Thursday, October 7, 2010

Online headline/story: "Study: Neanderthals Didn't Always Act Like Cavemen * Using modern innovations, including neuro-imaging, researchers found that groups of the extinct species living in Europe as long as 500,000 years ago routinely cared for the least capable in their midst" -- Hmmm...wonder if "liberal Neanderthals" would have campaigned for "Save the Caveman" when they heard about 'extinction'?
There are several "basic wrongs" in our local elections this year: 1 - A sitting Mayor should not endorse any candidate for a local government election, 2 - a person who is employed by the local government should not be allowed to run for a Council seat where he/she would have direct influence over her salary & benefits, and 3 - educators, whether active or retired, should not be eligible to run for a School Board seat. The School Board needs input from those with business backgrounds to balance the wants and needs of the school system with the needs and wants of the taxpayers in general.
Online headline: "Democrats Try to Fire Up Stoner Vote" -- Ooops, my bad! Thought ACORN was back and signing up illegal alien Irani terrorist to vote.
Online headline: "Calif. Lawmakers Call for Foreclosure Investigation" -- Ooops, my bad. Thought California was legally tanking.... hmmm, probably is an idea in which its time has come. Maybe we can sell it back to Mexico, then fence it off from the rest of the states?????
When you think about it, VPOTUS Biden-Biden makes X-VPOTUS Quayle look and sound like a distinguished linguist.
Retired Senator Mondale (Remember: "Gritz and Fritz Give Me the SH--Z") really nailed potUS Imam-a when he said Imam-a should get rid of the 'idiot boards' (TelePrompters) because they cause a 'disconnect' with the voters. Fritz got that right, potUS Imam-a is totally disconnected from the voters...even those who elected him.
A fellow BCer's comment concerning potUS Imam-a's desire to push 'CHANGE', even when it's destructive summed up our nation's dilemma...initiating "CHANGE" to a wheel by making it square doesn't improve the wheel.
Online headline: "US Private Sector Cuts 39,000 Jobs" -- Want a real economic indicator or would you like to hear how Robert Gibbs spins it?
L-E headline/story: "Bishop denies steering funds for scholarships * Congressman says his wife had a role in selection process * “Let’s just say that the selections were made,” Bishop said. “She had a role in the selection process. And, you know, it was unfortunate that the process allowed the family members to be awarded scholarships.” -- Hollywood couldn't right a worse script! There were 7 scholarships awarded to his relatives, his aide, and the children of employees of his wife. If Bishop can say (with a straight face)
that he, like Sgt Schultz, 'don't know nothing', then he doesn't need to be representing anyone in Washington.
L-E's "Thought for Today": “If your contribution has been vital there will always be somebody to pick up where you left off, and that will be your claim to immortality.” — Walter Gropius, German-American architect (1883-1969). -- Well, obviously, no one wants to 'pick up' what the DIM/DUMBorats are leaving us with....
L-E headline: " Man who dismembered stepfather gets set free * Psychiatrist who declared man mentally ill now says it was just a drug problem" -- Sounds more like the Psychiatrist has a mental and drug problem!
L-E headline: "Scooter riders seek more parking space at UGA " -- DOH! Shouldn't 'scooters' need LESS space for parking?
ICE announced it had deported about 393,000 illegal alien criminals in the last year. What they didn't say is how many were back within days.
L-E headline: "Program to boost security at military bases " -- Like what... build a fence around them or send them 30 National Guardsmen?
L-E headline: "HBO documentary sheds light on Springsteen’s ‘Darkness’" -- Hmmm.. I think Springsteen has shed plenty of light on his own darkness by his political rantings of the past few years..

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