Sunday, October 17, 2010

Passed on by a fellow BCer: "Quote from Peter Schmuck, a Baltimore sports writer, concerning the indictment of Roger Clemens. " Isn't it great to live in a society where the penalty for lying to a congressman can be up to 30 years in jail, but the penalty for a congressman lying to you is another two years in office. "
L-E headline: "Georgia voters must decide Nov. 2 to pay $10 a year for upgraded trauma care statewide" -- Wrong! GA voters who own cars must decide whether to be "whipping boys" to for the state's politicians, hospitals, and insurance companies.
A forum to draft a "10 year plan to end homelessness".... While extenuating circumstances such as mental health or economic tsunamis certainly contribute to some people's plight, most 'plights' have to do with the making of bad choices: Overuse of credit cards, taking on too much house debt, or other lifestyle/substance abuse choices that no amount of advice/talk will ever eliminate from reoccurring. While it's true private and public resources are exhausted, adding another 'feel good, "even though its only talking, I'm doing something about it" liberal response' to make liberals feel better. 10 years from now, it will only be another avenue of exhaustion, and another "10 Year Plan" will be discussed.
From a story in the L-E: Once again, scientists are claiming that 'the curve ball' that 'drops off the table' is a mirage. Obviously, you are thinking that those scientists never faced a curve ball with a bat in their hands... of course, it may be that the scientists did face a curve ball, and that's why they are scientists and not baseball players. It also explains why scientist often claim there is no such thing as God.
How can the L-E not print the results of the Mississippi State victory over Florida or Kentucky upsetting South Carolina on the front page of the Sports Section? With or without Spurrier, every Florida loss is good news to most of the South, and what else can I add about any victory over Spurrier.......

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