Monday, September 13, 2010

The Breakfast Club - September 13, 2010

The DIM/DUMBorats need an 'extreme makeover'. I'm going to suggest a new symbol and slogan: For the symbol...Pogo the Possum. For the slogan... One of the classic Pogo comments, "We have met the enemy and he is us."
Online story: " They haven't glimpsed daylight or a puffed on a cigarette in more than a month. But now Chilean authorities have declared that the 33 men trapped underground at a mine in the north of the country will finally be allowed to light up." -- If 33 men hadn't 'lit up' in a month, why would you want to send them some now? More than a month constitutes a rehab period and said smokers should be detoxed, and in confined areas, why would you want them smoking when others do not? can't live with them and you can't .....
Can a politician lay claim to being a true Christian when he usurps other people's tax dollars for his or his family's personal gain? Shame on Sanford Bishop.
While the "crime map" offered by the L-E is better than nothing, it's data is months behind. Why doesn't the CPD offer a web site with an up-to-date 'pin map' of reported/confirmed crimes so we can see up-to-date information on what neighborhoods are being targeted by criminals.
While it's 'nice' to see Amnesty International concerned about Iraqi prison situations, where was Amnesty International when Saddam Hussein was slowly feeding 'prisoners' into large wood chippers?
Rumor has it Government Motors is already rethinking its vaunted "VOLT" vehicle. GM is going to remarket is as "Dolt".
From Kathleen Parker's ramblings: " Speaking to Laborfest in Milwaukee, Obama referred to “the Republican who thinks he’s going to take over as speaker … I’m just saying, that’s his opinion.” His shirt sleeves rolled up as workingman politicos always do, Obama all but said: “Pay no attention to the man with the fake tan.” -- potUS Imam-a should be cuddling up to Boehner...after all, Boehner may be paying that discriminatory tax on his 'fake tan'.
L-E story: "WASHINGTON— Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is shepherding Mideast talks this week that she says may be the last chance for peace between Israelis and Palestinians. " What gall! The Palestinians' definition of peace means the Israelites are eliminated from existence.

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