members its members because the church kitchen doesn't have a restaurant licence, and recently vendors at the UPtown Saturday morning "Market Days" were shut down by the GA Department of Agriculture, yet, as I strolled through a Broadway restaurant's outdoors cafe this week, a full complement of compliments was arranged on the table in 95+ degree weather and in full exposure to the sun. Included in the array was a plastic squeeze bottle of mayonnaise which is the number 1 cause of picnic foods going bad. I didn't see any health department or Department of Agriculture officials riding heard on Cannon Brew Pub.


From a fellow BCer: " "Fathom the odd hypocrisy that Obama wants every citizen to prove they are insured, but people don't have to prove they are citizens." Ben Stein" -- This is not hypocrisy; it is insane!
If potUS Imam-a is for building the Hamas-que because "we are a nation of laws", why didn't he make sure Auntie Zeituni was deported back to Kenya on those same laws?
L-E headline: "Obama says OK to call his new plan a stimulus bill" -- Yeah, instead of calling it what it really is...."stim-YOU-LIE 2".
From L-E story: "“I am running for mayor because I believe Columbus needs a fresh vision,” she (Teresa Obamalinson) said." -- Dang, while she doesn't look like him, she sure sounds like him. Guess we can soon expect her to say how great Columbus is, but then ask us to help her change it.
Online headline: "Obama Names New Chief Economic Advisor" -- Houdini? Copperfield? It will take a magician trained in sleight of hand tactics to make this economy stable.
L-E headline: "Official: Parks and Rec board ‘dysfunctional’ for years " -- Seems Council and Mayor, too, were as dysfunctional by not demanding accountability and meeting minutes that are required.
I wish "Honor Flight" had been organized before my Dad died. What a gift!
L-E "soundoff": "If extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy will create jobs, why aren’t those tax cuts currently in effect creating jobs now?" -- Obviously a DIM/DUMBorat. Guess he hasn't seen how most new jobs created have been government jobs paid for by the taxes the government collects, and now wants to raise so the government can fund those jobs for perpetually.
I hope everyone flew an American flag yesterday at their homes, but if you didn't you are fortunately in questionably good company. Two of my neighbors are retired generals, and neither had a flag flying on their homes. What was really even sadder is that 1 of them is in charge of the National Museum at Ft Benning. Shame!
More 'throw up' from Froma Harrop: " Americans generally don’t like class warfare. Labeling any tax increase for upper incomes as such is a time-honored way to bully the public into silence. Actually, it’s not too much to ask the top sliver — whose wealth is running away from that of even ordinary millionaires — to do more to contain our soaring deficits." -- As much as I hate the word "stupid", there are times it is the only word to describe some people, ideas, and concepts. Froma Harrop is stupid, Froms Harrop's ideas are stupid, and Froma Harrop's concepts are stupid! Why does she (and every other uber-liberal think the top 1% of wealth should be responsible for reducing the debt that government has caused by not staying within its budgets (even if government confiscated the 1%'s entire wealth, it would hardly dent the deficit)? That 1% did not cause the deficit; government leaders cause deficits. Let's hold government leaders responsible!

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