Sunday, October 31, 2010

Online story: "DEKALB, Ill. (Oct. 30) - An Illinois man may face the death penalty if convicted in the slaying of a college freshman who went missing earlier this month." -- "MAY" face the death penalty? The man is charged with 1st degree murder, rape, and then burned the young woman's remains; Saddam Hussein's 'wood chipper' should be brought into the court room on conviction date, and he should be publicly fed into it on TV, and the girl's parents should be allowed to control how long it takes to feed him into it!!!!
How ironic that the hurricane naming season has reached the letter "U" and "V" just in time to used on November 2nd. Hurricane "US Voters" has reached category 5 status.
Online headline: "Obama Warns of Progress Reversal if GOP Wins" -- Straight from the DIM/DUMBorat Donkey's mouth, words of encouragement to motivate more conservative voters to go to the polls on Tuesday!!!
While Ol' Roy's campaign to discredit Nathan Deal blasts away in every conceivable negative way, the reality is that Deal didn't leave Congress with bloated wealth, and Deal sacrificed for his children.
In yesterday's L-E "soundoff", one stated "Jesus was a liberal". You know that had to come from a modern day true liberal because he/she used Jesus with a past tense verb; Jesus lives today. Also, Jesus is a 'compassionate conservative'. He asks that we, as individuals, not some government entitlement program, tend to 'the least of us'.
While it's never fun to lose to Florida (with or without Spurrier), it was still the most exciting "Cocktail Bowl" game in a long time. Wait'll next year!
With the projected number of Congressional 'jobs' being 'lost' on Tuesday, bet the next Congress focuses on creating more jobs for unemployed voters.
The GA amendment wants to tax "certain vehicles" an extra $10.00 forever to funnel $80,000,000.00 annually into "trauma centers" -- "Certain vehicles"? Yeah, yours and mine. Think "Taxed Enough Already".
When you think about it, Ozzy Osbourne is the perfect spokesman for the DIM/DUMBorats....he drools out of both sides of his mouth.
One of the SEC's Bulldogs has already qualified as a bowl qualified. Go State Go!
L-E headline: "Tomlinson would bring vision, energy to mayor’s office " -- Yeah, since the voters overwhelmingly rejected her attempt to use TADs to waste tax dollars, Mother Teresa Obamalinson has her 'vision' focused on the Public Safety/Infrastructure LOST slush funds. Watch your wallet!
NPR's firing of Juan Williams sent a message all right. A direct message to the bulk of the mainstream media...toe the liberal DIM/DUMBorat Party line...or else!
Looking at the percentages of people's salaries in the L-E article on the Census information for the Columbus Metro area, the average teacher's salary (from another L-E article) is already higher than 62.85% of the area's their benefits!
Looking at the deteriorating Claflin School Building on 5th Avenue makes you wonder why the MCSD doesn't put these types of properties up for sale rather than keep them around as continued eyesores for the community. How can any visitor, heck, even lifetime residents, believe any 'boasting' of how good our school system is? Does the MCSD think having examples like this make the inuse school campuses look better by comparison?
The L-E's "Explore, Fall 2010". Now this is what makes a newspaper good for the community...this, and being a community watchdog on crime and politicians (in no certain order).

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