Friday, October 29, 2010

Why are FEMA mobile homes from the Katrina snafu 5 years ago being allowed to stay in use? Wasn't there a formaldehyde issue?
Interesting thought from a fellow BCer: "There's been a question on the military channel lately: "Why is Osama bin Ladin still alive?" I have a theory that might answer it. If Osama bin Ladin were killed, Obama might lose his diplomatic back-channel to Al Qaeda on all questions that Soros cannot "advise" him on. Just a thought." -- keep those e-mails coming!
Have you seen the latest Obama, uh, Mother Teresa Obamlinson TV ad? The one where she wants to rebuild/repair private homes in declining neighborhoods with tax dollars? This is the same tactic potUS Imama-a used; telling you upfront he wanted to destroy free enterprise by robbing Peter to pay Paul so he could get all "the Pauls'" votes.
Also, why doe Mother Teresa Obamlinson think that if you repair houses of people who haven't kept it up that the same people will miraculously keep it maintained in the future?
L-E headline: "Stimulus funds to help clinic expand * Bishop presents $6.2 million check to Valley Healthcare Systems" -- Excuse me...why do Congresspersons get ownership of the tax dollar earmarks to present as though he was personally digging into his pocket to help? That's the money he's taken out of yours and my pocket! How about Congressman Bishop reaching into his own pocket and reimbursing "us" for the salaries and scholarships he gave to his family and friends?
Did you see potUS Imam-a on "The Daily Show" clips? Without his Teleprompters, potUS Imam-a lost his debate with a comedian.

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