Wednesday, October 6, 2010

L-E headline: "Columbus man indicted in killing of pregnant wife" -- Ooops, my bad! Thought the DA had finally moved on Michael Curry.
XPOTUS Clinton has been sighted hanging out with Barney Frank's campaign, and most DIM/DUMBorats have been avoiding potUS Imam-a like the plague, but where is Algore? Surely those voting for 'cap & trade' would want to remind their constituents of who their leader is? Maybe, not...not even those in Florida.
Last year, potUS Imam-a's Department of Justice overruled the Kinston, NC board of elections attempt to make all local elections "non-partisan" because if candidates didn't have "Democrat" besides their names, 'blacks wouldn't know who to vote for'. Strange how fortunes can change in a year. Now, no DIM/DUMBorat wants to be associated with being a Democrat! Heh heh heh
Mike Keown's campaigner has resigned because of his involvement in the Alabama Casino/electronic gambling scandal. Of course, it's only because his current boss ia a Republican, DIM/DUMBorat Bishop would have just laughed about it and given another family member another scholarship.
Sanford Bishop is spending more time, more 'earmarks', and more ad money in Columbus than I can ever remember. If you haven't considered a donation to Mike Keown, now may be a great time to do so; Bishop is vulnerable... rightfully vulnerable!
Did you know that New Yorkers pay $11 or more for a pack of cigarettes? Since most of that is in taxes, it does make one wonder how Mayor Bloomburg (or the Feds, too) can try to stop people from smoking at all!

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