Friday, October 22, 2010

From the " a most appropriate gift" department - Online headline: "Larry King Gives a Porta-Potty to Jon Stewart for Mall Rally" -- Don't you just love it when liberals 'eat their own'?
Comment on above: A personal "Think Tank"?
Another example: Juan Williams and NPR - Once again, liberals demonstrate they are the segment of society with the least amount of tolerance for freedom of thought and speech.
DIM/DUMB Maryland Senate candidate Chris Coons could not name the 5 freedoms guaranteed by the US Constitution......hmmm, like HELL-thScare, another document he hasn't read.
Senator Patty Murray of Washington (state) says she wrote the HELL-thScare Bull, but also says she didn't read it before voting for it....huh?
It's no coincidence that 90,000 Seattle-based Boeing employees are going to have to pay considerably more towards their healthcare program. Bet Senator Murray didn't read that handwriting on the wall, either.
Like Carter, XPOTUS Clinton admits he lost 'the biscuit' (nuclear launch code dongle)during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Hmmm, I'll bet Hillary probably hid it where the sun don't shine.
In 2008, Oprah dubbed potUS Imam-a as "the One"; 2 years later, the rest of the country thinks of him as "#2".
Also in 2008, potUS Imam-a campaigned on "CHANGE"; 2 years later we are definitely ready for "CHANGE".
potUS Imam-a is going to campaign with Pelosi, Boxer and Reid; why don't they just resign from their races with dignity?
Rumor has it that all the networks will air the movie, "An Inconvenient Truth" on election eve, and the trailer will show DIM/DUMBorats voting for HELL-thScare, TARP, and Cap n' Trade.
Listening to the contraindications in an ad for the drug "Enbrel", I cannot but wonder hoe "Enbrel" received FDA approval.
L-E's "Thought for Today": “You can fool too many of the people too much of the time.” — James Thurber, American humorist (1894-1961). -- Ah, the secret credo of the DIM/DUMBorat Party has been exposed! If DIM/DUMBs receive any votes other than their own, Thurber's observation remains valid.
L-E "soundoff": "Thank you Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg for standing up to a mindless tyrant like Bill O’Reilly." -- Actually, all that was revealed was the confirmation that liberals cannot carry on a discussion of different ideas without cursing and rudeness.
L-E story: "SEATTLE — In a last-ditch effort to prevent electoral disaster, President Barack Obama and Democratic allies are vigorously wooing women voters, whose usually reliable support appears to have softened." -- Women should be indignant! Indignant that the DIM/DUMBs don't give them credit for knowing what's going on in the world.
L-E story: "BAGHDAD — American influence has so dwindled in Iraq over the last several months that Iraqi lawmakers and political leaders say they no longer follow Washington’s advice for forming a government." -- DOH! Why would any government want to base itself on the model portrayed by potUS Imam-a and the DIM/DUMB Congress?

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