Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Breakfast Club - September 9, 2010

I'm mad right now. Mad that our justice system does not push for speedier completions of death sentences when dispensed. Speedier completion will make the death sentence more of a 'let-me-think-about-what-I'm-doing-before-I-actually-do-it' consequence than these 20-25 year appeal times. Give convicted death sentence criminals a fast-track 2 year period for all appeals and challenges, and if it hasn't materialized, pull the switch, push in the plunger or whatever it takes to get justice carried out. Allowing prisoners to die of old age and natural causes waiting to exhaust appeals is not justice.
Well, they caught the murderer of Heath Jackson yesterday; if they put him to death later on today, it won't be soon enough.
Remember when serving on the MCSD Board meant the only thing you had to gain was the respect of the community's taxpayers? I miss that, don't you?
From L-E story: "(Their lawyer) said the only assets the Bleckleys have is their property, saying all their money was invested in their enterprise. “Everybody lost money,” he said. “Nobody ended up with any money." -- Bet that's not 100% true, is it Mr. "I-get-mine-up-front' Lawyer?
Online headline: "Fed Sees a Slowing But Growing Economy" -- Wrong! What the dyslexic headline writer meant was, "Slowing Economy Sees a Growing Fed"!
Online headline: "Obama: Slow Growth Beats Return to 'Republican' Recession" -- Oh, the one caused by Dodd & Frank's handling of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac plus the DIM/DUMB take-over of the House in 2006? No, potUS Imam-a, when you point your finger of blame into the mirror of life, you're pointing at yourself.
Online news story: "Mexico has long rejected allowing U.S. troops on its soil, except for a single symbolic presence: Mexico's Senate has authorized a U.S. detachment to march in next week's Bicentennial parade." -- You mean potUS Imam-a will send more US troops to a Mexican parade than he will authorize to patrol the Mexican border...?
Online headline: "Detroit Mayor Calls Fires a 'Natural Disaster' -- Truth be know, it's more like Detroit is a natural DIM/DUMB disaster.
Great new bumper sticker I saw: " Pray, Vote, Pray"
You know, "DIM/DUMBorats" is not strong enough as a description of the leftist regime now in power, but "STUPIDrats" doesn't have a clever ring to it. Any suggestions?
Example of what I mean above: How does extending the Bush Tax-cuts put "more money" into the economy if less people are working and those working are not earning more in salaries?
Hmmm, so Rahm Emanuel is considering a run for the Mayor of Chicago. What are the residency requirements to be a Chicago Mayor? Rahm-bo is not serving in Washington as an elected official, he's working and living in Washington because he accepted a job there.
From the L-E's "On this date" section: "In 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed into law the first civil rights bill to pass Congress since Reconstruction." -- Hmmm. lets see...I do remember POTUS Eisenhower was a Republican... Hmm, how can that be.
L-E's "Thought for Today": “To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.” — Helen Rowland, American writer, journalist and humorist (1876-1950)." -- Can you imagine what would have happened if a man had quoted this?
Can you believe the amount of publicity and celebrity posturing that a pastor of a church of 50 members has caused by implying he wants to burn a book?
L-E "soundoff": "Party affiliation for mayoral candidates has been pretty clear-cut. Zeph and Wayne are both Republicans, Teresa Tomlinson is as independent as they come, and nobody is quite sure what Paul Olson is. " -- Obviously, this was a press release by someone with the DIM/DUMBorats trying to cut ties with the current President. All one must do to find Mother Teresa Obamalinson's party affiliation is check her campaign donations. Do believe she gave $4,600.00 (max) to elect potUS Imam-a.
Is it ironic or what, but the 'new' ice rink is beginning to look a lot like the barn building we tore down to build the current CivicCenter.
Other than offer condolences to relatives of Judy F. Brouillette, I usually wouldn't bother to air her 'concepts of thought', but this is too rich to pass. In a letter today, she writes. " In June the Senate voted 61 to 35 to overturn a proposal limiting this corporate welfare. Every single Republican voted to kill the bill, and even 21 Democrats chose to side with Big Oil, instead of with our citizens. There is absolutely no excuse for extending preferential treatment to corporations which discharge American workers, send jobs overseas, and dodge taxes by using a counterfeit offshore address. " -- Is she trying to say that there are only 14 Republicans in the Senate or that there are 82 DIM/DUMBorat Senators, or is she stating that if you don't agree with her, then you are not an American citizen?? Before long, even the L-E should become too embarrassed to publish her....Post Note: Even the spell checker agrees with me; two of the suggested replacements for her name are Braille and Toilet....

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