Sunday, October 24, 2010

Online headline: "American al-Qaida Spokesman Urges Attacks in US" -- Bet he probably sent a large donation to Vivian Schiller at NPR for firing Juan Williams, too.
A fellow BCer makes a good point concerning the inane lawsuit filed by the family of one of the persons who died in that crash of a 23 year old van: If they're going to sue the manufacturer, then they ought to sue the UAW!
If the IRS can revoke a churches tax exempt status because a pastor expresses political views, then IRS should revoke the tax exempt status of NPR for firing an analyst for expressing his views.
I believe in the "Freedom of Information Act", but what WikiLeaks is doing is larcenous and treasonous, and the owner should be shut down and jailed immediately.
Remember when potUS Imam-a chastised people for frivolously going to Las Vegas during these times? Now he's camping out in Nevada himself...hypocrite!
Fox News constant euphoria over a Republican tsunami may backfire by making voters think it's 'in the bag'. The 'tsunami' won't happen if conservative voters stay home on election day.
From L-E story: "According to a statement from S. Scott Voynich, a certified public accountant for Robinson Grimes and Company, under the new accounting, MidTown receives contributions that are used beyond one year. An individual may pledge a donation to MidTown Inc. in 2007, but not actually give any money to the organization until 2008 or 2009." -- Told you the accountant's 'smoke and mirror' explanation was just that. "Pledges" are just that, and often used to justify claims even though pledges are not even "dunable", nor "collectable", much less accountable until actually received.
From the "you've got to be kidding me" department - L-E "What To Do": "BODY PARTS: Based on books like “Sweet Farts” and “The Day My Butt Went Psycho,” the North Columbus Public Library presents Body Parts & Farts 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Monday." -- Of all the things a library can do to encourage our youth, this is not one of the things I deem "appropriate".
Another item from the "you've got to be kidding me, too" department - L-E headline: "Portland, Maine, weighs letting noncitizens vote * Legal residents would get say in local matters" -- How can any state, much less a city, do something that cheapens the citizenship status of an American in the other 49 (56 if you live in the White House) states!
From the "what thuh..." department: "MAYOR’S AGENDA * PROCLAMATION: Nation of Islam Muhammad Mosque No. 96 Day" -- Talk about the need for separation of church and state! Why not designate September 11 as "the date", too?
From the City Manager's agenda: "PURCHASE OF WETLAND/ STREAMBANK CREDITS -It is requested that council approve payment to Upatoi Creek Mitigation Bank or Kolomoki Bank, in the amount of $941,180 for the purchase of Wetland/ Streambank Credits. -- Is this anything like Algore's "Carbon Credits"?
Is just me, or do you see the obvious bias of the mainstream media concerning reporting of T.E.A. Party rallies and DIM/DUMBorat rallies? Much mention is made of signage at T.E.A. Party rallies that the media deems as racist, but doesn't seem to have to present the visual evidence nor confirmational evidence. On the other hand, DIM/DUMBorat rallies will have the visual signage of “Socialists,” “Ohio U Democratic Socialists,” “International Socialists Organization,” “Socialist Party USA,” “Build A Socialist Alternative” et al expressing support for socialism and communism in plain view, and marchers identified as AFL-CIO, Service Employees International Union, Al Sharpton and organizations such as the NAACP, the National Council of La Raza, Green for All, the Sierra Club, and the Children’s Defense Fund, and the mainstream media doesn't consider it newsworthy.
There is a story in the L-E about a 'rescued' cat which had a broken leg fixed with $2,300.00 worth of surgery, and a woman who collected $1,800.00 in donations in aid. If this is suppose to be a story about animal compassion, how come the veterinarian who performed the surgery doing so 'pro bono', and the money raised used for some displaced persons organization?
When Mother Teresa Obamalinson 'dissed' the Tax Assessors office headed by Lula Huff, where was Edward Dubose and the Ministerial Alliance 16? I don't recall seeing them protesting outside the L-E or at a Council Meeting.

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