Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Breakfast Club - September 14, 2010

Imam Rauf.... when you think about it, do you remember your youth and college days when you went to a keg or rum punch party, had imbibed way too much, and spent an eternity poised on your knees while you hovered over the porcelain throne calling out for your friend, "R-A-A-U-U-U-F-F-F-F"?
The University of Baltimore is using tax and parent provided dollars to teach a course about Zombies. Wouldn't be surprised at all if the professor is a former ACORN voter registration employee trying to sign up new 'dead' people.
Only a true liberal can get excited about selling high tech military jets to Saudi Arabia. Looks like there was more to 'the bow' than potUS Imam-a is letting on.
Abraham Lincoln once described this nation as "of the people, by the people, for the people"; potUS Imama-a and his minions obviously think of it as "buy the people" using earmarks and entitlements.
Online headline: "Family of US Hiker Can't Afford Bail Demanded by Iran" -- Ooh, ooh, I know! Lets send Jimmy Carter or Algore over in trade!!!
Who was the CB&T entity who opened the Parks&Rec slush fund account and allowed the abuse of the city tax free number without documentation from a proper city official? Hope CB&T cooperates fully..
I expressed wonderment at why the CPD doesn't have a daily updated crime map posted online at the Government website. One BCer says he hears that discussion of such is vacillating over the $1,000,000.00 cost of software (aside from the fact the Public Safety "LOST" revenues would be more appropriately used for this than on recreation fluff), but how much (as in really how little) would it cost to post a downloadable high def '.jpg' pin map image along with a 'pin color legend' and a '.PDF' daily or weekly list of new reports on the governments website that every concerned citizen could access?
Online headline: "Rush Limbaugh Never Let On He Went to School With Pastor Jones" -- Well, seeing how Rush didn't date the guy, what's the issue. Let's not forget this same media has no idea of who potUS Imam-a went to school with, but they wouldn't reveal such info if they did know...
News Flash! Rumor has it that ABC just announced its Election 2010 team for November 2, 2010. Ty Pennington is rumored to be the anchor, and it will be called, "Election 2010, Extreme HOUSE Makeover. It's also rumored he has an option to do the 2012 elections, and it will be called "Extreme WHITE HOUSE Makeover.
From a fellow BCer in the mid-East: I'm not going to explain what I want you to experience as you can draw your own conclusions (but I'll bet they are the same as mine). Click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIHz5tevLAw
Congress has fallen prey to its own greed. How can Congress reduce government spending when it still accepts its annual salary increase, without out even voting on it, no matter what kind of year the American taxpayers have experienced, and regardless of how poor a job Congress has done in managing our tax dollars?
Why are mayoral candidates even asked questions about school programs for art and recreation? Those are questions for the folks running for the MCSD board slots.
L-E headline: "Muscogee County school superintendent wants to add assistant principals at several schools" -- What is it with school administrations? Revenues are tough, jobs are tough, and she wants to spend more money outside the classroom. I remember the outrage I felt when I went to my niece's 1995 graduation from Hardaway High and listed on the program was that Hardaway had a vice-principal for each class year plus 5 full and 1 part time counselors for about 1000 students. 30 years before that (Class of 65), CHS had a principal, a dean of girls, a dean of boys, and a counselor for more than twice as many students, and I'll bet today, that the CHS '65 SAT's were higher than the HHS '95's.
If the question is whether to let a tax bill expire or not, how can you 'cherry pick' parts of it rather than use a take-all-or-nothing approach? Dissecting the bill is a totally different thing than letting it expire or not.
L-E story: " HAVANA — Cuba announced Monday it will cast off at least half a million state employees by mid-2011 and reduce restrictions on private enterprise to help them find new jobs" -- Man, does this blow-out the theory of communism being a workable form of government, or what. potUS Imam-a better rewrite his game plan, too!
You know, every time potUS Imam-a points a 'finger-of-blame' at Bush/Republicans, what he's actually highlighting is that he's not capable/able to fix the things he campaigned on to get the job. Some one should send him a game of "Clue".. so he could honestly say he has a clue.
Every time potUS Imam-a goes on TV to announce he has a 'new plan' , it only emphasizes he had a plan to begin with that didn't work.

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