Thursday, October 21, 2010

Online story:"Ethanol is supposed to be a clean bio-fuel that helps reduce our dependence on foreign oil. It's primarily produced from domestically grown corn. So why is it so controversial? * Vehicles built in 2007 or later have an oxygen sensor that adjusts the combustion and protects the catalyst. Not so with older cars. A car with a damaged catalytic converter can be a serious polluter" -- No wonder Algore is laying low; ethanol may be even a bigger polluter than the methane he's been spewing out for years!
If Nancy Pelosi is so sure that "spreading the wealth" is the 'cure-all' for the economy, why doesn't she start with spreading her considerable wealth first to prove it?
If potUS Imam-a feels it necessary to go campaign for DIM/DUMBorats on the Left Coast. either the DIM/DUMBS are in worse shape than anyone thinks or it's the only place he thinks the DIM/DUMBs can win with his presence.
"Toll Takers" in New Jersey received "bonuses" in the neighborhood of $30 Million last year. Other than a union bribe, on what basis could you think of giving "toll takers' a bonus?
Have you noticed that when casinos advertise, they act as if they are thriled to let you win their money. Me thinks it sounds a little bit like Br'er Rabbit begging not to be thrown into the briar patch.
Washington, D.C. schools are now feeding supper to students after school. What does this teach children about their responsibilities as a parent when they grow up? Also, how can this not increase the likelihood of the children becoming obese; isn't it probable most will eat more when they go hoe?
Why is it that some of our Councilors, particularly District 7's, think applying for grants is 'the answer' for revenue shortfalls? "The answer" is cutting spending.
From the "what's wrong with this picture" department - L-E story: " Renee Pass’ 3-year-old grandson loves animals, so when a friend gave her two puppies, she gave him one. * He played with the puppy, a black pitbull-boxer mix, all morning Sunday, she said," -- Doh!
From the "there's a lot more truth in it" department - L-E "soundoff": "The reason “Jackass” made more than the family film “Secretariat” is because no one can afford to take their whole family to the movies anymore. " -- Are you listening, Carmike? Perhaps a "family pass" might be a solution along with a "family pack" drink/popcorn special?
CSU gets $1.6M grant to establish institute " -- And it just so happens that Sanford Bishop takes credit for dispensing our tax dollars as a just-before-election-date earmark.
Another L-E headline/story: "Columbus Tech gets $453,000 federal grant * Columbus Technical College has received a $453,000 federal grant intended to help the school serve low- and middle-income students." -- Another just-before-election-date earmark, but it isn't attributed to Bishop, so it must have been initiated by an unnamed non-Dim/DUMBorat.
Bruce Huff had me until he said his 'favorite place" in Columbus is Golden Park. 30 years ago, yes, but we have better, much better...

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