Friday, September 3, 2010

The Breakfast Club - September 3, 2010

It looks like the only campaign promise potUS Imam-a will keep is the one where he said, "America is the best country in the world; help me change it".
Online headline: "Hawking: Universe Didn't Need God to Begin * 'Laws of physics are all that's necessary for creation'" -- Oh ye of little faith....who created the principles of physics that became the 'laws of physics'?
Headline correction: "God doesn't need Hawking"
Online headline/story: "Magnetic Mom Attracts Metal and the Media * A recent report in The Sun states the bizarre British woman can hold coins, safety pins and magnets to her head and chest for nearly 45 minutes, and her presence can blow light bulbs and set off car alarms.-- Well, she's lucky she doesn't live in Washington, DC and have a magnetic attraction to animal excrement.
With Kareem Lane and Michael Curry finally under investigative wraps for old crimes, why is Carlton Gary still with us?
It was interesting that the 'greenie' killed at the hostage situation at the Discovery Channel headquarters was an avid Algore devotee, and that went literally unmentioned in the main stream news channels.
L-E headline: "More Democrats buck plan to let taxes increase for rich
* 1-year extension likely, but foes fear it will make Bush cuts permanent " -- You mean there are actually DIM/DUMBorats who understand that working people all pay taxes, and they are tired of paying more than their share?
What's with our Department of Justice? They should be suing the states that aren't trying to clean up the illegal immigration problem!
You know, why don't we just cut California loose from the US. Think about how that would effect legisaltion for the good by redistributing California's electoral and Congressional votes to the other states....
Before they build the traffic circle Council is entertaining, should there at least be a poll to see if anyone wants to rebuild the old Traffic Circle out on Victory Drive?
L-E headline: " Sign of hope: Mideast leaders agree to more talks" -- Huh? Talk is cheap, and politicians are long winded.. of course they will agree to talk; it gives them more time to spew their rhetoric. Action..well that's a totally different story.

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